Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
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Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
Representation ID: 200609
Received: 12/02/2025
Respondent: Swifts Local Network: Swifts & Planning Group
Paragraph 7.61 and Policy S&GS 10 item 5 are welcome but please amend for clarity as per my detailed comments.
Paragraph 7.61, and Policy S&GS 10 item 5, reference swift bricks which is welcome but I find them unclear at present.
Currently: Item 5 clearly refers to all developments; however, 7.61 refers to "development types otherwise exempt from BNG" which I find unclear.
Amendment requested to 7.61: To match item 5, please amend 7.61 to "...development types including those exempt from BNG."
Currently: Item 5 states "...through the provision of integrated bird boxes, swift bricks, bat boxes..."
This is unclear because swift bricks ARE integrated bird boxes, and as universal nest bricks they are the only type compliant with BS 42021 Integral Bird Boxes, and the only type in national planning guidance (NPPG 2019 Natural Environment paragraph 023), and also swifts are the only bird mentioned in NPPF December 2024, so swift bricks should be prioritised.
Amendment requested to item 5: For clarity, please amend item 5 to "...integrated bird boxes such as swift bricks, bat boxes, ..."
Currently: Given swift bricks priority status in planning guidance as set out above, we would also like 7.61 to be more strongly worded, amended from "Where swift bricks are installed, this should be...".
Amendment requested to 7.61: "Swift bricks should be...".
Many thanks.