BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity

Showing comments and forms 61 to 83 of 83


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59725

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

We welcome and support the Council’s policy direction on this. It should be clear that BNG is in addition to the standard requirements of the mitigation hierarchy i.e. avoid harm where possible, mitigate for the effects or compensate (paragraph 180 of NPPF). We recommend that local authorities adopt a natural capital evidence approach to underpin their local plan.

Wider environmental net gains is also identified as a potential policy requirement which we support, and pending further guidance from a national level. We recommend that geodiversity is also considered.

We recommend ambitious maintenance requirements to protect and ensure longevity of net gain enhancements. .

We welcome the GI initiatives so far identified within the GC Green Infrastructure Mapping which include revitalising the chalk stream network, the River Cam corridor and enhancement of the fens. This work can also help to inform a future Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

We recommend this policy also acknowledge the significance of invasive non-native species.

Full text:

Compendium of Environment Agency Comments

Vision and aims
The vision on page 20 is positive bringing to the forefront decreasing climate impacts, minimising carbon emissions, increasing nature, wildlife and green spaces. Reflecting on the paragraph on page 18, you outline the aim for the Local Plan is simple: to ensure sustainable development. This means planning for homes, jobs and supporting infrastructure in the right places, alongside protecting and enhancing the environment. We recommend the vision reflects this objective of ‘sustainable development.’ For example, we suggest the following revision as follows: New development must be sustainable: minimise carbon emissions and reliance on the private car; create thriving neighbourhoods with the variety of jobs and homes we need; increase nature, wildlife and green spaces; and safeguard our unique heritage and landscapes. This will align closely to the aims of the NPPF (paragraphs 7 and 8) and also demonstrate the importance of this for Greater Cambridge given the unique challenges and opportunities the area faces.

We support the references within the aims to highest achievable standard for water use and resilient to current and future climate risks. The biodiversity and green spaces aim is also positive in its focus on improving the network of habitats and ensuring development leaves the natural environment better than it was before. All these aims will help GC achieve the stated vision and it’s important that the interrelationship and interdependencies between these aims are recognised. Recognising the interdependencies will strengthen and ultimately achieve better outcomes for GC. One example is the ecological health and water quality of rivers and water dependant habitats (e.g. wetlands) is also dependent on the availability of water in addition to the contribution developments will make in creating and enhancing habitats and green space. Healthier rivers and water dependant habitats will in turn restore nature, improve the health and wellbeing of communities and have economic benefits. Serving the environment in tandem with growing communities is mutually beneficial and secures long-term resilience. This also reflects the paragraph 153 of the NPPF: ‘plans should take a proactive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change, taking into account the long-term implications for flood risk, coastal change, water supply, biodiversity and landscapes’ etc.

S/DS Development Strategy
We welcome the section on ‘Ensuring a deliverable plan – water supply’ on pages 41 and 42, which recognises this as a significant issue for the Local Plan. We remain genuinely concerned about whether the growth proposed (48,800 new homes inclusive of 10% buffer and 37,200 from previous plans) can be sustainable without causing further deterioration to the water environment. We understand the regional and water company water resource planning is still ongoing and the next version of the IWMS Detailed WCS will be updated as these plans come to fruition. We offer our support to work collaboratively with all the parties involved.

Current levels of abstraction (not just in Cambridge) are causing environmental effects. Increase in usage within existing licenced volumes will increase the pressure on a system that is already failing some environmental targets. The Anglian River Basin Management Plan shows many waterbodies do not have the flow required to support the ecology. Abstraction licencing reductions are likely to reduce the supplies available to water companies in our efforts to prevent deterioration of the water environment. As the plan and evidence base progresses it will need to be clearly demonstrated that the water companies plans can meet the needs of growth without causing deterioration.

As a best case scenario the strategic water infrastructure (new Fenland reservoir) would be available from the mid-2030s and its foreseeable this could be later i.e. the 2040s. It is the short to medium term period coinciding with the majority of the plan period for which rapid and viable interim solutions are needed. There is currently uncertainty about whether water supplies can be provided (both supply and demand management) in a way that is both sustainable and sufficient for the proposed growth over the plan period.

We support the idea of development limited to levels that can be supported by a sustainable water supply (phased delivery) until the time the strategic infrastructure is in place, though we are mindful this may lead to heavily back loaded delivery. If the Council approaches neighbouring local planning authorities as you already recognise it is likely they will have similar issues, though some may have more options for interim solutions. This highlights the importance of cooperating across planning boundaries and growth plans being considered in the context of the combined pressure on water supplies at a regional scale. As previously mentioned, 2050 may be a more appropriate end date for the plan period given the challenges being faced which in reality require a longer lead in time to support development, e.g. strategic water resources infrastructure, climate change resilience, etc. This would also align with paragraph 153 of the NPPF ‘plans should take a proactive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change, taking into account the long-term implications for flood risk, coastal change, water supply, biodiversity and landscapes’ etc.

Integrated Water Management Study – Outline Water Cycle Strategy
The WCS will rely on further evidence coming forward from both regional and water company water resource plans. The WCS will need to demonstrate that feasible and deliverable mitigation measures are available for the interim period until new strategic water resources options will come online.

As noted, the WCS will need to base its assessment on the forthcoming water resource plans (WRMP24) rather than the existing, as this will have a more accurate picture of the water resources situation taking into account abstraction licence reductions. Both Cambridge Water and Anglian Water are likely to require further sustainability reductions in PR24. This could mean some or all of the current water surplus’s (available headroom) are no longer available for transfer.

The reliance on demand management options is currently high-level. These will require assessment of feasibility, effectiveness and how implementation will be monitored and measured corrected if they are not working.

In facing what is collectively a significant challenge we offer our support to work collaboratively with the interested parties ahead (and beyond) the next consultation in 2022.

S/NEC: North East Cambridge
We note the intention of the policy is to set out the place-making vision and a robust planning framework for the comprehensive development of this site. There are both environmental risks and opportunities to developing this site sustainably. Ensuring sustainable water supplies, improving water quality and the effective remediation of land contamination will be key considerations in achieving this. The proposed policy direction anticipates the site (once developed in full, which will extend beyond the Local Plan period of 2041) will deliver 8,350 new homes. The IWMS Detailed WCS will need to provide evidence the new homes (and employment) can be sustainably supplied with water in time for the development phases.

The existing site at Fen Road, Chesterton continues to be a source of ongoing local water quality and environmental health problems due to inadequate foul drainage provision. There have been a number of reports of foul sewage from the site discharging into the River Cam, causing chronic on-going pollution. The relocation of the existing Milton sewage works and extensive redevelopment of North East Cambridge presents the opportunity to incorporate mains drainage connection into the Fen Road site.

Policy S/NS: Existing new settlements
With regard to the existing allocations NS/3 and SS/5 Northstowe, we are investigating flood risk management options to reduce the risk of flooding in Oakington. This will take account of measures looking to attenuate water upstream (on the upper reaches of Oakington Brook and as part of the Northstowe development), potential channel modifications and natural flood management. We note that early phases of Northstowe are under construction. We recommend the emerging policies include this as an opportunity both in terms of delivering flood risk management measures or securing financial contributions towards this project.

CC/WE: Water efficiency in new developments
We support stringent water efficiency in water stressed areas. We recommend reviewing the document The State of the Environment: Water Resources (2018) prepared by the Environment Agency. This document outlines the challenges we now face summarised as follows. Water supply (resource) is under increasing pressure from population growth, land use change, and climate change (including hotter weather increasing evaporation, less rainfall in summer, and intense rainfall events not recharging aquifers efficiently). Without increasing our supply, reducing demand, and cutting down on wastage many areas will face significant deficits by 2050, if not sooner. If not addressed this represents an immediate and measurable blocker to future growth. We need to consider development in the context of available water resources, balancing economic growth with protecting and enhancing the water environment. We will need to ensure that there is enough water for both people and the environment, that water is used efficiently, that water is protected as a precious resource, and that wastewater is treated efficiently to cut associated carbon emissions.

We agree the evidence of the water resources situation in Greater Cambridge justifies the tighter standard of 80 litres/person/day for housing. The risk of this standard not being met is an increase in abstraction risking deterioration of associated water bodies. As page 150 recognises (with reference to the Deregulation Act 2015) GC Council will need to be satisfied that this standard can be legally and practically implemented in the context of current legislation (Water Industry and Development Industry), national policy and building regulations. This affects the practical implementation of this policy. It would need to be determined the evidence/metric applicants would be expected to submit to demonstrate this standard has been achieved. It would also need to be evidenced how the policy standards would be implemented, and how this would be monitored to ensure the policy is effective.

A positive standard is proposed for non-residential development, which we support. Water neutrality should also be explored, noting the references made to water reuse and offsetting.

The Integrated Water Management Study (IWMS) states that 80 litres/person/day is achievable by making full use of water efficient fixtures and fittings, and also water re-use measures on site including surface water and rainwater harvesting, and grey water recycling. It comments that the cost effectiveness improves with the scale of the project, and that a site-wide system is preferable to smaller installations.

Currently the policy direction has a caveat of ‘unless demonstrated impracticable.’ This should be explored further in the WCS so the Council has clear guidance on the circumstances where achieving this standard would be impracticable. This will help ensure planning applications can be fairly and reasonably assessed. This will also help ensure the overall goal of the policy is not weakened or undermined. Similarly this evidence needs to be drawn out for the non-residential standard. The WCS should also set out the backstop position should the standard of 80 litres/person/day be practicably unachievable.

Although we support water efficiency measures in new development, we consider that the plan is currently unlikely to achieve the kinds of reductions in demand needed to keep the proposed levels of growth within sustainable levels. As noted with policy S/DS, the evidence base (IWMS Detailed WCS) will need to demonstrate how the water companies’ plans can meet the needs of growth without causing unsustainable abstraction and associated deterioration. We offer our support to work on this collaboratively with the interested parties both ahead of the next consultation in 2022 and beyond.

Page 150 references the Shared regional principles for protecting, restoring and enhancing the environment in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. We recommend this is also considered and referenced elsewhere in the plan with regards to net zero, net gain, tree cover and strategic resource infrastructure provision.

CC/DC: Designing for a changing climate
The proposed policy intends to set out how the design of developments should take account of our changing climate, for example, extreme weather events including flash flooding. We welcome the reference (p. 152/153) to site wide approaches to reduce climate risks, including sustainable drainage systems as part of landscape design, urban greening, increased tree canopy cover and integrating green spaces into new developments. In the context of flooding and climate change it would also be appropriate to reference flood resistance and resilience measures (see PPG: and-coastal-change#Flood-resilience-and-flood-resistance). Site wide approaches should also include adaptive measures such as setting a development away from a river so it is easier to improve flood defences in the future. In addition, making space for water to flood and be stored will be critical to long term adaptation. Planning to avoid future flood risk is as much about creating storage or contributing to nature based flood risk reduction measures (e.g. creating wetland habitats) as it is avoiding flooding to new properties.

In shaping this policy, we recommend GC Council also consider the ADEPT local authority guidance on preparing for a changing climate (2019) and the new TCPA The Climate Crisis, A Guide for Local Authorities on Planning for Climate Change (October 2021).

The Fens Baseline Report (available at indicates that rising sea levels to 2115 will mean water will not drain by gravity to the sea, requiring the pumping of vast quantities of water. The carbon and engineering implications of this are significant but not yet calculated. There is a compelling case for surface water to infiltrate into permeable ground ensuring that water resources are not depleted of water. In areas of less permeable geology, net gains in surface water attenuation and re-use of the water as ‘green water’ in homes, businesses or agriculture has been considered through this study.

CC/FM: Flooding and integrated water management
We welcome the inclusion of Policy CC/FM. We agree a policy that responds to the local water management issues is needed. As climate change will intensify the existing pressures on water availability, water quality, drainage and flood risk an integrated approach to water management will be essential. As stated this should include a robust approach to drainage and water management. The proposed policy direction is a good starting point but given the water challenges (our comments to Policy S/DS) it should strive to secure both mitigation and betterment through growth.

The local policy approach should be informed by the IWMS Water Cycle Studies, the Level 1 SFRA and other relevant strategies. We would expect to see the policy content evolve with the following considerations:

1) Though the policy direction indicates that policies will require that the risk of flooding is not increased elsewhere, it should seek to secure betterment and reduce flood risk overall, wherever possible, as part of GC’s strategy to adapt to climate change. This aligns with our previous comment that making space for water to flood and be stored will be critical to long-term adaptation. Floodplain storage, natural flood management and surface water attenuation are all measures that will contribute. Protection of potential flood storage land (including functional floodplain/Flood Zone 3b) and financial contributions towards flood risk schemes could also benefit communities at risk of flooding are also much needed options. Although many sites are located in Flood Zone 1 (low probability of flooding from rivers) there are also many sites located on the fringes of Flood Zones 2 and 3 meaning these are at risk of reducing (potentially eliminating) future flood storage options for adapting to climate change. In the background, urban creep and small infill developments which do not attenuate for surface water impact drainage systems and watercourses downstream. In planning to manage future flood risk in GC, creating extra storage to allow space for flood waters is a vital element of that plan.

2) We expect the policy to include provision for water supply and waste water infrastructure, ensuring water quality and treating and re-using waste water. We recommend that the provisions of Policy CC/7, ‘Water Quality’, of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018 are considered and brought forward into the Greater Cambridge Local Plan. Site policies may also need to include specific infrastructure requirements. These should become apparent, and be informed by, assessments carried out in the IWMS Detailed Water Cycle Study.

3) There needs to be a policy approach that recognises a clear integration encompassing water resources, water quality, flood risk and recognising the role of green infrastructure. Although the value of green infrastructure and river corridors is recognised in policy BG/GI and BG/RC, it is worthwhile including it as part of the integrated water management policy. The Greater Cambridge Green Infrastructure Opportunity Mapping Study touches upon this relationship under the Water Storage bullet as follows: Our rivers are a source of flood risk. Restoration of natural flood plains where practicable and provision of green infrastructure can help reduce flood risk along the rivers itself and beyond. Wet woodland will self set and grow where conditions are right and management allows. Providing the right conditions for trees to grow in appropriate locations in river corridors can support flood risk mitigation and biodiversity.

Integrated Water Management Study – Outline Water Cycle Strategy (WCS)
For water quality we welcome that the Outline WCS has been amended based on our previous feedback. However a number of issues raised remain unresolved which we can expand upon in a more detailed response to the Council’s consultants. Some of the information presented does not represent the proper ‘baseline’ for subsequent assessments and the extent of the challenge of delivering the quantum of growth proposed in the Local Plan. For example, 2019 WFD classification data is presented but waterbody objectives are from 2015, also the information in chapter 6 does not take account of river quality improvements delivered by AMP6 or AMP7 schemes. The identified assessment methods need to be sufficiently robust, and potential mitigation actions will need to be shown to be viable. The Detailed WCS will need to provide evidence to demonstrate the delivery of foul drainage provision can be provided whilst protecting water quality of rivers.

Climate change topic paper (IWMS Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment)
We have reviewed the Level 1 SFRA. The majority of sites are in fluvial Flood Zone 1 with a proportion of sites with partial Flood Zone 2 and 3 either within the site boundaries or close to boundaries. Surface water flood risk also affect most of the sites to a limited or greater extent. Flood risk and climate change adaptation is an important consideration of the Local Plan in view of the predicted impacts of climate change on flood risk. Page 39 of the Climate Change Topic Paper states that the Level 1 SFRA (2021) has been used to support the selection of development sites through the application of the Sequential Test. This statement within the topic paper is helpful, however, it does need to be more obviously demonstrated how the Sequential Test and sequential approach to all forms of flooding has been applied. The Planning Practice Guidance advises a number of options for this including a standalone report, Sustainability Appraisal commentary, etc. This will need to be produced in time for the next draft plan consultation so it is clear how the test has been applied and demonstrated.

