Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
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Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
Representation ID: 200595
Received: 10/02/2025
Respondent: Cambridge Past, Present and Future
We welcome the recognition which the Plan gives Wandlebury Country Park and the contribution the Park makes to the landscape, biodiversity, and accessible natural green space of the Neighbourhood Plan Area.
Policy S&GS 9: Protecting and enhancing biodiversity and nature networks in Stapleford and Great Shelford
We support the reference to the Cambridge Nature Network and the inclusion of Appendix 5.
S&GS 12 on protecting landscape character and S&GS 13 on Important Views
The work of Cambridge PPF includes protecting and enhancing the green setting of Cambridge and we therefore support these policies.
We welcome the recognition which the Plan gives Wandlebury Country Park and the contribution the Park makes to the landscape, biodiversity, and accessible natural green space of the Neighbourhood Plan Area.
Policy S&GS 9: Protecting and enhancing biodiversity and nature networks in Stapleford and Great Shelford
We support the reference to the Cambridge Nature Network and the inclusion of Appendix 5.
S&GS 12 on protecting landscape character and S&GS 13 on Important Views
The work of Cambridge PPF includes protecting and enhancing the green setting of Cambridge and we therefore support these policies.
Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
Representation ID: 200596
Received: 10/02/2025
Respondent: Cambridge Past, Present and Future
We request that the supporting text to Policy S&GS17 refers to developers making a financial contribution through a S106 Agreement, towards the improvement and expansion of natural green space on the Gog Magog Hills, and for the policy to refer, not only to informal open space, but natural green space, as a local priority.
Policy S&GS 17 on delivering community infrastructure alongside new development.
The only reference in this policy to natural green space is to improve access to areas such as Magog Down and Wandlebury Country Park.
It can be expected that residents of any new development will look to the Gog Magog hills (Wandlebury Country Park and Magog Down) to access nature for recreational and health and wellbeing purposes. Development should therefore be required to contribute towards the enhancement of existing, and provision of new green infrastructure on the Gog Magog Hills. This is not unprecedented as S106 monies have successfully been secured from developments in Queen Ediths Ward and Sawston.
We therefore request that the supporting text to Policy S&GS17 refers to developers making a financial contribution through a S106 Agreement, towards the improvement and expansion of natural green space on the Gog Magog Hills, and for the policy to refer, not only to informal open space, but natural green space, as a local priority.
It would be helpful if the Neighbourhood Plan made reference to the Greater Cambridge Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document