Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
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Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 1-3
Representation ID: 168167
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Suggested amendments to the Plan to include equestrians
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 4 Vision and Priorities
Representation ID: 168168
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Suggested amendments to the Plan to include equestrians
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 5 POLICIES / Essential Character Policies HIM01-05
Representation ID: 168169
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Suggested amendment to para 5.7 of the Plan to include horse riding.
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 5 POLICIES / Successful Economy Policies HIM06 - 09
Representation ID: 168170
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Policy HIM09 Vision Park
Suggested revised wording to policy to read ' Cyclists to and from the bridleway alongside the Guided Busway'. It is not a cycleway but a bridleway which is a non motorised user path
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 5 POLICIES / Vibrant Community Policies HIM10 - 14
Representation ID: 168171
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Suggested amendments to the Plan to include equestrians
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 5 POLICIES / Getting around Policy HIM15 / Safe, secure and successful Policies HIM16-17
Representation ID: 168172
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Policy HIM15 Walking and Cycling Routes + Maps 20 and 21
Policy should include consideration of horse riding /horse riders.
Supporting text should mention needs of horse riders.
Map included with submission showing where horses are stable locally and wish list of routes for horse riders on Map 20 and 21 of Neighbourhood Plan
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 5 POLICIES / Housing for all Policies HIM18-19
Representation ID: 168173
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Policy HIM19 Station Site
Need for consideration of these routes for horse riders not just footpath/cyclepath.
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 6 - 9
Representation ID: 168174
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
Suggested amendments to the Plan to include equestrians
Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
Chapter 1-3
Representation ID: 168175
Received: 29/07/2019
Respondent: British Horse Society
On behalf of the British Horse Society, I fully support the comments contained in the response made by Lesley Golding of Barton and District Bridleways Group.
(Representation nos. 68167 - 68174)
Please will you ensure that the needs of equestrians (both riders and carriage drivers) are included in the final Histon and Impington NP.