Page 42 explains that where necessary a Level 2 SFRA of sites in the draft plan will be carried out to ensure that designs and capacity fully reflect management of flood issues. We think that a Level 2 SFRA is necessary particularly for those sites located on the fringes of Flood Zones 2 and 3, or partially within those zones. In predominantly flat or fenland areas, breaches in flood defences can cause flooding in Flood Zone 1 due to the concentration of floodwater in one part of the floodplain, for example, the Waterbeach New Town allocation. Some sites have unmapped ordinary watercourses running alongside or through them and often these have not been modelled as part of the indicative flood map due to their limited upstream catchment size. As such there is some uncertainty over the level of flood risk to the site, with the potential that fluvial flood risk may be greater than the Flood Map for Planning. These sites will 7 require further investigation to better refine the flood extents (including climate change) preferably by flood risk modelling or utilising the Flood Map for Surface Water (FMfSW). For some sites, fluvial climate change assessment is required as this is not modelled.

A Level 2 SFRA could also identify suitable land or techniques that could be used for flood storage to adapt to climate change and urban creep. Even if these cannot be brought forward at this stage in the plan, these could be protected for future plans or for infrastructure to bring forward at the appropriate time. The LLFA may also have areas of surface water flooding to be further investigated. The Level 2 will help determine whether the site can be developed safely, mitigation measures required, sequential approach and applying the Exceptions Test (NPPF paragraph 164). The Level 2 SFRA should inform the site specific polices within the plan that will form the planning framework for the sites. We can provide a separate list of the sites we think would require L2 SFRA assessment if helpful.

BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity
This policy will control biodiversity impacts from development and set out Biodiversity Net Gain requirements (aiming for 20% BNG). We welcome and support the Council’s policy direction on this. It should be clear that BNG is in addition to the standard requirements of the mitigation hierarchy i.e. avoid harm where possible, mitigate for the effects or compensate (paragraph 180 of NPPF). We recommend that local authorities adopt a natural capital evidence approach to underpin their local plan. This is mentioned briefly in the evidence base within the green spaces topic paper. Information can be found here. Natural Cambridgeshire have done some work in this area, looking at opportunity mapping. Also, the recent Oxfordshire Plan 2050 (Reg 18) had some good natural capital and ecosystem services wording (policy option 09) that we recommend you consider. Preparation of a natural capital evidence base and policy is something we (and likely Natural England) could advise on in advance of the next consultation stage.

Wider environmental net gains is also identified as a potential policy requirement which we support, and pending further guidance from a national level. We recommend that geodiversity is also considered.

We recommend ambitious maintenance requirements to protect and ensure longevity of net gain enhancements. The Environment Bill mandates 30 years but ‘in perpetuity’ should be aimed for where possible.

The proposed policy direction includes that off-site measures must be consistent with the strategic aims of the Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network strategic initiatives. We welcome the GI initiatives so far identified within the GC Green Infrastructure Mapping which include revitalising the chalk stream network, the River Cam corridor and enhancement of the fens.

This work can also help to inform a future Local Nature Recovery Strategy in identifying valuable sites, sustainable land management and how the loss and/or fragmentation of existing habitats should be avoided as much as possible. The creation of bigger, better and joined-up habitats will be beneficial to wildlife, contributing towards the local plan’s objective of doubling nature. The creation of large networks will also support ecological resilience to predicted future impacts from climate change and are likely to overlap with net gains in flood risk management.

We recommend this policy also acknowledge the significance of invasive non-native species (INNS) and their impacts on wildlife and the environment. INNS are considered one of the top five threats to the natural environment. They can impact on wildlife, flood risk, water quality and recreation. Costs to the economy are estimated at £1.8 billion per year. Prevention through adopting biosecurity measures can help to reduce the spread and impacts of INNS.

BG/GI: Green infrastructure
We support the policy direction which will require all development to include green infrastructure, and protect/enhance water environments. We welcome the list of green infrastructure initiatives on page 8 173/174 which includes revitalising the chalk stream network and references the River Cam. It’s positive that developments will be expected to help deliver or contribute towards these to enhance the existing green infrastructure network.

In addition, we consider ‘connectivity’ as a key component of this policy. As noted in the Sustainability Appraisal (Non-Technical Summary p. 15) fragmentation and erosion of habitats can be detrimental to wildlife. Existing and new habitats and greenspaces should be retained and enhanced, in connection with existing habitats and the wider countryside, establishing a coherent ecological network, as per the NPPF. We support the references to ‘providing links’ and connecting to the wider ecological network as part of this policy, as this will be invaluable to both green infrastructure provision and nature recovery.

Existing areas of habitat and green spaces within proposed development footprints should be protected and incorporated within landscape designs where possible. As well as protecting existing areas of habitat, mitigation and environmental enhancements can be delivered through appropriate design that includes creation of new habitats and green spaces. New habitats should be representative of and complement the local landscape character, whilst being linked to existing features and the wider countryside, creating joined-up, resilient ecological networks

BG/RC: River corridors
We support the inclusion of a policy to manage development that has an impact on river corridors and proposes to protect, enhance and restore natural features, supporting re-naturalisation. This is particularly important for Cambridge due to the presence of chalk streams and the role rivers and their associated floodplains play in managing flood risk and provision of habitats. The proposed policy direction includes ‘ensure that the location, scale and design of development, protects and enhances the character’ and we recommend this includes the provision of appropriate setback of developments from rivers to provide sufficient space for flood waters as well as safeguarding the integrity of the river banks and the development itself. Rivers unless they have been artificially straightened move through their landscapes through natural processes of erosion and deposition. Although river migration occurs over long time periods, developments should be set back generously to account for this alongside climate change. Natural flood management also has the potential to deliver multiple benefits. Tall buildings can have an adverse effect if located too close to a watercourse by introducing overshadowing impacts and artificial lighting which disrupts natural diurnal rhythms of wildlife such as bats.

Wellbeing and inclusion – general comments
We recommend reviewing the document The State of the Environment: Health, People and the Environment (2020).This report, prepared by the Environment Agency, highlights the substantial body of evidence indicating the physical and mental health benefits of spending time in the natural environment. Access to the natural environment is not equally distributed, those living in deprived areas often have poorer quality environments with less accessible green and blue space. The GC Local Plan presents an opportunity to level-up communities, tackling this green inequality at scale and improving the health and wellbeing of those living and working in the GC area, by creating and contributing to healthier, greener, and more accessible environments. This must, however, be achieved in balance with the need to protect the environment, by providing appropriate wildlife refuges from human disruption and interference.

WS/HS: Pollution, health and safety
We would welcome a policy that details how land contamination should be considered, ensuring the land is suitable for the end use but also ensuring that water quality of the underlying aquifers is protected.

There are some plans and strategies that will be relevant to inform this policy. In 2018 the Government committed through the 25 Year Environment Plan to ‘achieve clean air’ and to ‘minimise waste, reuse materials as much as we can and manage materials at the end of their life to minimise the impact on the environment’. The State of the Environment: Health, People and the Environment (2020) highlights the extent of the threat that air quality poses to health in the UK, shortening tens of thousands of lives each year. Analysis also shows that areas of higher deprivation and those with high proportions of ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by high levels of air pollution. Growth plans provide the opportunity to address these inequalities by improving the quality of the environment and strategically planning the location of land use types.

We welcome that the policy will provide protection to and from hazardous installations. However, Waste management facilities also have the potential to pollute the environment, cause nuisance or amenity issues through dust and particulate emissions to air, release to ground and surface water, and to leave a legacy of contaminated land. Studies have found that more deprived populations are more likely to be living closer to waste sites, and can therefore at times be subject to greater impacts such as noise, litter, dust, odours, or increased vehicular traffic. Strategic planning of waste and resource use provides the opportunity to address this issue.

H/RC: Residential caravans
This policy will set out the criteria to be used when considering proposals for new residential caravan sites. Annex C ‘Flood risk vulnerability classification’ of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) classifies caravans, mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent residential use as highly vulnerable. Permanent caravans, mobile homes and park homes if located adjacent to rivers are at significant risk from being inundated very quickly from floodwaters, without sufficient warning or adequate means of escape. There are additional dangers from the potential for floating caravans (if they become untethered), cars and objects/debris becoming trapped beneath the caravans will increase the risk by displacing floodwater elsewhere.

Page 295 states that an accommodation needs assessment is currently being developed. The Sequential Test (paragraph 161 of the NPPF) should also be applied to the accommodation needs assessment to avoid where possible locating accommodation sites in areas at risk of flooding. This should be informed by the Level 1 and where necessary a Level 2 SFRA. We recommend given the high vulnerability of this type of accommodation that flood risk is a key consideration within the policy criteria.

H/GT: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People sites
The proposed policy direction includes ‘Sites are capable of providing an appropriate environment for residents in terms of health, safety and living conditions.’ Similar to our comments to Policy H/GT above, Annex C ‘Flood risk vulnerability classification’ of the NPPF classifies ‘caravans, mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent residential use’ as highly vulnerable. Sites used for holiday or short let caravans and camping (subject to a specific warning and evacuation plan) are classified as more vulnerable. We recommend given the higher vulnerability of this type of accommodation that flood risk is a key consideration within the policy criteria.

Page 298 states that a joint accommodation needs assessment is currently being developed. The Sequential Test (paragraph 161 of the NPPF) should also be applied to the accommodation needs assessment to avoid where possible locating accommodation sites in areas at risk of flooding. This should be informed by the Level 1 and where necessary a Level 2 SFRA.

The existing site at Fen Road continues to be a source of ongoing local water quality and environmental health problems due to inadequate foul drainage provision. There have been a number of reports of foul sewage from the site discharging into the River Cam, causing chronic on-going pollution. Water quality and ensuring appropriate drainage infrastructure is also an important consideration for these sites, both in terms of protecting the environment and safeguarding the health of the site occupiers. Policy H/23 ‘Design of Gypsy and Traveller Sites and Travelling Showpeople Sites’ in the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018 provides an example of this, with the following wording: d. All necessary utilities can be provided on the site including mains water, electricity supply, drainage, sanitation and provision for the screened storage and collection of refuse, including recyclable materials;” Policy H/GT should include provision for mains foul drainage and protection of water quality as part of the policy criteria.

Infrastructure – general comments
Infrastructure and connectivity improvements, must be achieved in balance with the need to protect natural spaces, providing both accessibility and retaining restricted access refuges for wildlife. There is the opportunity to achieve both if, for example, cycle and pedestrian networks are considered strategically and systematically alongside green infrastructure and natural capital networks. A holistic approach to connectivity and infrastructure should be adopted, considering the multifunctional possibilities that provision of new transport and utilities infrastructure provide. For example, by integrating new road or rail schemes with flood resilience measures, energy generation, and green infrastructure enhancements.

I/SI: Safeguarding important infrastructure
We welcome the intention to work with infrastructure providers to consider whether planned strategic infrastructure or future land should be safeguarded. This should also include land for flood storage and flood risk infrastructure which is likely to include river corridors. Managing flood risk both now and in the future will require the plan taking a pro-active approach taking into account climate change. Your SFRA evidence base can inform this identification for safeguarding. The functional floodplain (Flood Zone 3b) is a zone comprising land where water has to flow or be stored in times of flood, identified in SFRAs and deemed to be the most at risk of flooding from rivers or sea. The SFRA should also gather information on flood risk management projects. The GOSIS (formerly Great Ouse Storage and Conveyance study) will assess how flood risk within the catchment can be managed now and into the future, giving a high-level evaluation of the costs of benefits of providing large storage volumes in the catchment. The GOSIS project will look for areas for flood risk management and draft outputs from this likely to be available towards the end of GC Local Plan process. There is also the Girton Flood Alleviation Scheme (Washpit Brook catchment) and flood risk management options at Oakington Brook (the latter referenced in our comments to Policy

As mentioned for Policy CC/FM, although a sequential approach has been considered there many sites proposed on the fringes of Flood Zones 2 and 3. This reduces and potentially eliminates future flood storage options for adapting to climate change. It’s important the L2 SFRA assesses these sites for their deliverability but also a broad perspective is taken to planning for flood risk both now and in the future. Creating extra flood storage to allow space for flood waters will be a vital component of that plan. We’d also expect safeguarding to include what is required for water infrastructure more broadly (water supply and waste) and green infrastructure/biodiversity.

I/ID: Infrastructure and delivery
We support the policy direction to propose to only permit development if there is, or will be, sufficient infrastructure capacity to support and meet all the requirements arising from the new development. The developer certainly has a role in this, beneath a robust and deliverable strategic framework led by the Council and other strategic infrastructure providers (informed by evidence).

As noted for Policy S/DS, we support the idea of development limited to levels that can be supported by a sustainable water supply (phased delivery) until the time the strategic infrastructure is in place. It is important that development is sustainable and the environment is protected throughout the process of infrastructure planning.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59741

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Henley Real Estate Developments Ltd

Agent: MSP+D Ltd

Representation Summary:

Steeple Morden Habitat credit site (new site 59867)

It is considered that where off-site habitat measures are provided, and where they are
consistent with the strategic aim of the green infrastructure network:
• New offset sites that demonstrably show enhanced biodiversity should be registered.
• These offset sites should be allocated as ‘other designated nature sites’.
• These offset sites should be mapped within the green infrastructure network.

Site at North Brook End Road Steeple Morden should be identified in the Local Plan.

Full text:

Greater Cambridge Local Plan (Regulation 18: Preferred Options 2021)

Representation submitted on behalf of

Henley Real Estate Developments Ltd By
RPS Consulting & MSP+D Ltd

13 December 2021

1. Executive summary
2. Proposed Biodiversity Net Gain site at Steeple Morden
3. Planning Policy Considerations.
4. Planning policy assessment and sought modifications

1. Executive Summary
1.1 This representation is submitted on behalf Henley Real Estate Developments Ltd (“HRE”), a private UK real estate company with over 35 years of experience having developed over
£390m of UK schemes.
1.2 In light of the Environment Act of November 2021 which will make mandatory biodiversity net gain requirements, through amending the Town and Country Planning Act, for permitted developments to provide a minimum of 10% net gain either on site, off site or via statutory biodiversity credits - HRE are developing new habitat creation sites throughout England.
1.3 This representation seeks to have a site at Steeple Morden, South Cambridgeshire, to be allocated within the Greater Cambridge Local Plan as a nominated site for biodiversity net gain credits to be available for offsetting by developers of alternative sites within the Greater Cambridgeshire Local Plan where such development cannot provide the bio diversity net gain requirements on site.
1.4 Section 2 of this representation gives the site location and reasons why it is considered that the site can significantly provide biodiversity net gains within the Plan period.
1.5 Section 3 identifies the proposed policy direction relating to biodiversity net gain for the Regulation 18 Draft of the Greater Cambridgeshire Local Plan and section 4 undertakes a planning assessment and make recommendations to amend policy relating to Biodiversity Net Gain in order to make the submitted plan sound for adoption.

Section 2 – Steeple Morden habitat credit site
2.1 Site location/description
The Steeple Morden habitat credit site is a single field, currently in arable use. It is 5.51 hectares in size and has been cropped for winter barley for the last four years. The approximate location is shown on the Figure below. The site has vehicular access from North Brook End Road, a public highway.

Figure 1: Steeple Morden Habitat Credit Site
2.3 Proposals for the Steeple Morden Habitat Credit Site
HRE are planning to restore the arable field to species-rich calcareous grassland. The proposals include:
• Undertaking a clear ecological assessment and report including a detailed botanical survey to validate the baseline conditions of the site.
• Prepare an ecological plan for enhancement setting out the aim and objective and the target habitat, in this case species-rich calcareous grassland.
• Undertaking an ecological assessment and report including a detailed botanical survey to validate the enhancements to the site.
• Verify the habitat credits generated using the Defra V3.0 calculator.
• The habitat enhancements will take place in advance to allow the habitat to ’bed in’
and to ensure the planned enhancements have been delivered on the ground.
• There will be a 30-year management plan prepared for the site.
• Monitoring of the habitats and the supporting biodiversity will be undertaken and recorded.

