Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD

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Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD

Figure 44: Composite plan

Representation ID: 31297

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Emmanuel College

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Emmanuel College owns 26-30 Chesterton Road (Barclays Bank) show in figure 44 as an opportunity for new urban space and redevelopment. The College is generally supportive of the SPD and would request a meeting with officers to agree how the College can assist in improving the SPD and delivering Policy 21 as appropriate whilst protecting its interests.

Full text:

Emmanuel College owns 26-30 Chesterton Road (Barclays Bank) shown in figure 44 as 1) 'an opportunity for new urban space; 2) through redevelopment of Barclays Bank and a potential future opportunity for redevelopment' (with new indicative building frontages).
The College understands this opportunity is not allocated within the emerging local plan but if it were, a proposal would be considered by the LPA as a 'windfall site'. The College supports the purpose, scope, vision and strategic objectives of the SPD to seek to improve safe movement, improved facilities and a better sense of community around Mitcham's Corner.
However, the College (as a stakeholder) requests a meeting with officers to seek to ensure the College's interests are protected and, where appropriate, assist in improving the SPD and delivering Policy 21.

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