Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

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Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019

2. Site Context

Representation ID: 168222

Received: 26/07/2019

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:


1. For A1307, read A1303

2. In line with the Government's Road Investment Strategy, Highways England are developing plans to dual the section of A428 between Black Cat and Caxton Gibbet. Because of its size, it is categorised as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and accordingly the scheme will be submitted for planning consent to the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport. Before a Development Consent Order is submitted, the local community and other stakeholders must be formally consulted on the proposals for the scheme and the likely significant environmental. This consultation is taking place in summer 2019.

3. 'The SPD does not explore a direct, grade access to the A428 from the new village as no strategic case for this requirement has been made'

Highways England supports this position. The case for providing a direct access onto the Strategic Road Network is based on policy, need and deliverability. Policy is set out in DfT Circular 02/2013 The Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development.

The policy states proposals for the creation of new junctions or direct means of access may be identified and developed at the plan-making stage in circumstances where it can be established that such new infrastructure is essential for the delivery of strategic planned growth.

Policy also requires consideration of the standard of road. For motorways and routes of near motorway standard development access is limited to the use of existing junctions with all-purpose roads. Modifications to existing junctions will be agreed where these do not have an adverse impact on traffic flows and safety. In line with the standards contained in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, for safety and operational reasons, direct connections to slip roads and/or connector roads will not be permitted. For other roads there is a graduated approach.

The A428 is part of the Cambridge to Oxford expressway which has a high status, and therefore in line with policy there is a presumption against a new junction at this location. This position needs to be balanced with strategic need, and whilst within the context of the local plan, Bourn Airfield New Village can be considered as a strategic site, its wider strategic importance is more limited. Consequently, the case for a new junction is not made.

In parallel to the development of the SPD, developers have submitted an outline planning application for residential and associated development for the site. Highways England as reviewed the transport modelling submitted in support of the development proposals and is broadly content with its findings which indicate that from a capacity perspective, subject to some modification, the local road network has sufficient capacity to accommodate the forecast impact from the development. Given that the local road connects with the A428 both east and west of the site, the evidence shows on capacity grounds there is no need for direct access with the A428.

On a final consideration, in line with current design standards, Highways England considers it is marginal that there is sufficient room for a new junction between the existing A428 junctions. Even if it were feasible, where junctions are spaced too closely it creates unnecessary weaving with traffic changing lanes raising greater safety risks and increased congestion, which reduces overall capacity.

In conclusion, the case for a new junction is not made, and so Highways England supports the position set out in the SPD.

4. Highways England welcomes the emphasis placed in the SPD to provide a well connected community with policies to encourage modal shift and take up of public transport. Highlighting the opportunities for strategic walking and cycling connections and connections with the proposed Cambourne to Cambridge High Quality public corridor will help to contribute to ensuring that the Strategic Road Network has sufficient capacity to provide for longer distance movements and connectivity from this and other communities along the corridor.


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