These habitat credits would then be available to developers where they required off-site habitat credits for planned developments that are unable to fully meet their 10% (or 20%) Biodiversity Net Gain requirements on-alternative sites.
2.4 Context of the site in relation to Green Infrastructure Strategic Initiatives
It is considered that the ecological context for the Steeple Morden habitat credit site supports, is consistent and is aligned with the with the strategic aims of the green infrastructure network. Specifically:
• The site sits in the headwaters of a chalkstream tributary of the River Cam.
• The site is in the watercourse corridor of this chalk stream and is only separated from the watercourse by a narrow newly planted woodland.
• This woodland is recognised in the Greater Cambridge Existing green infrastucture network.
• It is considered that the site will help deliver the ‘Revitalising the chalk stream network’
strategic green infrastructure initiative.
• It is considered that the site will help deliver the ‘‘Pollinator Corridors’ strategic green
infrastructure initiative.

3. Greater Cambridge Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 Policy Considerations
3.1 We note the plan’s proposed policy direction when it comes to Biodiversity:
• The policy will require development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain, noting that Biodiversity net gain should be submitted using the Defra Biodiversity Metric
3.0 or its successor.
• Biodiversity net gain should be delivered on-site where possible, recognising that for smaller developments in particular, more significant and long-lasting biodiversity enhancements may be achieved via contributions towards off-site, larger scale projects.
• Where it is agreed that off-site habitat measures would bring greater biodiversity benefits than on-site measures, these must be consistent with the strategic aims of the Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network strategic initiatives.
• The Councils will seek to use planning conditions to secure on site habitat creation and its long-term management, and obligations where BNG is on land outside the applicant’s control
3.2 We note on page 169/170 reasons given for this policy direction as:
• “At an Oxford-Cambridge Arc level we and our partner authorities have agreed a set of Arc Environmental Principles which include the aims of doubling the area of land managed primarily for nature, and also to deliver a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain on development sites. These ambitions, together with the relatively low level of designated sites and priority habitats that Greater Cambridge has compared with other English areas, highlight the need for development to bring further net gains beyond the 10% proposed nationally.”
• “The focus for biodiversity enhancements is intended to be within the boundary of a site, and could include providing wildlife areas, trees, or smaller measures such as including bat or swift boxes. However, If the required level of net gain cannot be provided on site there is the potential for applicants to contribute to biodiversity enhancements elsewhere – a range of strategic initiatives have been identified to support biodiversity enhancement across Greater Cambridge (see BG/GI), meeting national policy requirements to take a strategic approach to promoting the restoration and enhancement of the green infrastructure network. Ahead of the draft plan we will work with partners to explore the best way to collect and distribute funds from development for this purpose.
• Beyond biodiversity net gain, national policy encourages local plans to seek wider environmental gain from development. Approaches for measuring this are emerging nationally, and we will review this topic ahead of the draft plan.
• Designated biodiversity sites within and close to Greater Cambridge are being impacted by increasing numbers of visitors – an issue that needs to be addressed to protect these vulnerable habitats and the species they support. For nationally designated sites, Natural England have identified Impact Recreation Zones and recommend the application of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace standards to inform the quantity of green space provision required for people, to lessen the impacts on these nature sites. Greater Cambridge has relatively few nationally designated nature sites, but many locally designated sites. Ahead of the draft plan we will explore how we can best measure and mitigate the impact of development on these local sites.”

4. Planning Policy Assessment and sought modifications to the Regulation 18 Draft Plan.
4.1 It is considered that where off-site habitat measures are provided, and where they are consistent with the strategic aim of the green infrastructure network:
• New offset sites that demonstrably show enhanced biodiversity should be registered.
• These offset sites should be allocated as ‘other designated nature sites’.
• These offset sites should be mapped within the green infrastructure network.
4.2 It is considered that the site at Steeple Morden needs to be allocated within the draft local plan as an “other designated nature site” within figure 53 of the regulation 18 draft plan because:
• The site will deliver significant biodiversity enhancements - as evidenced in section 2 of this representation - and so create habitat credits to offset off-site biodiversity net gain requirements within Greater Cambridgeshire.
• The site will deliver the identified habitat net gain improvements before the plan is adopted.
• Having the site allocated in the adopted plan will help deliver the plan’s wider strategic green infrastructure initiatives.
• The site will help deliver the ‘Revitalising the chalk stream network’ and the ‘Pollinator Corridors’ strategic green infrastructure initiatives.
4.3 In order to make the draft regulation plan “sound” as defined by Paragraph 35 of National Planning Policy Guidance, it considered that:
• the proposed biodiversity enhancement measures to be undertaken at the Steeple Morden site, as given in this representation, demonstrates that the site needs to be allocated as a “other designated nature site” because it will deliver off-site biodiversity net gain requirements within South Cambridgeshire.
• the allocation is also in accordance with Section 15 – Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment - paragraphs 174 (d) and 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
4.4 The site’s allocation in the Greater Cambridgeshire Local Plan also helps to deliver the Council’s statutory requirement to meet the 2021 Environment’s Act’s requirement to deliver biodiversity gain requirements – which will become law by amendments to the Town and Country Planning Act expected to come into force in 2023.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59762

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Endurance Estates

Agent: DLP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The policy notes that onsite provision of biodiversity net gain will be sought were possible but that off-site habitat measures will also be considered where appropriate and where consistent with strategic aims of the Plan. The Council’s proposed policy approach should be amended to reflect that the LPA will work proactively, positively, and collaboratively with landowners and relevant bodies to bring off-site enhancement measures forward in line with the delivery of development to ensure that the benefit to the community is clearly delivered.

Full text:

NPPF paragraphs 174 - 188 outline how planning policy and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural environment where possible.
The Environment Act 2021 introduced new mandatory requirements for provision of biodiversity net gain and outlines the requirement for developments to provide a minimum of 10% net gain, it is expected that this will apply to all developments from 2023 pending secondary regulations coming into force.
This policy outlines the approach to be taken to biodiversity and geodiversity impacts from development. It is proposed the development will be required to achieve a minimum of 20% biodiversity net gain and notes that net gain calculations should be submitted using Defra Biodiversity Metric 3.0 or its successor. The policy notes that onsite provision of biodiversity net gain will be sought were possible but that off-site habitat measures will also be considered where appropriate and where consistent with strategic aims of the Plan as set out in Policy BG/GI. In these circumstances the Council’s proposed policy approach should be amended to reflect that the LPA will work proactively, positively, and collaboratively with landowners and relevant bodies to bring off-site enhancement measures forward in line with the delivery of development to ensure that the benefit to the community is clearly delivered.
The site proposal at Comberton includes measures to provide net biodiversity gain on site through the enhancement of existing landscape features on site and the provision of green open spaces throughout the site. The majority of the site is currently characterised as open farmland which are defined by hedgerow boundaries. Located to the west of the site is an area of woodland and a ditch runs along the south-west boundary. To the north of the site lies open countryside. There are therefore a number of opportunities available to provide biodiversity net gain measures on this site. Existing hedgerows which border the site would be retained and enhanced to strengthen the green edges of the site, new tree planting will be incorporated into a green corridor and will form part of the boundary treatment to screen the development from the wider countryside. It is also proposed that the swales and drainage basin which would be provided as part of the Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) within the site would enhance the existing watercourse within the site and provide functional landscape features to improve the ecological and environmental benefits for local wildlife.
The allocation of the site at Comberton would allow for both the creation and connection of green spaces. The creation of both new green and blue corridors, green open spaces within the site and enhancement of the boundary features will improve the biodiversity value of the site.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59846

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Waterbeach Parish Council

Representation Summary:

How will GC planning ensure net gain offsetting targets in the draft local plan are met due to the accelerated growth of WNT? How will it be monitored and manage to obtain “net gain”

Full text:


Waterbeach Parish Council would like to make the following comments to the Greater Cambridge draft plan consultation concluding on Monday 13th December 2021

The Greater Cambridge draft plan states the following proposals for the acceleration of delivery of Waterbeach New Town as detailed below: aa418f8b1e41315c2b8845

Preferred Options Sites - August 2021

Broad location New settlements
Preferred Option reference S/NS/SS/6
Site Waterbeach New Town
Use Mixed Use
New or existing allocation Existing
Housing delivery 2020-41, counted as current pipeline (adopted allocations, existing permissions and windfall allowance) 4,580
Housing delivery 2020-41, counted as increased delivery rates/densification on existing allocations 750
Housing delivery 2020-41, counted as proposed new site allocations -
Housing delivery post-2041 5,670
Housing delivery Full Build Out (2020 onwards) 11,000
Employment use classes E(g)
Area (ha) 427.49

Although Policy SS/6 Waterbeach New Town (WNT) in the SCDC 2018 adopted local plan for approx. 8,000 – 9,000 dwellings.
Nevertheless, planning approval (S/0559/17/OL) granted to the MOD & Urban & Civic for WNT (West) for 6,500 dwellings. Planning approval (S/2075/18/OL) “currently awaiting decision” RLWE Waterbeach (East) for 4,500 dwelling making a total of 11,000 dwellings plus associated buildings and infrastructure.
Policy SS/6 South Cambs District Council (SCDC) 2018 adopted local plan Page 7 1 3.41 states: A new town will require a significant amount of new infrastructure, including schools, shops, services and facilities to meet the needs of the town. It is important that the services, facilities, landscape and infrastructure needed by this development are not only provided to a high quality, but that they are properly and effectively implemented, managed and maintained if they are to meet the needs of the community as they arise and in the long term.
3.42 A fundamental requirement for this site is that it will be highly accessible and permeable to all its residents on foot, by cycle and public transport, to support sustainable transport, recreation and health. The site offers particular opportunities to deliver public transport improvements, including the relocation of Waterbeach railway station to a location where it will also be convenient for people living in Waterbeach village making rail travel highly attractive. Segregated provision for buses both within the town and to link the new town to the public transport network in Cambridge will be required and similarly for cycle use. This will provide for quicker journeys, encourage maximum use by residents of the new town and improve safety. The existing A10 is at capacity and road improvements will be required, including measures to address capacity at the Milton junction with the A14
WPC seek to know if policy SS/6 in the SCDC adopted local plan will be carried forward into the new local plan.
South Cambridgeshire Adopted Local Plan 2018 (

The Waterbeach SPD adopted by SCDC in February 2019 provides strategies as to how the New Town will progress including required infrastructure and responsibilities of developers and utility providers. S106 agreements have been formalised between SCDC and MOD/Urban & Civic. S106 agreements between SCDC and RLWE now at the draft stage. But the parish council have still not had opportunity to comment.
WPC note that in the GC draft local plan states
“The Supplementary Planning Documents for Land north of Waterbeach will be carried forward.”
SCDC adopted local plan Policy SS/6 - page 70 para 17 states:
Supplementary Planning Document: The SPD to be prepared for the Strategic Site shown on the Policies Map will provide further guidance and detail on the implementation of Policy SS/6. The SPD will include: a) An overarching, high level vision for the new town. b) Consideration of relevant context including key constraints and opportunities. C) The broad location of the components of the new town which are essential to support comprehensive and seamless development. A spatial framework diagram will be included that ensures the creation of a sustainable, legible and distinctive new settlement. d) The location, nature and extent of any formal open space to be provided outside of the Major Development Site. E. Broadly how the development is to be phased, including the delivery of key infrastructure WPC would like to highlight the following identified issues as barriers to growth in the current adopted and emerging local plans that will need overcoming in a timely and fully funded manner, at least cost and disruption to the residents of Waterbeach parish and neighbouring villages.
1. Provision of Water
Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire already have an unsustainable supply of potable water. In August 2020, the Environment Agency, in response to a query on the viability of water supply to Northstowe Phase 3A wrote to a resident that 'current levels of abstraction are causing environmental damage.
Any increase in use within existing licenced volumes will increase the pressure on a system that is already failing environmental targets', and 'many waterbodies did not have the flow to support the ecology.' This is the situation for proposed growth for South Cambs and Cambridge City
On 1st July 2021, DEFRA announced that chalk streams would be given enhanced environmental protection,and published the Environment Agency document titled “Water stressed areas – final classification 2021” which included the fact that the supply areas of Cambridge Water and Anglian Water are areas of serious water stress, page 6. According to Appendix 3, Cambridge Water needs to reduce abstraction by 22 megalitres per day from levels current as at 1st July 2021, and Anglian Water needs to reduce abstraction by 189 megalitres per day from levels current at 1st July 2021.
Water Resources East is the body responsible to produce a plan for the provision of water to enable proposed growth in the Greater Cambridge area. At present there are no plans or costings or infrastructure in place. Until there is the provision of a sustainable water supply the proposed growth in the current and future local plan development may be unsustainable.
2. Sewage
Anglian Water (AW) currently have capacity at the Milton Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTWs) for the provision of sewage until 2050. AW have proposals to relocate the WWWTs to Honey Hill on Cambridge Green Belt land. Anglian Water granted £227m HIF by the government to fund the move however it is unclear if the grant will fully fund the project or

when if approved confirmation when the new works will be operational. AW are dependent that a DCO will be issued by the Planning Inspectorate.
Although there will be a need for a pumping station and pipelines the level of detail in the “Waterbeach Zone in AW’s recent scoping report which mentions haul roads, construction plans and other material planning considerations has not yet been disclosed or taken to public consultation. The Waterbeach Zone will have a significant impact on the people of Waterbeach parish, landscape, environment, Green Belt and biodiversity and should be given due weight and consideration in the draft local plan.
The Waterbeach Zone is a huge proposition the outcome of which will be arrived at by the provider AW and developers of Waterbeach New Town and a reliance that will be brought forward in a timely manner as stated in the SPD:
Page 130-131 “Provision will be dealt with through direct agreement with service providers as development is implemented. This will be outside the scope of any planning control or S106 agreement. Service providers are obligated to meet any demand arising from the development (11,000 dwellings, associated buildings, schools, businesses, hotels) with the site promoter providing the cost.”
It is unclear if part or whole of the required infrastructure for the Waterbeach Zone will be funded by the developers of WNT or by the £227m HIF government granted to AW for the relocation of the Milton WWTWs
It should be noted that there are already issues of contamination from sewage when there is heavy rainfall and already the need for many daily tanker movements from the Waterbeach WWTP. WNT build out must be limited until a new Waterbeach pumping station is commissioned and operational.
Planning Process – Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation Project (
3. Electricity
WPC are aware that currently the provision of electricity is a barrier to growth. The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) has undertaken to fund electricity grid reinforcements. Will that provision be in place and funds available ensure delivery to enable the proposed accelerated growth of WNT?
GCP takes ground-breaking approach to secure future of electricity network - Greater Cambridge Partnership
4. Transport Infrastructure
Transport plans submitted by Urban & Civic and RLWE were described as “substantially underfunded” by Sharon Brown SCDC Director of Delivery at the Extraordinary Planning Meeting for Waterbeach New Town East held on 29th January 2021 as evidenced in the broadcast here: Agenda for Planning Committee on Friday, 29 January 2021, 11.00 a.m. (
The proposals for the required sustainable transport infrastructure for WNT are currently of a piecemeal nature. The responsibility for delivery, cost and funding is currently unknown. The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) is the responsible body for the delivery of the Waterbeach segregated busway and greenway. The Combined Authority (CA) is the responsible body for the dualling of the A10 or upgrade of junctions. Developers and SCDC through S106 developer contributions and planning obligations are responsible for cycleways and park and ride sites. Developers RLWE have been granted planning permission to relocate the existing Waterbeach station to the North of the village after they promised to fund the provision of the station. It is currently unclear if funding is available for the relocation of the station by RLWE. It is also unclear when the relocated station will be operational. The delivery of WNT was claimed to be dependent on the developer funded relocated railway station as a sustainable mode of travel.

