Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
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Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 34
Representation ID: 30625
Received: 03/02/2015
Respondent: RLW Estates
Agent: Boyer Planning
RLW Estates generally support the transport and movement principles. However we consider that specific reference should be made to the new station and other gateways to the site (such as Milton Road and the Jane Costen Bridge - both as a key element of the sustainable transport infrastructure serving the area, and in terms of its contribution to the role which CNFE should play in fulfilling the wider growth strategy for the Cambridge area.
These representations are made on behalf of RLW Estates, who, jointly with Defence Infrastructure Organisation and their appointed Development Managers Urban and Civic, are committed to securing delivery of a sustainable new settlement at Waterbeach as proposed within the Submitted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan.
Given the close physical relationship between Waterbeach new town and the Cambridge Northern Fringe East (CNFE) AAP area, which will be further enhanced by the direct rail connectivity offered by the new station facility, RLW Estates have a keen interest in ensuring that the development proceeds in an appropriate and complementary manner.
The following submissions focus on elements of greatest relevance in this regard, answering those questions dealing with the overall vision, objectives, scale and nature of development and transport matters.
RLW Estates generally support the transport and movement principles. However we consider that specific reference should be made to the new station and other gateways to the site (such as Milton Road and the Jane Costen Bridge - both as a key element of the sustainable transport infrastructure serving the area, and in terms of its contribution to the role which CNFE should play in fulfilling the wider growth strategy for the Cambridge area.
Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 35d
Representation ID: 30626
Received: 03/02/2015
Respondent: RLW Estates
Agent: Boyer Planning
It is plainly not possible to set a precise target at present given the uncertainty at this stage in the process as regards the mix of land uses in the scheme. However RLW Estates object to no mode share target being set as this would almost certainly undermine the transport and movement principles.
See attached document
Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 37c
Representation ID: 30627
Received: 03/02/2015
Respondent: RLW Estates
Agent: Boyer Planning
RLW Estates submits that the key priority as regards car parking is to ensure that it is provided to a standard and in a way which supports the overall strategy for CNFE. Therefore proper provision needs to be made both for appropriate car parking, but also for public realm befitting of one of the main entrances to CNFE. In determining how car parking can best be integrated into the setting of the proposed new rail/bus interchange primary regard should be given to the quality of the bus/rail interchange for passengers and also for cycle parking, for which proper provision should be made so that lack of cycle parking does not constrain future use of the railway and guided bus to/from the CNFE.
See attached document
Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 40
Representation ID: 30628
Received: 03/02/2015
Respondent: RLW Estates
Agent: Boyer Planning
As stated in response to previous questions RLW Estates considers that the strategy must focus on the connectivity which CNFE affords for slow modes with key destinations lying to the south and north. These routes are important both for accessibility to CNFE itself and as part of the wider corridor, including the link between Waterbeach new town (via Jane Coston Bridge) and the city centre. Notwithstanding the above linkage, when considering redevelopment options, RLW Estates consider that the opportunity for linking the Chisholm Trail northwards through CNFE to the Milton Country Park via the rail corridor should also be taken.
See attached document