3.4 How we are developing the plan

We are currently at an early stage in the development of the new Local Plan, which will be prepared in stages over about four years. The diagram below shows the outline timetable that was included in the adopted Greater Cambridge Local Development Scheme 2018 (as updated 2019)[6]. The Local Development Scheme is a document we are required to produce which sets out our plan making timetable. At each stage we will check that the process is moving forward positively towards a new Local Plan and, if necessary, we will adjust the timetable.

Figure 5 Timetable for the preparation of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan in current Local Development Scheme

fig5 p

3.4.1 Gathering the evidence

We are gathering the appropriate level of evidence to inform the preparation of the plan, as required by national policy. This will include further research on:

  • Housing and Economic Land Availability.
  • Housing types and specialist needs.
  • Employment Land Needs.
  • Retail and Leisure Needs.
  • Visitor Accommodation.
  • Responding to climate change and the transition to Net Zero Carbon.
  • Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Net Gain.
  • Green Belt.
  • Landscape.
  • Transport.
  • Infrastructure & Phasing of development.
  • Viability.
  • Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment.

We will publish this evidence as it is produced and as the Local Plan develops, so you will be able to read and comment on it.

3.4.2 Sustainability Appraisal

A key role of the planning system is to contribute to sustainable development. Each stage of plan making will be accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal. The aim of this process is to test the options and policies being considered by identifying potential positive and negative social, economic and environmental impacts, and highlighting opportunities to improve the plan.

At this stage we are consulting on a Scoping Report, which sets out our approach to the appraisal of the plan, and an initial Sustainability Appraisal of the Issues and Options identified in this consultation. You will be able to find these on our websites alongside the issues and options report. Comments on these documents are welcomed.

3.4.3 What happens next

The views expressed by individuals, communities, businesses, academic institutions and stakeholders during this consultation will help us develop and refine the options for further testing and then identify the preferred approach to the themes and areas for growth, and the draft plan itself.

All the comments received during the consultation will be analysed and a summary report produced and published on our websites. Further details of the next steps will also be published on our websites.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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