5. The delivery of infrastructure controlled by triggers as per the number of dwellings coming forward
A faster build out rate will require a faster provision of the required infrastructure as detailed in the granted planning permissions, Policy SS/6 in the adopted 2018 Local Plan and the adopted Waterbeach SPD
6. Neighbourhood Plan
WPC wish to bring to GC planning’s attention that the Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan is at an advanced stage of completion. The plan has been through examination by the Inspector and passed inspection. WPC are working with SCDC to finalise the plan which will then go to referendum. If parishioners vote in favour the plan will be “made sound.” The plan has stand alone SEA, Heritage and Character Assessment and Design Principles documents which can be considered as material planning considerations that support the plan. WPC request that the Neighbourhood plan and supporting documents are a consideration as development comes forward in the parish.
7. Cambridge Green Belt and green spaces
The Cambridge Green Belt wraps around the parish to the South, West and East. WPC request that the Green Belt land remains protected from windfall/rural exception site development to enable a green transition from the Eastern edge of the village towards the River Cam and access to the fenland countryside and public rights of way.
WPC note the proposals for greenspace and river corridors from the City to Wicken Fen, Anglesey Abbey and beyond. WPC note the proposed high density proposed for the Cambridge North Eastern Fringe development and question if this is to compensate for the lack of open green space per capita on the development site.
WPC seek reassurance that the proposed draft plan will not increase the density of WNT and other settlements currently in the adopted 2018 SCDC local plan by using the Cambridge Green Belt, fenland, farmland, river Cam corridor and waterways as open green space to compensate for the lack of green space within high density settlements.
WPC enquire how net gain offsetting will be proven and enforced due to the proposed accelerated growth of WNT?
8. Climate change and flooding
WPC feel it is Important that future risk of flooding is not increase due to accelerated growth from WNT through fluvial or surface water flooding as shown on the Environment Agency maps Fluvial risk enlarge map to include WNT: location?easting=550093&northing=265821&placeOrPostcode=CB25%209JT
Surface water risk enlarge map to include WNT: 4.pdf
Climate Change -Central predicted risk of flooding due to sea level rise caused by climate change could occur as soon as 2030. How will this be a consideration and mitigated to compensate for an accelerated build out rate of WNT? e=year&basemap=roadmap&contiguous=true&elevation_model=best_available&forecast_yea r=2030&pathway=ssp3rcp70&percentile=p50&refresh=true&return_level=return_level_1&rl_ model=gtsr&slr_model=ipcc_2021_med
WPC seek to know if the proposed accelerated growth will affect GC zero carbon targets and how will it affect the GC aspirations in the draft local plan?

In summary:
The proposed acceleration of WNT is dependent on the required essential services including health and education, transport infrastructure delivered in a strategic, timely and fully funded manner.
It is important that there is a joined up strategic transport plan to provide sustainable, affordable, accessible and a reliable transport system to replace the fragmented system presently in existence.
It is important that the Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents included and given due weight and consideration within the draft local plan.
The Cambridge Green Belt abuts Waterbeach parish, green open space and river Cam corridor. It is extremely important that areas designated as SSSI’s, RAMSAR, SAC and other recognised protected areas should be enhanced and not a means to compensate for the lack of green space in high density settlements such as the Cambridge North Eastern Fringe development. It is also important to protect the abundant biodiversity and habitat in the parish. WPC request that this matter is treated as a priority if development is accelerated in WNT and the GC area.
How will GC planning ensure net gain offsetting targets in the draft local plan are met due to the accelerated growth of WNT? How will it be monitored and manage to obtain “net gain”
The settlement of WNT and Waterbeach village on the Environment Agency flood maps show them to be vulnerable and prone to flooding from fluvial, surface water and sea level rise. How will residents and important farmland be protected due to the proposed accelerated growth of WNT in the draft GC plan?



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59920

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Fen Ditton Parish Council

Representation Summary:

OBJECT to use of land use categories for biodiversity potential calculations if actual species diversity and scarcity is of known important.

Full text:

OBJECT to use of land use categories for biodiversity potential calculations if actual species diversity and scarcity is of known important.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59977

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England fully supports this policy and requirements for development to achieve a minimum
20% biodiversity net gain, delivered on site where possible and calculated using the Defra Metric
3.0 or its successor. The policy should take a natural capital evidence approach and recognise the wider benefits of ecosystem services.

We support proposed requirements for development to avoid adverse impact to site of biodiversity or geological importance and development to mitigate recreational pressure on statutorily designated sites. The Plan’s biodiversity policy should recognise the hierarchy of international, nationally and locally designated sites across Greater Cambridge.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Natural England on the above in your letter dated 1 November 2021.

Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the natural environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

Natural England’s key comments
We are pleased that many of our comments at the Issues and Options stage, in our letter dated 24 February 2020 (ref. 304246), are reflected in the First Proposals Plan, helping to strengthen the Plan’s approach to the ‘big themes’ including climate change, biodiversity and green spaces, wellbeing and social inclusion. Natural England supports the general thrust of the Plan in directing development to where it will have least environmental impact and provide opportunities for enhancements.

Natural England’s previous advice highlighted the need for the Plan to address uncertainties relating to water resources and infrastructure needed to support new growth, in light of evidence that current levels of abstraction are already damaging the natural environment. We also signalled the need for the establishment of a strategic green infrastructure network that is resilient to the scale of proposed Plan development, capable of meeting people’s needs and addressing adverse impacts to the natural environment. We therefore welcome that the First Proposals Plan recognises the challenges in identifying long-term and interim solutions to the current water resource crisis to enable sustainable development without further detriment to the natural environment. We support the Plan’s progress, through the Green Infrastructure Recommendations (LUC, September 2021), in presenting opportunities for the Plan to deliver /contribute towards delivery of strategic green infrastructure.

Notwithstanding the above, Natural England believes significant additional work is required through the next stages of Plan preparation to progress these ‘solutions’ and demonstrate that development can be delivered sustainably. We have major concerns with the scale of proposed Plan development, and the 2041 timeframe for delivery, given the damage already being inflicted on the natural environment and the lengthy lead-in time for identification and delivery of measures to address the water resource issue and to implement strategic green infrastructure. Some of this Plan development is already progressing, through the adopted strategy, prior to solutions being identified and implemented; the natural environment is already being impacted. The Plan should consider how these impacts and spiralling environmental deterioration can be retrospectively


The section on ‘Ensuring a Deliverable Plan – Water Supply’ recognises the challenge relating to water resources; however, the Councils need to act urgently, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to identify strategic and interim water resource/infrastructure solutions to ensure any level of proposed development is delivered sustainably. There are currently no measures in place to mitigate the adverse effects of current development on the natural environment i.e., more water is being abstracted from the aquifer to serve this development, depleting groundwater resources and causing further declines in the condition of designated sites and supporting habitat.

Potential solutions to address Greater Cambridge’s green infrastructure deficit, and the recreational pressure effects of development, lie within the Green Infrastructure Initiatives identified in LUC’s Opportunity Mapping Recommendations Report. Natural England fully supports the Initiatives identified; however, these aspirational areas must be progressed into real projects that are happening on the ground by the time the Plan is adopted. Robust Plan policy requirements should secure funding for the delivery and long-term management of these projects from all major development.

We have provided additional comments on the Plan’s key themes and policies below; however, reference should be made to the detailed advice provided in our response to the Issues and Options consultation.

Vision and aims
We support the Plan vision and aims for decreases in our climate impacts and increase in quality of life for communities, minimising carbon emissions and reliance on the private car, increases in nature, wildlife, greenspaces and safeguarding landscapes focusing on what is unique to Greater Cambridge embracing bold new approaches.

Natural England strongly recommends that the vision should advocate a more holistic approach to securing multi-functional benefits through the protection and enhancement of the natural environment. In accordance with paragraphs 17 and 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the Plan should encourage multiple benefits from the use of land in urban and rural areas, recognising that land can deliver a wide range of ecosystem services required for sustainable development including climate change mitigation, flood management, improved water resources and water quality, biodiversity net gain, accessible high quality green infrastructure and associated health and wellbeing benefits, enhanced landscapes and soil resources.

The Plan should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by recognising the wider benefits of ecosystem services, considering a natural capital evidence approach and making strong links to the Nature Recovery Network and the Cambridge Nature Network. National Habitats Network mapping is available to view at

Development Strategy
The Plan will deliver around 44,400 new homes and provide for approximately 58,500 new jobs. We welcome that the new development strategy aims to meet our increased need for new homes in a way that minimises environmental impacts and improves the wellbeing of our communities.
The strategy proposes 19 additional sites for development, along with sites already allocated in the adopted 2018 Local Plans, along with associated infrastructure including green spaces.

We support proposals to direct development to where it has the least climate impact, where active and public transport is the natural choice, where green infrastructure can be delivered alongside new development, and where jobs, services and facilities can be located near to where people live. The vision includes creating new city neighbourhoods which have the critical mass of homes, jobs and services to create thriving communities, making best use of brownfield and safeguarded land and making the most of public transport links.

Natural England welcomes the use of evidence including the Employment Land and Economic Development Evidence Study and the Greater Cambridge Housing and Employment Relationships

Report to understand the relationship between future jobs and housing growth. We note that these studies found that planning for the standard method housing figure set by government would not support the number of jobs expected to arise between 2020 and 2041. Planning for this housing figure would risk increasing the amount of longer distance commuting into Greater Cambridge, with the resulting impacts on climate change and congestion. On this basis planning for a higher jobs figure and planning for government’s standard method local housing need figure have been rejected as reasonable alternatives.

We note that high-level consideration has been given to the potential impacts of COVID-19 on the economy of Greater Cambridge, to inform this First Proposals consultation. We support the proposal to gather evidence to consider the potential longer-term quantitative impacts of COVID- 19 prior to the Draft Plan stage to understand any implications for the objectively assessed need for jobs and homes for the plan.

Natural England has no objection in principle to the proposed Plan development strategy; however, this is subject to: 1) the identification of strategic water supply solutions and / or interim measures; and 2) development of deliverable strategic GI initiatives and developer requirements and funding mechanisms being secured through the Plan.

Policy S/DS: Development strategy
Figure 6: Map shows proposed sites to be included in the Plan including existing planning permissions alongside a limited number of new sites in the most sustainable locations. We welcome that the sustainability merits, opportunities and constraints for each of the nine potential strategy choices have been considered through the Sustainability Appraisal. Alongside considering the best locations for new homes and jobs, consideration has also been given to the best locations to restore the area’s habitat networks and provide more green spaces for people providing health and wellbeing benefits. Natural England fully supports the identification of 14 Strategic Green Infrastructure Initiatives, through the Green Infrastructure evidence, to help achieve this. We welcome the approach to preparing the preferred development strategy / draft allocations and green infrastructure initiatives in parallel.

We support the general policy direction to focus development where it will have the least climate impact, where it can be aligned with active and public transport, opportunities for delivery of green infrastructure and where jobs, services and facilities can be located nearby whilst ensuring all necessary utilities can be provided in a sustainable way. We support the approach to using less land for development to reduce carbon emissions and allow more space for nature and wildlife.
The strategy focuses on opportunities to use brownfield land and opportunities created by proposed major new infrastructure.

We note that delivery of the adopted strategy is progressing well with development permitted/underway /completed at the edge of Cambridge sites and new settlement sites including Northstowe and Waterbeach New Town. Natural England is aware that these schemes are being delivered in the absence of adequate sustainable water supply infrastructure to serve the development without adverse impact to the natural environment including statutorily designated sites. Many of these schemes are also unlikely to deliver sufficient level of accessible high quality green infrastructure to meet the needs of new residents without adverse recreational pressure impacts to the existing ecological network including statutorily designated sites. These issues need to be addressed urgently through further stages of Plan preparation as discussed in our advice above and below.

Ensuring a deliverable plan – water supply
We welcome the Councils’ recognition that water supply is a significant issue for the deliverability of the Local Plan and we fully support preparation of the Integrated Water Management Study: Outline Water Cycle (WCS) by Stantec (August 2021) to address this. The WCS has identified the need for new strategic water supply infrastructure, such as a new fens reservoir, to provide for longer term needs, and to protect the integrity of the chalk aquifer south of Cambridge, in addition to a range of interim demand management measures. The draft Sustainability Appraisal also identifies significant environmental impacts if the issue is not resolved. This is a major concern for

Natural England in light of proposed growth levels and the damaging effects that groundwater abstraction is already having on the natural environment including water-dependent designated sites and important chalk stream habitats. Natural England has provided its detailed advice on this matter, and highlighted the statutorily designated sites potentially affected, in our response to the consultation on the WCS. These ‘Designated Sites of Concern’ are listed in Appendix B of the August 2021 report.

We are aware that Water Resources East is currently preparing its Water Management Plan for the region and that this will help to identify long-term measures to address the issue. However, these strategic measures, including a new fens reservoir, are unlikely to be available until the 2030’s hence interim measures are required to enable some level of sustainable growth. We welcome the suggestion of including Plan policies to phase delivery of development that can be supported by a sustainable water supply until new strategic infrastructure is in place; however, it will need to be clearly demonstrated that interim solutions are sustainable and will not cause further environmental decline. The risk is that it may not be possible to demonstrate delivery of the full objectively assessed needs within the plan period.

Natural England appreciates that pressure on water supplies is a regional issue. We share the Councils’ aspirations that the water industry, supported by government, will set out its intentions for positively addressing this key infrastructure issue at an early point in the ongoing plan making process, to provide confidence that adequate water supply will be available to support delivery of the preferred options allocations, before the next stage of a full draft Local Plan. In our view the Councils need to act urgently, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to identify strategic and interim water resource/infrastructure solutions, including demand management measures, to ensure any level of proposed development is delivered sustainably.

We have serious concerns that Plan development is already being progressed, through the adopted strategy, without sustainable water supply measures in place. More water will be abstracted from the aquifer to serve this development, depleting groundwater resources and causing further declines in the condition of designated sites and supporting habitat. The Plan will need to consider the impacts of this development and identify measures to address adverse environmental impact.

Natural England fully supports the concerns raised by the Environment Agency, as lead authority on this matter, including the high degree of uncertainty as to whether sufficient sustainable water supplies can be provided for the proposed growth over the plan period without further detriment to the natural environment. Further development of the WCS, informed by evidence from regional and water company water resource plans, will need to demonstrate that appropriate deliverable mitigation measures can support sustainable growth until new strategic water supply infrastructure becomes operational. We agree with the Environment Agency that it in the face of current challenges it may be appropriate to consider an extended timeframe for delivery of Plan development to limit further environmental degradation until new strategic measures become available. This would allow further time for the identification of truly sustainable options that build in resilience to climate change and robust mitigation and monitoring measures to address impacts to the natural environment and restore habitat condition.

Duty to Cooperate
Natural England welcomes consideration of how the Plan fits with other plans and strategies including cross boundary projects such as the Ox Cam Arc. We support recognition of the Plan to be prepared within a wider regional context noting the Councils’ legal duty to cooperate with key stakeholders and surrounding areas of cross boundary issues. We agree that the development of a clear and positive vision for the future of the Greater Cambridge area can help to shape the proposals for the Ox Cam Arc, noting that the outcome of the Oxford-Cambridge framework is currently awaited.

We particularly support the Councils’ recognition that the water supply challenge discussed above is a serious issue to be resolved.

Natural England will be pleased to engage with the Councils in the preparation and development of a draft Statement of Common Ground.

Transport Strategy
Natural England welcomes that the proposed strategy is heavily informed by the location of existing and committed public transport schemes. We support the use of transport modelling to understand whether additional infrastructure and policies are required to address the transport impacts of the preferred development strategy.

Transport policies should include requirements for projects to undertake robust ecological impact assessment and application of the ecological mitigation hierarchy.

Site allocation policies
Proposed site allocation policies are described through sections 2.2 – 2.5. Natural England has no objection in principle to the existing and new allocations, areas of major change or opportunity areas being taken forward for development. However, this is subject to:
• identification of strategic water supply infrastructure and/or feasible interim solutions to demonstrate that development can be delivered sustainably and without adverse impact to the natural environment;
• establishment of a framework and robust plan policies to deliver the 14 Strategic Green Infrastructure initiatives ahead of development, to meet development needs and to address the effects of recreational pressure on sensitive sites and habitats.

The site allocation policies will need to include robust requirements to secure delivery of biodiversity net gain and on-site accessible green infrastructure to meet people’s need and to contribute towards the Plan’s 20% BNG targets and delivery of the Nature Recovery Network / Cambridge Nature Network. Our advice is that major allocation policies should set a framework for development to maximum opportunities for environmental gains.

Climate Change
We welcome the proposed policies relating to net zero carbon and water efficiency, designing for climate change, flooding and integrated water management, renewable energy projects, reducing waste and supporting land-based carbon sequestration. We particularly support the proposed requirement for residential developments to be designed to achieve a standard of 80 litres/person/ day; however, we support the Environment Agency’s concerns as to whether the Plan is likely to achieve the reductions in demand required to support sustainable growth. As indicated above the WCS will need to demonstrate how water, to meet growth needs, will be supplied sustainably without adverse impact to the natural environment.

Proposed requirements for developments to provide integrated water management, including sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) where possible and for SuDS and green /brown roofs to provide multiple benefits (including biodiversity and amenity) are welcomed.

We support requirements for renewable energy projects to consider impacts on biodiversity, geodiversity, landscape and water quality.

Natural England welcomes a proposed policy to support the creation of land and habitats that play a role as carbon sinks and protect existing carbon sinks from development, particularly peatlands such as those remaining in the north of South Cambridgeshire district. We welcome recognition of the importance of peatlands as a carbon store and the role of other habitats such as woodlands and grasslands, noting loss and degradation of natural habitats results in the direct loss of carbon stored within them.

As indicated above we recommend that the Plan takes a more holistic approach to securing multi- functional benefits for climate change, flood management, water resources and water quality through the protection and enhancement of the natural environment. Natural solutions can achieve significant additional benefits for biodiversity, green infrastructure and associated health and wellbeing benefits, enhanced landscapes and soil resources.

Biodiversity and green spaces
We strongly support the proposed biodiversity and green spaces policies and the inclusion of Figure 53 depicting the existing Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network including designated sites.

We welcome that these policies will help to deliver the aims of the Ox Cam Arc of doubling the area of land managed primarily for nature and to deliver a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain on development sites, beyond the mandatory 10% biodiversity net gain requirements of the Environment Act 2021. We agree that Greater Cambridge has a relatively low level of designated sites and priority habitats, highlighting the need for development to deliver net gains beyond the 10% proposed nationally, hence we are fully supportive of minimum 20% BNG ambitions. Our advice is that the Councils, working with key partners, should identify BNG opportunities through the next phases of Plan preparation. This should take the form of a BNG opportunities / requirements map building on the foundations of the Nature Recovery Network and the Cambridge Nature Network. National Habitats Network mapping is available to view at

The Councils should also set a landscape / GI framework for the Site Allocations to maximise opportunities for delivery of GI and BNG within the development sites.

BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity
Natural England fully supports this policy and requirements for development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain, delivered on site where possible and calculated using the Defra Metric
3.0 or its successor. Requirements for off-site measures to be consistent with the strategic aims of the Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network strategic initiatives are welcomed.

The policy should take a natural capital evidence approach and recognise the wider benefits of ecosystem services for climate change, flood risk management, green infrastructure and health and wellbeing, in addition to biodiversity. They main thrust of this policy should be the Plan’s contribution to the Nature Recovery Network / Cambridge Nature Network and the establishment of a framework for the development of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

We support proposed requirements for development to avoid adverse impact to site of biodiversity or geological importance and development to mitigate recreational pressure on statutorily designated sites, applying Natural England’s SSSI Impacts Risk Zones (IRZs). The Plan’s biodiversity policy should recognise the hierarchy of international, nationally and locally designated sites across Greater Cambridge. This should be accompanied by a map of the existing ecological network and enhancement opportunity areas to guide site allocations / development away from more sensitive areas and to identify opportunities for developers to deliver net biodiversity gain enhancements.

We welcome that the policy will seek wider environmental net gains. These should focus on measures to restore ecological networks, enhance ecological resilience and provide an overall increase in natural habitat and ecological features.

Reference should be made to the detailed advice provided in our response to the Issues and Options consultation with regard to protecting and enhancing biodiversity including designated sites, priority habitats, ecological networks and priority and/or legally protected species populations. This includes additional detailed advice on embedding biodiversity net gain into the Greater Cambridge Local Plan policies.

BG/GI: Green infrastructure
We welcome the comprehensive and thorough approach taken in developing the GI evidence base for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan, including the Opportunity Mapping and the identification of 14 Strategic GI initiatives. The multifunctional benefits of GI are fully recognised, as well as the links between GI provision and the delivery of other strategic policy areas including the wider natural environment, sustainable transport and social inclusion. These threads/links

should continue through future drafts to ensure the value of GI for people and the natural environment is fully reflected in the Local Plan.

The Strategic GI initiatives are comprehensive and capture a wide variety of GI opportunities within the 14 proposals; this range of GI elements and habitats will help to maximise benefits for people and nature through the strategic planning and delivery of GI across Greater Cambridge. We support the emphasis given to blue infrastructure in Strategic Initiatives 1 and 2 given the considerable pressures on Cambridgeshire’s chalk streams and aquifer from agriculture and development. The Chalk Stream Strategy Report1 recently published by CaBA identifies a number of recommendations to protect/restore chalk stream habitats, including those in areas of high population density such as Cambridge. This report may be a useful reference in planning and progressing strategic blue infrastructure initiatives as part of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan.

We support the proposed approach to have a distinct GI policy within the Local Plan, rather than a stand-alone SPD. As noted in the Topic Paper, we agree that the policy should require all developments to contribute towards GI and that it should be incorporated into design from an early stage and through all phases of development, with a longer-term plan in place for its management and maintenance. As well as a GI policy, Green Infrastructure should be integrated into other strategic policy areas and Local Plan themes where relevant. This will give weight to the multifunctional role of GI and demonstrate where it can contribute to policy delivery and outcomes (e.g., in climate change adaptation, supporting healthy communities etc). It will also support the role of GI in implementing other mechanisms and tools, such as Biodiversity Net Gain, and may help in targeting and prioritising opportunities for GI creation and enhancement.

In addition to securing GI within individual developments, the Local Plan should also provide a framework for proposals to contribute to / link up with the wider Strategic Initiatives, including the ‘dispersed initiatives’ 10-14 (e.g., ‘Expanding the Urban Forest’). Consideration should also be given to potential join-ups on cross-boundary projects and, in time, how the strategic GI network in Greater Cambridge may contribute to greenspace at the regional level (as one of the 5 Ox-Cam counties). There may also be overlaps with other initiatives, such as the Nature Recovery Network, where Cambridgeshire’s GI resource can make an important contribution (such as that highlighted in Strategic Initiative 3 for the Gog Magog Hills and Chalkland fringe).

We note from the Part 2 Recommendations Report that there are several points for further consideration, including the funding mechanisms required to ensure that all developments include GI and contribute towards the strategic initiatives. Funding mechanisms (e.g., developer contributions) should be embedded in policy where required and should be identified as early as possible to ensure that benefits are secured long-term. For example, the policies for major allocations will need to include specific requirements for the funding / delivery of the strategic GI ahead of the developments being occupied so that these are clear from the outset. The report presents a number of potential funding sources, including land use planning obligations (e.g., S106) agri-environment streams (such as ELMS) and any ad-hoc opportunities that may arise through partnership working. The increasing emphasis on nature-based solutions may also bring in new revenue streams to support strategic projects, given that many NBS will require a landscape scale / ‘ecosystem’ approach. The costings for the delivery of the GI and biodiversity aspects of the Local Plan could be included in the IDP so that the investment required to bring about delivery is clear and transparent from an early stage and factored into development proposals. Given the significant scale of the work required, consideration should also be given to how the land will be secured to deliver the GI initiatives, whether through direct purchase, lease or management agreements. A long-term approach to the management and maintenance of GI (ideally in perpetuity) also needs to be factored in from an early stage.

Alongside its value for natural capital and placemaking, green infrastructure provides alternative natural greenspaces that can help alleviate and buffer recreational pressures on protected sites. We welcome the recognition of the recreational pressure impacts across Greater Cambridge, and

1 1 Catchment Based Approach (October 2021) Chalk Stream Restoration Strategy: Main Report. See: New strategy launched to protect chalk streams - GOV.UK (

the Strategic Initiatives aimed at addressing these (e.g., the Coton corridor and multifunctional GI corridors, Strategic Initiatives 7-8). We support the development of clear policy requirements to address these significant pressures (as suggested in the Topic Paper).

Given the Local Plan’s strong emphasis on GI and the widespread benefits that it can achieve, we feel there is clear value in having a recognised GI standard in place. A standard would help to guide and inform GI planning and delivery and provide a consistent benchmark on quality across different scales/locations of development. It would also support the recommendation in the report for a GI-led design approach to new development. A standard could be supported by other documents, e.g., Local Design Guides, to ensure that nature is fully built into design through the provision of high-quality green infrastructure. Natural England is currently developing a Green Infrastructure Framework to set standards for green space and access to natural greenspaces, as well as a Design Guide and mapping data2 to support this work. We would encourage the use of these resources to guide and inform development of strategic Green Infrastructure and policies for Greater Cambridge. The Framework of GI Standards and products are due for launch in summer/autumn 2022, with a pre-release of the beta mapping and the principles of good green infrastructure in December 20213.

Natural England fully supports the proposed inclusion of policies to improve tree canopy cover, enhance river corridors and protect and enhance open spaces. We advise that robust policy requirements should be included to secure delivery of enhancements through development to ensure the achievement of multi-functional benefits for climate change, biodiversity, water quality, access. As indicated in our comments at the Issues and Options stage tree planting needs to be targeted in appropriate locations and considered in the context of wider plans for nature recovery. Consideration should be given to ecological impacts and the opportunities to create alternative habitats that could deliver better enhancements for people and wildlife, and store carbon effectively. Where woodland habitat creation is appropriate, consideration should be given to natural regeneration, and ‘rewilding’ for the economic and ecological benefits this can achieve.
Any tree planting should use native and local provenance tree species suitable for the location. Natural England advocates an approach which seeks to increase biodiversity and green infrastructure generally, not simply planting of trees, and protecting / enhancing soils, particularly peat soils.

For further advice and guidance on green infrastructure please refer to our comments at the Issues and Options consultation stage.

Wellbeing and inclusion
Natural England is fully supportive of the proposed policies including WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments. Our advice is that the policy should include strong links to the importance of adequate level and quality of accessible green infrastructure for people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Great places
Natural England supports the proposed Great Places policies. We welcome the establishment of a Place and Design Quality Panel to conduct a site typologies study to understand, protect, utilise and enhance the valued characteristics of different areas in the plan, with the intention of using this information to raise design standards to ensure development reflects and enhances Cambridge’s distinctive landscape and townscape character.

We support Policy GP/LC Protection and enhancement of landscape character. Natural England is pleased to see that the Greater Cambridge landscape character assessments have been updated and will provide an up-to-date evidence base for the development of policy GP/LC. Existing retained policies form the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan NH/1, NH/2 and NH/13 and policy 8 of the Cambridge Local Plan should be reviewed and updated in the light of these updated landscape

2 See the GI Framework Mapping Portal: 3 How Natural England’s Green Infrastructure Framework can help create better places to live - Natural England (

character assessments to ensure they reflect the most recent baseline evidence.

Policy GP/LC seeks to identify, protect and enhance locally valued landscapes. Any locally designated landscapes, e.g., Areas of Greater Landscape Value, should be identified within the plan and given appropriate policy protection to protect and enhance them and to ensure that development reflects their distinctive character. It is not the role of Natural England to define locally valued landscapes – this is for LPAs and their communities. However, it should be noted that NE considers World Heritage Sites designated for their natural interest, local landscape designations and Inheritance Tax Exempt land to be locally valued. Therefore, these areas should be identified and included on policy maps showing locally designated landscapes along with any ‘Protected views’.

The Strategic Spatial Options Assessment appears to have considered a wide range of options based on up-to-date evidence on landscape and townscape character considerations. We support this approach which is useful in identifying and considering key landscape issues early in the Plan- making process, to feed into the Sustainability Appraisal. We note that the appraisal of the strategic spatial options is based on the interim draft findings of the emerging Landscape Character Assessment. We trust that the preliminary conclusions will be updated following completion of this work. The analysis also notes that recommendations are provided for strategic landscape mitigation and enhancement for each of the strategic spatial options. Natural England supports the proposal to identify specific mitigation as part of more detailed studies in locating and designing future development.

We are generally supportive of policies to protect and enhance the Cambridge Green Belt, achieve high quality development and establish high quality landscape and public realm.

Natural England supports proposed policy J/AL: Protecting the best agricultural land. We welcome recognition of soil as a valuable resource and key element of the environmental ecosystem which requires protection, in accordance with paragraph 174 of the NPPF. We note that the protection of peat soils is addressed under the climate change theme discussed above.

Beyond the wider water resource / supply issue, discussed above, we have no substantive comments on the other proposed policies. However, policies will need to include appropriate requirements to ensure that all development avoids adverse impact to the natural environment and delivers net gains for biodiversity in accordance with the requirements of policy BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity.

Beyond the wider water resource / supply issue we have no specific comments to make on these proposed policies subject to the inclusion of appropriate requirements to ensure that all development avoids adverse impact to the natural environment and delivers net gains for biodiversity in accordance with the requirements of policy BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity. Residential development should also contribute towards delivery of the Strategic GI Initiatives.

Natural England supports proposed policy I/ST: Sustainable transport and connectivity for the environmental and health benefits this could achieve including reduced emissions, air quality and climate change benefits.

We have no substantive comments on the other proposed policies subject to the inclusion of appropriate requirements to ensure that all development avoids adverse impact to the natural environment and delivers net gains for biodiversity in accordance with the requirements of policy BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity.

Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
Natural England supports preparation of the HRA Report by LUC (August 2021). We welcome that this incorporates a screening assessment and Appropriate Assessment. The Screening stage

identifies likely significant effects on European sites, either alone or in combination with other policies and proposals, for several plan policies. These include:
• Physical damage and loss (offsite) – in relation to Eversden and Wimpole Woods SAC.
• Non-physical disturbance (offsite) – in relation to Eversden and Wimpole Woods SAC.
• Recreation – in relation to Wicken Fen Ramsar SAC and Fenland SAC.
• Water Quantity and Quality – in relation to Ouse Washes SAC, SPA and Ramsar site, Wicken Fen Ramsar site, Chippenham Fen Ramsar site, Fenland SAC and Portholme SAC.
The Appropriate Assessment concludes no adverse effect on site integrity as follows: Eversden and Wimpole Woods SAC
Subject to the following safeguards and mitigation measures being implemented:
• Completion of bat surveys for site allocations identified with moderate or high potential to support barbastelle to determine the ecological value of these sites in relation to this bat species and to inform specific mitigation proposals.
• There is a commitment in the plan that proposed development will avoid key habitat features likely to be used by this species and to create and enhance suitable habitat for this species.
• It is also recommended that policy wording in the plan is strengthened to include specific inclusion of the safeguard measures detailed above and that Policy BG/BG Biodiversity and geodiversity is strengthened to include specific reference that mitigation provided should be suitable to the level of protection afforded to designated sites.

Wicken Fen Ramsar site and Fenland SAC
The Appropriate Assessment concludes no adverse effect on integrity as a result of increased recreational pressure provided that the following safeguards and mitigation measures are required by the plan and successfully implemented:
• A commitment in the plan to ensure that development within 20km of the Ramsar site and SAC to provide sufficient suitable alternative natural greenspace in line with advice from Natural England and that there should be specific detail on the policy on the appropriate quantity and quality of open spaces and how delivery and management in perpetuity will be secured.

The Appropriate Assessment is currently unable to conclude no adverse effect on the integrity of the Ouse Washes SAC, SPA and Ramsar, Wicken Fen Ramsar site, Chippenham Fen Ramsar site, Fenland SAC and Portholme SAC, with regard to water quantity and quality, pending the provision of further evidence through the Greater Cambridge IWMS and the WRE IWMP.

We welcome that the HRA has provided a detailed consideration of air quality impacts, associated with Plan development, for the relevant European sites. This is based on best practice Highways England Design Manual for Road and Bridges (DMRB) LA 105 Air quality guidance and considers the potential for traffic-related emissions on the affected road network based on traffic modelling data, in line with the advice provided by Natural England at the Issues and Options stage. Whilst the assessment has ruled out likely significant effects on all relevant European sites Natural England has been unable to carry out a detailed review of this information and will provide comments at the next stage of Plan consultation.

Please note that Natural England is reviewing the Impact Risk Zone (IRZ) for Eversden and Wimpole Woods SAC to take into account the findings of emerging SAC barbastelle tracking surveys being undertaken for major development schemes. It will also take into consideration the availability of suitable foraging resource which is considered to be quite scarce in the local area. In the meantime, until the IRZ is formally amended, and accompanying guidance prepared, we welcome application of a precautionary 20km buffer zone for SAC barbastelles in line with Natural England’s current local guidance.

Natural England is generally supportive of the interim findings of the HRA and will provide further

advice as the HRA is updated in line with the development of Plan policies and further evidence.

Sustainability Appraisal
Through the Sustainability Appraisal (LUC, October 2021) the preferred policy approaches for the Local Plan have been subject to appraisal against the SA objectives. A range of reasonable alternative options has also been assessed, including alternatives to the preferred policy approaches, Strategic Spatial Options and site options. We welcome that the findings of the HRA will be incorporated into the SA and will provide further insight into biodiversity impacts specifically at designated sites, presenting the opportunity to limit adverse impacts at these locations.

We support recognition of the over-abstraction of water in this region as a serious concern. We welcome acknowledgement that action is required now to ensure the availability of water for future uses without detrimental impact on the environment. Natural England agrees that water resource availability and water quality are inter-related and that these are likely to be exacerbated by the effects of climate change.

The new Local Plan presents the opportunity for new development to come forward at the most appropriate locations in order to avoid detrimental impacts on biodiversity assets. However, we support recognition of potential risks to the ecological network including statutorily designated sites, through degradation and other impacts associated with development.

We agree that the new Local Plan provides the opportunity to promote biodiversity gain and to improve the overall ecological network. Natural England also agrees that opportunities identified through the Green Infrastructure Study (2020) could support delivery of Natural England's Habitat Network nearby opportunity zones and support pollinator corridors. Robust plan policies will need to be developed to secure delivery of these enhancements through all relevant development.

The report concludes that overall, the proposed direction of the Local Plan performs well in sustainability terms with a strong focus on providing an appropriate amount of development and policies focused on minimising carbon emissions, particularly through minimising the need to travel, using land efficiently and making the most of existing and planned sustainable transport links. Natural England suggests this is a premature conclusion in the current absence of strategic water supply infrastructure and sustainable interim measures. Development through the adopted strategy is already being progress without these measures in place. Further development of the Green Infrastructure Initiatives is also required to ensure adequate GI to meet development needs and to alleviate recreational pressures on some of our most sensitive sites habitats. Robust plan policies, to secure timely delivery of this strategic green infrastructure, will be required to demonstrate the Plan’s sustainability.

We generally welcome the policy recommendations presented within Chapter 5 of the SA report including reference to the mitigation hierarchy within Policy BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity and stronger commitments to protect and enhance biodiversity within this and the site allocation policies. However, in our view SA recommendations should focus on the urgent requirement for the identification of strategic and interim water resource/infrastructure solutions and further work to progress the GI Initiatives into real projects.

Natural England will provide further advice as the SA is updated in line with the development of Plan policies and further evidence.

We hope our comments are helpful. For any queries relating to the specific advice in this letter only please contact Janet Nuttall on […]. For any new consultations, or to provide further information on this consultation please send your correspondences to


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60003

Received: 08/12/2021

Respondent: Steeple Morden Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Biodiversity Net Gain conditions should include developer funds for monitoring and remedial action if required.

Full text:


Vision and development strategy
Section / Policy Your comments
Vision and aims
How much development, and where – general comments Support the approach to contain any development to major clusters.
S/JH: New jobs and homes
S/DS: Development strategy Support to the extent that development should be very restricted in smaller rural villages with limited public transport.
S/SH: Settlement hierarchy Support Steeple Morden is a group village and should remain in this category. It is well down the sustainability hierarchy.
S/SB: Settlement boundaries Support tightly drawn development boundaries are important to reduce encroachment into the countryside and particularly for linear villages protecting their character. Also assists in delivering exception sites.

Cambridge urban area
Policy Your comments
Cambridge urban area - general comments
S/NEC: North East Cambridge
S/AMC: Areas of Major Change
S/OA: Opportunity Areas in Cambridge
S/LAC: Land allocations in Cambridge

Edge of Cambridge
Policy Your comments
Edge of Cambridge - general comments
S/CE: Cambridge East
S/NWC: North West Cambridge
S/CBC: Cambridge Biomedical Campus
S/WC: West Cambridge
S/EOC: Other existing allocations on the edge of Cambridge

New settlements
Policy Your comments
New settlements - general comments
S/CB: Cambourne
S/NS: Existing new settlements

Rural southern cluster
Policy Your comments
Rural southern cluster - general comments
S/GC: Genome Campus, Hinxton
S/BRC: Babraham Research Campus
S/RSC: Village allocations in the rural southern cluster
S/SCP: Policy areas in the rural southern cluster

Rest of the rural area
Policy Your comments
Rest of the rural area - general comments
S/RRA: Allocations in the rest of the rural area
S/RRP: Policy areas in the rest of the rural area

Climate change
Policy Your comments
Climate change - general comments Future development and trends will increase the use of electricity so do we have an obligation to consider where we might generate this locally? There should be clear comments on how and where solar PV farms and windfarms are going to be planned
CC/NZ: Net zero carbon new buildings Should not be specific about not connecting a gas pipe to new housing. This might prevent the future distribution of Hydrogen. Should keep this option open
CC/WE: Water efficiency in new developments Absolutely necessary.
CC/DC: Designing for a changing climate
CC/FM: Flooding and integrated water management Infrastructure should be operational before housing occupation. Especially managing hard surface run off.
CC/RE: Renewable energy projects and infrastructure Support for community led projects but should include access to funding.
CC/CE: Reducing waste and supporting the circular economy
CC/CS: Supporting land based carbon sequestration

Biodiversity and green spaces
Policy Your comments
Biodiversity and green spaces - general comments
BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity Biodiversity Net Gain conditions should include developer funds for monitoring and remedialaction if required.
BG/GI: Green infrastructure Support for recognition of Pollinator corridors. Strategic Green Infrastructure should include protection and enhancement of chalk aquifer spring line.
BG/TC: Improving Tree canopy cover and the tree population Support particularly providing enhanced protection to existing mature trees.
BG/RC: River corridors Support Steeple Morden has an important tributary of the Cam flowing through the Parish – The Rhee. There should also be recognition enhancement and protection for the brooks which emanate from the aquifer spring line and help feed the river system.
BG/PO: Protecting open spaces Support
BG/EO: Providing and enhancing open spaces Support

Wellbeing and inclusion
Policy Your comments
Wellbeing and inclusion - general comments
WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments
WS/CF: Community, sports, and leisure facilities Support
WS/MU: Meanwhile uses during long term redevelopments
WS/IO: Creating inclusive employment and business opportunities through new developments
WS/HS: Pollution, health and safety Support

Great places policies
Policy Your comments
Great places – general comments
GP/PP: People and place responsive design Support
GP/LC: Protection and enhancement of landscape character Support. Need to ensure protection of landscape setting of villages and penetration of countryside gaps as an important element of character particularly those villages with a predominantly linear form.
GP/GB: Protection and enhancement of the Cambridge Green Belt
GP/QD: Achieving high quality development Support
GP/QP: Establishing high quality landscape and public realm Support
GP/HA: Conservation and enhancement of heritage assets Support Need to complete Conservation Area Assessments for villages
GP/CC: Adapting heritage assets to climate change
GP/PH8: Protection of Public Houses Support but condition included that if part of Pub is agreed for another use the marketing policy remains.

Jobs policies
Policy Your comments
Jobs – general comments
J/NE: New employment development proposals
J/RE: Supporting the rural Economy Support
J/AL: Protecting the best agricultural land Strongly support particularly in the light of grade I peat soil requiring remedial action and the need for increased food security.
J/PB: Protecting existing business space
J/RW: Enabling remote working Support
J/AW: Affordable workspace and creative industries
J/EP: Supporting a range of facilities in employment parks
J/RC: Retail and centres
J/VA: Visitor accommodation, attractions and facilities
J/FD: Faculty development and specialist / language schools

Homes policies
Policy Your comments
Homes – general comments
H/AH: Affordable housing
H/ES: Exception sites for affordable housing Support but all types of sites should retain local connection and permanence criteria
H/HM: Housing mix
H/HD: Housing density
H/GL: Garden land and subdivision of existing plots Support
H/SS: Residential space standards and accessible homes
H/SH: Specialist housing and homes for older people
H/CB: Self- and custom-build homes
H/BR: Build to rent homes
H/MO: Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
H/SA: Student accommodation
H/DC: Dwellings in the countryside Support but would stress the importance of ensuring that structures are sound.
H/RM: Residential moorings
H/RC: Residential caravans
H/GT: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People sites
H/CH: Community led housing Support and encouraged where there is no conflict with exception site policy.

Infrastructure policies
Policy Your comments
Infrastructure – general comments Agree there should be support for community led projects but should describe what form the support should take.

Infrastructure should be operational before occupation of new housing particularly the need to manage surface water runoff from hard surfaces to minimise the amount of sewage being released into the waterways
I/ST: Sustainable transport and connectivity Support but Improvements required to rural public transport and the last mile congestion into Cambridge City.
I/EV: Parking and electric vehicles Support for rural public charging points at community facilities
I/FD: Freight and delivery consolidation
I/SI: Safeguarding important infrastructure Support. Should also include disused railway lines with potential for future use.
I/AD: Aviation development Airfields are an important resource and difficult to replace. Local Plan should recognise the need for National Network of General Airfields.Government National Planning Policy Framework section 106.f, to ensure that planning decisions have regard to the importance of the national network of General Aviation airfields is clear. Environmental health concerns should be taken into account when deciding on housing location to avoid new occupants stress, disappointment and possible conflict.
I/EI: Energy infrastructure masterplanning
I/ID: Infrastructure and delivery Greater Cambridge is in a severely water stressed area and is causing environmental damage. Development should be curtailed until new water supply and sewage infrastructure is operational.
I/DI: Digital infrastructure Need for enhancement of mobile phone coverage in villages with poor reception by well sited and suitably camouflaged masts.

Supporting documents on which we are consulting
Policy Your comments
Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment)
Habitats Regulations Assessment


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60081

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Guilden Morden Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Biodiversity Net Gain conditions should include developer funds for monitoring and remedial action if required

Full text:

Firstly, the Form To Assist gives a comment column for Vision and Aims.
We have numerous comments to make under this heading but I have not been able to locate this on the online system.
Secondly, the online system asks "Did you raise the matter that is the subject of your representation with the LPA earlier in the process?"
Guilden Morden Parish Council have not been involved earlier in the process. I have therefore clicked "No" but the system will not allow me to proceed further.
The online system allows only 100 words for each comment and to summarise the comments to avoid exceeding 100 words. It would have been helpful if the Form To Assist had stated that.
Vision and development strategy
Section / Policy Your comments
Vision and aims 1.Guilden MordenParish Council has concerns that the increase in population resulting from the additional homes target of 44,000 will have a negative impact on an already struggling traffic, school and healthcare infrastructure.
Specifically on traffic and congestion:
Commuting into and out of Cambridge at peak times already attracts significant congestion and delay for commuters.
This not only effects commuting by car but also bus and the Park&Ride buses as these typically use the same roads as the other commuters and the bus lane network doesn’t extend to where it’s needed.
Links between the train stations and the city centre are also currently inadequate and equally effected by commuter congestion.
The guided busway is too infrequent to be a viable alternative and typically the Park& Ride parking is at capacity leaving commuters with little alternative other than to drive into the city centre.
All of the above describes the current situation which will clearly be significantly worsened by the addition of 44,000 homes by 2041.
2. Is the methodology used in arriving at the figure of 44,000 defendable?

How much development, and where – general comments Support that the proposed developments are to be in major clusters in areas with good public transport.
S/JH: New jobs and homes
S/DS: Development strategy Support to the extent that development should be very restricted in smaller rural villages with limited public transport.
S/SH: Settlement hierarchy Support. Guilden Morden is a group village and should remain in this category. It is well down the sustainability hierarchy.
S/SB: Settlement boundaries Support. Tightly drawn development boundaries are important to reduce encroachment into the countryside.

Cambridge urban area
Policy Your comments
Cambridge urban area - general comments
S/NEC: North East Cambridge
S/AMC: Areas of Major Change
S/OA: Opportunity Areas in Cambridge
S/LAC: Land allocations in Cambridge

Edge of Cambridge
Policy Your comments
Edge of Cambridge - general comments
S/CE: Cambridge East
S/NWC: North West Cambridge
S/CBC: Cambridge Biomedical Campus
S/WC: West Cambridge
S/EOC: Other existing allocations on the edge of Cambridge

New settlements
Policy Your comments
New settlements - general comments
S/CB: Cambourne
S/NS: Existing new settlements

Rural southern cluster
Policy Your comments
Rural southern cluster - general comments
S/GC: Genome Campus, Hinxton
S/BRC: Babraham Research Campus
S/RSC: Village allocations in the rural southern cluster
S/SCP: Policy areas in the rural southern cluster

Rest of the rural area
Policy Your comments
Rest of the rural area - general comments
S/RRA: Allocations in the rest of the rural area
S/RRP: Policy areas in the rest of the rural area

Climate change
Policy Your comments
Climate change - general comments Future development and trends will increase the use of electricity. Where might this be generated locally by solar and/or wind?
CC/NZ: Net zero carbon new buildings Support
CC/WE: Water efficiency in new developments Absolutely necessary
CC/DC: Designing for a changing climate
CC/FM: Flooding and integrated water management Infrastructure should be operational before housing occupation
CC/RE: Renewable energy projects and infrastructure Support for community led projects but should include access to funding
CC/CE: Reducing waste and supporting the circular economy
CC/CS: Supporting land based carbon sequestration

Biodiversity and green spaces
Policy Your comments
Biodiversity and green spaces - general comments
BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity Biodiversity Net Gain conditions should include developer funds for monitoring and remedial action if required
BG/GI: Green infrastructure Support for recognition of pollinator corridors. Strategic Green Infrastructure should include protection and enhancement of chalk aquifer spring line.
BG/TC: Improving Tree canopy cover and the tree population Support
BG/RC: River corridors Support
BG/PO: Protecting open spaces Support
BG/EO: Providing and enhancing open spaces Support

Wellbeing and inclusion
Policy Your comments
Wellbeing and inclusion - general comments
WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments
WS/CF: Community, sports, and leisure facilities Support
WS/MU: Meanwhile uses during long term redevelopments
WS/IO: Creating inclusive employment and business opportunities through new developments
WS/HS: Pollution, health and safety

Great places policies
Policy Your comments
Great places – general comments
GP/PP: People and place responsive design Support
GP/LC: Protection and enhancement of landscape character Support. Need to ensure protection of landscape setting of villages and penetration of countryside gaps as an important element of character.
GP/GB: Protection and enhancement of the Cambridge Green Belt
GP/QD: Achieving high quality development Support
GP/QP: Establishing high quality landscape and public realm Support
GP/HA: Conservation and enhancement of heritage assets Support
GP/CC: Adapting heritage assets to climate change
GP/PH8: Protection of Public Houses Support

Jobs policies
Policy Your comments
Jobs – general comments
J/NE: New employment development proposals
J/RE: Supporting the rural Economy Support
J/AL: Protecting the best agricultural land Support
J/PB: Protecting existing business space
J/RW: Enabling remote working Support
J/AW: Affordable workspace and creative industries
J/EP: Supporting a range of facilities in employment parks
J/RC: Retail and centres
J/VA: Visitor accommodation, attractions and facilities
J/FD: Faculty development and specialist / language schools

Homes policies
Policy Your comments
Homes – general comments
H/AH: Affordable housing
H/ES: Exception sites for affordable housing Support but all types of sites should retain local connection and permanence criteria
H/HM: Housing mix
H/HD: Housing density
H/GL: Garden land and subdivision of existing plots Support
H/SS: Residential space standards and accessible homes
H/SH: Specialist housing and homes for older people
H/CB: Self- and custom-build homes
H/BR: Build to rent homes
H/MO: Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
H/SA: Student accommodation
H/DC: Dwellings in the countryside Support
H/RM: Residential moorings
H/RC: Residential caravans
H/GT: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People sites
H/CH: Community led housing Support

Infrastructure policies
Policy Your comments
Infrastructure – general comments Agree there should be support for community led projects but should describe what form the support should take.
Infrastructure should be operational before occupation of new housing particularly the need to manage surface water runoff fromhard surfacesto minimise the amount of sewage being released into the waterways
I/ST: Sustainable transport and connectivity Support but improvements required rural public transport and congestion into Cambridge (see comments under Vision and Aims)
I/EV: Parking and electric vehicles Support
I/FD: Freight and delivery consolidation
I/SI: Safeguarding important infrastructure Support
I/AD: Aviation development Support
I/EI: Energy infrastructure master planning
I/ID: Infrastructure and delivery Greater Cambridge is in a severely water stressed area and is causing environmental damage. Development should be curtailed until new water supply and sewage infrastructure is operational.
I/DI: Digital infrastructure Need for enhancement of mobile phone coverage in villages with poor reception by well sited and suitably camouflaged masts.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60128

Received: 14/12/2021

Respondent: Christopher Blakeley

Representation Summary:

Support delivery of a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain.
I would comment that funding for long term management of biodiversity assets is key for the long-term benefits from such a policy.
I could also emphasis the creation of winter wet areas, water space and Suds designed to benefit enhanced biodiversity should be planned in to developments at an early stage

Full text:

Vision and aims
I support the vision and aims of the Local Plan and the general direction of the development strategy, but am concerned about the overall scale of development and the continuing high levels of growth which are driven by technical economic growth forecasts.

How much development, and where – general comments
I recognise that Greater Cambridge has a strong and nationally important economy, but I do not support the continuing pace and scale of high levels of growth that has increasing cumulative impacts on the environment, water supply, heritage and carbon emissions.
I would argue that the growth of the Cambridge and the impacts of that level of growth on South Cambridgeshire are disproportionately high (a third higher than the government targets) compared with other Local Plans, because the scale of growth is driven by technical economic forecasts studies and the desire to continue to stoke the engine of growth yet again.
The area over the last 30 years has absorbed major levels of development which has brought many benefits and disbenefits.
But the time has come with this Plan, in a new era having to seriously address the causes and impacts of climate change and net zero carbon goals to set t Cambridge on a different course.
The development strategy should with this Plan start to reduce the scale of growth to more manageable levels, perhaps towards the Low option so as to set the direction of travel for the next planning round in the era of climate change .

S/JH: New jobs and homes
The level of new homes proposed in the Plan is driven by the need to enhance economic growth, so much so that it is 37% higher than the Government targets for the area.
This proposes larger amounts of housing growth in the surrounding South Cambridgeshire District to serve Cambridge and the surrounding area.
A large amount of new development proposed in the housing pipeline is already allocated to known sites. A moderated target would lessen the uncertainty of deliverability, ease of the identified water supply issue and give time to for water companies to decide and implement sound options, and reduce climate impacts.
Even a moderate reduction in the housing target, which goes so far beyond what the Government requires, could provide more reserve housing sites, providing flexibility to maintain a five year housing supply, reduce pressure on villages and start to slow the pace of change in an area, which has seen so much cumulative change over the recent decades.

S/DS: Development strategy
I generally support the Development Strategy that supports sustainable development and proposes compact active neighbourhoods in Cambridge, development and /or expansion of new towns connected by good public and active transport and the proposals for very limited new development in the rest of the rural area.

S/SH: Settlement hierarchy
I support the proposed Settlement hierarchy policy area as a means of planning and directing new development towards the most suitable and sustainable locations.
In my comment on the rest of rural area, I am concerned about the impact of unallocated housing windfalls being used by possible speculative planning applications contrary to the development strategy to direct development to the most sustainable locations.
I would suggest that the word indictive in the proposed policy SS/SH is omitted to strengthen and add clarity to the proposed policy in the light of the revised annual windfall target.
Support the reclassification of Cottenham and Babraham villages to provide locations for development and new jobs on good public transport routes.

S/SB: Settlement boundaries
I support the work on the development of Settlement boundaries, especially to protect the open countryside from gradual encroachment around villages and on high quality agricultural land.
The work on settlement boundaries should include the involvement of Parish Councils at an appropriate stage in the development of the Policy because of their local data and knowledge of past development.

Cambridge urban area - general comments
Support in Cambridge urban area for good designed, active compact new developments, reuse of brownfield land and continued development of larger neighbourhoods where possible.

S/NEC: North East Cambridge
Support the development of NE Cambridge as a sustainable neighbourhood with good public transport and active transport into Cambridge

Edge of Cambridge - general comments
Support edge of Cambridge planned new neighbourhoods and new sustainable developments and settlements of sufficient size to cater for daily needs and with good access to public and active transport

New settlements - general comments
Support for new settlements of substantial size to cater for more than local needs. I particularly support the growth of Cambourne which can provide good rail access into Cambridge and to the West in the mid-term from new East West rail infrastructure.

S/BRC: Babraham Research Campus
Support the release of land from the Green Belt to support nationally important R and D and life science jobs located near to public transport routes and active transport.

S/RSC: Village allocations in the rural southern cluster
NB, Policy has different name on map page.
In accordance with reducing carbon emissions, and supporting access to the existing rail network the villages of Shelford and Whittlesford could be locations for more sustainable development, despite Green Belt locations

S/SCP: Policy areas in the rural southern cluster
Support existing site allocations to be carried forward including the expansion of Babraham research campus using Green Belt land

Rest of the rural area - general comments
I support the development strategy approach which directs new development to a limited number of sites in the most sustainable development locations supporting the sustainability of villages.
There is still the matter of the unallocated housing windfall development identified in the strategy Topic Paper of 5345 homes for 2021-2041 which is not included in the additional allocated land target of the 11596.
The anticipated dwellings per year for SCDC is between 240 and 255 dwellings a year. Notwithstanding the proposed policy SS/SH, there is a risk that developers will seek speculative permission in the open countryside greenfield sites contrary to the development strategy using the windfalls allocation and I have made a comment on this on Policy SS/SH.

Climate change - general comments
All new development will have impacts relating to increasing carbon emissions and require adaptation responses. A Local Plan can only seek to mitigate these impacts and by far the most impacts are from the existing development, their use and getting around using carbon fuelled transport.
The rate of change in and around Cambridge over the past 30 years has been significantly greater than for just local needs, mainly to develop nationally important economic development. This Plan continues this approach despite the issue of climate change and water supply and large amounts on new development still to be implemented from current Local Plans.
I would argue that the time has now come to step back from this direction of travel and begin to reduce the scale of growth around Cambridge using the Low option as a first step.
I was hoping, given the aims of the Plan and the input of the Net Zero Carbon study for a more radical Plan which addressed climate change and zero carbon targets through aiming to reduce the total amount of new development to meet local needs need and move to a position which is in line with Government targets in the next planning round.

CC/NZ: Net zero carbon new buildings
Support in general
Although I have concerns about how for example heat pump technology can be installed and used at reasonable cost in new development.

CC/WE: Water efficiency in new developments
Support, important given the water supply issues coming forward up to 2041

CC/DC: Designing for a changing climate
Support especially with regards balancing insulation and overheating with increasing hot to very hot summers risk brought about through a changing climate.
Site wide approaches should include appropriate lower densities through good design which allow for beyond minimum garden space and space for Suds and open space and greening.

CC/FM: Flooding and integrated water management
Especially permeable surfaces and integration of water management with enhancements to biodiversity and greening.

CC/CS: Supporting land-based carbon sequestration
Support the creation of land for use as carbon sinks through the development process. Perhaps a suitable use of land in the Green Belt or on lower grade agricultural land.

Biodiversity and green spaces - general comments
Support the identification of 14 strategic GI initiatives and enhancing the linkages between GI and open spaces to provide corridors for wildlife.

BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity
Support delivery of a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain.
I would comment that funding for long term management of biodiversity assets is key for the long-term benefits from such a policy.
I could also emphasis the creation of winter wet areas, water space and Suds designed to benefit enhanced biodiversity should be planned in to developments at an early stage

BG/GI: Green infrastructure
Support the use of a GI standard, particularly on larger developments.
In particular early identification of GI and biodiversity assets and potential gains as an early part of the design process and /or planning brief

BG/TC: Improving Tree canopy cover and the tree population
Support increasing tree and woodland cover, ensuring right tree(s) in right places and species futureproofed for lifetime changing climate adaptation.
A particular opportunity is the rural field margins of agricultural land to help increase the linkages and biodiversity gains and in specific places the creation of woodland belts in the open countryside, green belt land and around villages.
In Cambridge urban areas, where there are existing trees there is a need to plan their replacement with adaptation species to gradually adapt to a changing climate.
Also, to provide sufficient future tree cover to mitigate the urban heat island effect, provide shade and mitigate microclimatic effects.

BG/RC: River corridors
Support the protection and enhancement of river corridors and restoration of natural features and use of GI to support the alleviation of flooding risk.
Support the delivery of the continuous Cam Valley Trail.

BG/PO: Protecting open spaces
Support the protection of the wide variety of open spaces and use of Local Green Space designation in appropriate locations

BG/EO: Providing and enhancing open spaces
Support the provision of open space and recreation provision, including appropriate play space.

WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments
Support the use of health impact assessments in proposals.
I would comment that with the increase in ride on electric vehicles and increasing older communities there are opportunities to coordinate with transport professional the delivery of smooth pathways with minimal dropped kerbs which gives smoother access to local centres and bus stops linked to older persons housing and also can prevent falls.

GP/PP: People and place responsive design
Support the requirement of inclusion of a comprehensive design and access statement and recognise the importance of good design tailored to the local area and involving local communities and Parish Councils particularly in villages.

GP/LC: Protection and enhancement of landscape character
Support the use of landscape character assessment to enhance the setting of Cambridge and protect and enhance the setting of villages.

GP/GB: Protection and enhancement of the Cambridge Green Belt
National guidance places great importance on Green Belt policy and sets out how planning proposals should be considered.
I support the use of GI and other opportunities to provide access and increase tree and woodlands where appropriate in the Green Belt.
But I think where there are locations where there is good public transport especially rail access or future rail access there is a good case to consider the special circumstances judgment.
I think it is time to question if this national policy is still relevant to the situation Greater Cambridge in the period up to the middle of the century. Further Green Belt assessments may be better served by considering sustainable development and the extension of the Green Belt to prevent coalescence around villages beyond the current Green Belt boundary which was made before most of the new development (over 70%) is beyond the current outside boundary or further modification of this policy to enable growth to be planned for the 21st century rather than the conditions which related to the last century.

Jobs – general comments
I am concerned about the scale of economic growth in the area and its use to drive large amounts of housing growth well about what would be required in other planning areas.
However, I support the life science sector and its national importance and the appropriate development in science parks including their expansion using Green Belt land

J/AL: Protecting the best agricultural land
Support the restriction of development on the best agricultural land as supported in the Sustainability Appraisal.

Homes – general comments
Support the objective for planning enough housing to meet our needs, including affordable housing to rent or buy.
I object to needs being directly driven by future economic assessments, the direction of travel of the plan should be as much balanced by the climate change as future economic demand.

H/HD: Housing density
Support design led approach to determine optimum capacity of sites and appropriate density to respond to local character, especially in villages.

H/GL: Garden land and subdivision of existing plots
Support for controlling the use of gardens for new development.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60152

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: U&I PLC and TOWN

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The policy wording suggests that there will be a requirement for development to achieve a minimum
20% biodiversity net gain. Whilst U+I/TOWN recognise the importance in providing significant biodiversity improvements through development, it is considered that the mandatory minimum limit should reflect the legislative target.

Full text:



Written Response on behalf of U&I PLC / TOWN

Monday, 13 December 2021

Classification L2 - Business Data




0.1 This document sets out written representations on behalf of U+I / TOWN, to a formal consultation by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Services (‘GCSP’) on the Greater Cambridge Local Plan ‘First Proposals’ (Preferred Options, Regulation 18, 2021) (‘First Proposals’).
0.2 U+I and TOWN have been selected by Anglian Water and Cambridge City Council (as landowners) to act as Master Developer for the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Waste Water Treatment Works (‘WWTW’), council depot and golf driving range (to be referred collectively as ‘the Core Site’), for the delivery of approximately 5,500 homes, 23,500m2 of new business space, 13,600m2 of new shops, community, leisure and recreation space (as currently set out in the North East Cambridge Area Action Plan (‘NEC AAP’) Proposed Submission Regulation 19 document). For the avoidance of doubt, these representations are submitted on behalf of U+I and TOWN as master developers rather than the landowners themselves.

0.3 Regeneration of the Core Site will be facilitated by the relocation of the WWTW, which will be funded from the Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund, and which is currently going through a Development Consent Order approval process. Anglian Water will be submitting separate representations to the First Proposals, on this specific element.

0.4 U+I/TOWN have been actively involved in the policy formation process of the NEC AAP and are therefore looking to ensure there is policy consistency between the NEC AAP Proposed Submission and First Proposals documents.

0.5 Consideration will need to be given to the prospect of policy inconsistencies between the Greater Cambridge Local Plan (‘GCLP’) and NEC AAP.

0.6 As a point of broad principle, we would request that relevant GCLP policy (particularly where performance standards are stated) provides appropriate wording that defers to more area/site-specific policy, where it is being formed in other Development Plan Documents, such as NEC AAP. In the event of any inconsistency, this will ensure that there is a clear understanding over which policy takes preference. For instance, if a 20% biodiversity net gain (‘BNG’) target is ultimately adopted in GCLP policy, and a minimum 10% BNG is sought in NEC AAP, then there would be a clear signal in the GCLP policy that the NEC AAP policy is the correct standard to apply.


Policy S/JH: Level of Jobs and Housing
1.1 The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Devolution Deal committed to delivering substantial economic growth and to double economic output during the next 25 years. The Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority and the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership acknowledge and support the economic growth potential of the Greater Cambridge area and consider that there is a need to substantially increase housing delivery in order to support economic growth (that is needed to meet the objective of doubling GVA by 2040) and address the significant housing affordability issues that exist (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Economic Review). At present there is an imbalance between rates of economic growth and housing delivery in Greater Cambridge.
1.2 These factors support a significantly higher number of homes than are proposed in the preferred ‘medium plus’ growth option of Policy S/JH. It is considered that the ‘medium plus’ growth option makes insufficient upward adjustments to the housing requirement (from Section Id.2a of the Planning Practice Guidance) to take into account growth strategies, strategic infrastructure improvements and housing affordability in Greater Cambridge.
1.3 It is suggested that the emerging GCLP should have selected the higher growth level option to support economic growth, address housing affordability, and reduce in-commuting. A higher growth level option would be consistent with the Government’s aspirations for the Oxford to Cambridge Arc.
1.4 It is requested that housing and jobs requirements in Policy S/JH are based on delivering the higher growth level option.

Policy S/DS: Development Strategy


1.5 We broadly support this approach, given that it identifies North-East Cambridge for the creation of new compact city district on brownfield land, noting that it has already been identified for homes and jobs growth.
1.6 However, we are extremely concerned by the ‘Homes’ target for NEC that is stated in the table on page 32, which refers to 3,900 homes between 2020 and 2041. Fundamentally, this is at odds to the trajectory that has been agreed with Homes England as a pre-requisite for the substantial public funding that has been agreed in principle to relocate the WWTW.
1.7 We would therefore instead support a policy that recognises 5,600 homes will be provided on the Core Site by 2041. Consideration will also then need to be given to other housing that is expected to come forward within the NEC AAP.

Policy S/NEC: North-East Cambridge


1.8 We support this approach but would request that GCLP policy for S/NEC is entirely consistent with NEC AAP. A simple policy that specifies reference to NEC AAP will enable GCLP policy to remain up to date, as and when changes are made through the examination and adoption process.
1.9 We would note that Policy 1 of the NEC AAP Proposed Submission states ‘approximately 8,350 new homes, 15,000 new jobs’, as opposed to ‘up to’ as set out in S/NEC.
1.10 S/NEC policy should therefore be amended to refer to ‘approximately’ and provide a clearer link to NEC AAP.

Policy BG/BG: Biodiversity and Geodiversity


1.11 The policy wording suggests that there will be a requirement for development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain, which has been based on the South Cambridgeshire District Council Doubling Nature Strategy (2021), the draft Cambridge City Council Biodiversity Strategy 2021 – 2030, and the Oxford-Cambridge Arc Environment Principles (2021).
The Environment Act 2021, however, states that a minimum of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain should be achieved, and specifies the three forms for doing so:

- Post-development biodiversity value of the onsite habitat;

- the biodiversity value, in relation to the development, of any registered offsite biodiversity gain allocated to the development;

- the biodiversity value of any biodiversity credits purchased for the development;

1.12 Whilst U+I/TOWN recognise the importance in providing significant biodiversity improvements through development, it is considered that the mandatory minimum limit should reflect the legislative target. However, policy could still actively encourage schemes to exceed the minimum, recognising that those that do will be considered as a planning ‘benefit’ of development in sustainability terms (the greater the increase, the greater the weight attached to the assessment of benefit in any planning balance).
1.13 In terms of implications for the Core Site in North-East Cambridge, the NEC Ecology Study (2020) recommended that a target for a net gain of 10% is applied for all developments within NEC. Where this is not achievable within the site boundary then offsite measures should be provisioned.
1.14 By way illustration, a 20% gain to the 36.76 biodiversity units that have been identified in the Ecology Study would result in the need to achieve 44.112 biodiversity credits, in order to satisfy policy requirements. This seems highly ambitious, given the level of density that will need to be achieved across the Core Site to meet NEC strategy objectives. We will continue to make representations on this point as the NEC AAP progresses. GCSP must also consider alternatives to on-site provision where the necessary biodiversity net gain cannot be achieved on site. This could include a range of options including biodiversity net gain ‘credits’ being able to be purchased from other sites.

1.15 Ultimately, the aim of BNG is to leave the natural environment in a measurably better condition than beforehand. Therefore, if it can be robustly demonstrated that on-site provision is not achievable, the opportunity to measurably improve the natural environment of other appropriate receptor sites through off-site provision should still have a significant value attached to it.

Policy WS/HD: Creating Healthy New Developments


1.16 We broadly support the 10 principles for creating healthy places. The vision for North-East Cambridge is of a healthy, inclusive, walkable, low-carbon new city district with a vibrant mix of high quality homes, workplaces, services and social spaces, fully integrated with surrounding neighbourhoods.
1.17 One of the five strategic objectives of the NEC AAP is for a healthy and safe neighbourhood and notes the principles of the Health New Towns programme.

Policy WS/MU: Meanwhile Uses During Long Term redevelopments


1.18 We support the inclusion of a Meanwhile Use policy and agree that it can play an important role on strategic development sites. Phases of development can occur over a significant period of time, and therefore utilisation of vacant/redundant land/buildings for social and/or economic purposes can help activate an area and provide short/medium term benefits that might not otherwise be realised.

Policy GP/LC: Protection and Enhancement of Landscape Character


1.19 The policy notes that ‘the edges of Cambridge and the villages are an important area of transition which require sensitive landscaping to protect the setting of the settlements and to provide a well- defined edge which respects townscape and the countryside beyond’.
1.20 The Core Site at North-East Cambridge will need to be planned to a high density in order to fully achieve the the strategic objectives of the NEC AAP, as well as to hit the quantum of development required under Homes England’s Housing & Infrastructure Fund. This will require a number of buildings that are taller than may otherwise be commonly found in the north of Cambridge (including surrounding villages, such as Milton). The masterplan for the Core Site will take great care in how its development edges interface with the landscape and setting of nearby settlements, as well as adjoining ‘bad neighbour’ uses currently in existence. The policy will need to recognise the strategic objectives of NEC AAP and avoid imposing conditions that could unreasonably restrict development.

Policy GP/QD: Achieving High Quality Development


Policy GP/QP: Establishing High Quality Landscape and Public Realm


Policy J/NE: New Employment Development Proposals


1.21 We broadly support the intent of the policy but consider it essential that GCSP takes a more ambitious approach in seeking to capture and accommodate the substantial demand in office, R&D, lab and associated manufacturing space in the Greater Cambridge area. There is a need to provide sufficient supply in order to meet the balanced homes/jobs requirements and to reflect the high employment density and employment skills these uses engender.
1.22 The Greater Cambridge Local Plan Strategic Spatial Options Assessment (Housing and Employment Relationships Nov 2021), upon which the homes and jobs growth of the First Proposals has been based (‘Central Growth’), considered a Higher Growth option of 78,742 jobs in the Plan Period. It
noted that ‘this is a plausible but more aspirational growth outcome’. We believe that the Higher Growth option should be pursued to reflect the Combined Authority’s commitment to doubling GVA by 2040 and capitalise on the significant appetite for research/knowledge-based, commercial development in the City.

Policy J/AW: Affordable Workspace and Creative Industries


Policy H/HD: Housing Density


Policy H/CB: Self and Custom-build Homes


1.23 The concern we have with this policy is the ability for the Core Site scheme to comply with the amount of Self-build/custom build being sought, given the high-density development that is envisaged. We would seek reference in the policy to wording that reflects the relevant policy in the NEC AAP i.e. to support ‘custom-finish’ as well.

Policy I/ST: Sustainable Transport and Connectivity



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60159

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Home Builders Federation

Representation Summary:

The requirement for a 20% net gain in biodiversity is not sound. No robust justification has been provided as to why the Greater Cambridge area is any different to the rest of the country and should set a higher requirement for net biodiversity gains from new development. If Government considers 10% sufficient to mitigate the impact of new development in future, then this should also be an appropriate level of net gain for the Greater Cambridge area. It is important to recognise that the Environment Act does not set this as a minimum and at present there is no suggestion that in future policy will allow for a higher requirement to be set in local plans.

The HBF also has concerns that the impact of a 20% requirement has not been fully considered. A 20% requirement will have a more considerable cost impact than as is suggested in the viability assessment and one that could impact on the deliverability of some sites. Therefore, we recommend that the policy is amended to ensure that it reflects the approach established in the Environment Act that requires a 10% net gain in biodiversity.

Full text:

The requirement for a 20% net gain in biodiversity is not sound. No robust justification has been provided as to why the Greater Cambridge area is any different to the rest of the country and should set a higher requirement for net biodiversity gains from new development. If Government considers 10% sufficient to mitigate the impact of new development in future, then this should also be an appropriate level of net gain for the Greater Cambridge area. It is important to recognise that the Environment Act does not set this as a minimum and at present there is no suggestion that in future policy will allow for a higher requirement to be set in local plans.

The HBF also has concerns that the impact of a 20% requirement has not been fully considered. A 20% requirement will have a more considerable cost impact than as is suggested in the viability assessment and one that could impact on the deliverability of some sites. Therefore, we recommend that the policy is amended to ensure that it reflects the approach established in the Environment Act that requires a 10% net gain in biodiversity.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60196

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: John Preston

Representation Summary:

Projects proposed to help achieve net zero need to be both delivered and SAFEGUARDED, throughout the Plan period, to ensure that the aims are delivered (e,g, need to ensure that biodiversity / natural capital / “doubling nature” and any other such schemes are protected from subsequent inappropriate changes of use or management).

Full text:

Vision and development strategy
Vision and aims
The vision is contradictory, misconceived and undemocratic, unquestioning, unachievable, and based on inadequate evidence. The draft Plan and this whole consultation are premature.

It is contradictory in that the vision of a big decrease in climate impacts is totally undermined by blindness to fundamental incompatibilities between growth and carbon reduction. Its claims of sustainability and Net Zero are not credible given that the carbon costs of construction are not included in the Plan’s definition of a Net Zero Carbon building.

It is misconceived and undemocratic in that it claims to want “the variety of homes and jobs we need” when all the proposed options involve levels of growth dictated by a combination of Government fiat (through both imposed housing targets and four growth corridors led by the Ox Cam Arc) and the ambitions of a local oligarchy (exemplified by Cambridge Ahead) which is unrepresentative of the people of Greater Cambridge. The Arc proposals are in direct conflict with the “levelling up” agenda, will not deliver “levelling up” in terms of Cambridge’s inequalities (notably affordable housing) and should not be taken as justification for the level of growth being proposed (

The Plan’s “predict and provide” approach fails to even question the desirability or deliverability of this imposed growth. Nor does it begin to tackle the severe challenges arising from past and present growth, notably in terms of affordability (in the most unequal city in England), and transport capacity issues (first identified by Holford 70 years ago), both of which have been exacerbated by growth, and will be further exacerbated, not diminished, by the growth now proposed.

It is unachievable in that
a) it ignores environmental capacity limits, most immediately in relation to water issues, but also in relation to the physical character of Greater Cambridge, and the capacity challenges of accommodating the intense activity of a 21st century city within the built fabric and spaces of a historic University town and its hinterland.
b) its claims to increase nature, wildlife and green spaces rely on a quantum of development that, considered holistically, will have an opposite effect.
c) the Plan’s growth proposals will compound the damaging impacts of current growth on our unique heritage and landscapes.

Its evidence base is incomplete and inadequate. Inexcusably, it has no assessment whatever of environmental capacity (a fundamental issue for the Plan) other than in relation to water supply. The Climate change evidence is inadequate and misleading, notably because it uses a definition of Net Zero Building which omits the embodied carbon of construction. There is no review or assessment of the success or failure of current local plan or other policies. This is compounded by the woefully inadequate historic environment evidence base, which has no strategic consideration of Cambridge as a world famous historic city, and is so incomplete that it only mentions one Conservation Area Appraisal (the Historic Core) when all the city’s Conservation Areas are covered by Appraisals, and fails to use the readily available evidence contained within them.
The draft Plan and the whole consultation are premature pending
1) A thorough understanding and appreciation of the current character of Greater Cambridge and its environmental capacity
2) The forthcoming Water Resources East consultation on the Regional Water Plan, on which these proposals depend
3) Transport solutions which can be accommodated in the space available, including those currently and imminently out for consultation on transport capacity and links within and outside the city.

The Plan’s aims do not include what is arguably the most vital: how to maintain, enhance, and provide more equitable access to what makes Cambridge special, in the face of the combined challenges of growth and Climate Change. This should be a key priority of the Historic Environment Strategy which is required by the NPPF, but absent from the First Proposals.

As someone from the Tech industry said in a meeting last year with Stephen Kelly, Director of Planning: “Malta has concrete high rises, no one goes there. The Tech sector comes here because it’s a nice place to be. If Cambridge takes a predict and provide approach, it will accelerate into catastrophe.”

How much development, and where – general comments
No more development allocations until issues arising from existing approved growth have been identified and tackled. This means waiting for the Regional Water Plan and coherent publicly-endorsed proposals for tackling existing congestion and capacity issues, challenging the assumptions underlying the Ox Cam Arc, and carrying out a holistic assessment of environmental capacity and the limits to growth. All in line with the principles of Doughnut Economics which the City Council says that it has adopted.

The evidence base is seriously inadequate in relation to environmental capacity. There is no evaluation of the success or failure of existing policies in maintaining the special character of Cambridge, an aim which the new Plan seeks to maintain. Such consideration needs to include not only impacts of the form, scale and location of new development, but also of the transport and other infrastructure required by it. Current growth is putting massive, and unresolved pressures on the capacity of existing transport links, and the physical capacity of Cambridge’s roads system and public realm.

The GCP’s Making Connections proposals, currently under consultation, attempt to resolve some of the challenges, but have no detailed assessment of the capacity of Cambridge’s streets to take the extra volumes of bus and cycle traffic being proposed. Given that Cambridge’s congestion problems are historic, and compounded by growth, this consultation on Local Plan proposals for additional growth is premature in the absence of credible and detailed proposals to tackle current capacity issues.
S/DS: Development strategy
How can the proposals aim for net zero with this sheer volume of proposed development (while whole-life costing of large new proposals is welcome, what about the carbon cost of developments in the pipeline? - see above and comments on CC/NZ below).
No mention of impacts of transport links required for these proposals. Need to ensure that these are brought forward in concurrently with the Local Plan proposals.
Cambridge urban area
Cambridge urban area - general comments

Massive environmental capacity issues, with inadequate space in City streets and public realm to cater for existing traffic, let alone approved growth already in the pipeline – even before considering these First Proposals. The capacity issues have to be tackled, with additional growth allowed only if they can be resolved.

No mention of Covid and opportunities for city centre residential / other uses resulting from potential radical changes in retail.
No new cultural or provision for other “city-scale” needs, so putting the city centre under even greater pressure.

S/NEC: North East Cambridge
Vividly illustrates the issues. Gross over development.
Edge of Cambridge
Edge of Cambridge - general comments
The Green Belt assessment is not fit for purpose, because it ignores historic environment designations and landscape character constraints.

This highlights a vital flaw of the Plan, its failure to take a holistic view of the combination of different elements (including historic and natural environment) which make up the character of Greater Cambridge. The Government may have tried to artificially separate the natural and built environment with its Environment Act, but that doesn’t mean this approach should be followed in Cambridge!

Climate change
Climate change - general comments

The definition of a Net Zero Carbon building set out in the Evidence Base does not include its embodied carbon: this is a very serious omission which undermines all claims made about the sustainability of new development, and raises questions about the claimed sustainability credentials of all the Growth options being proposed.

Already out of date in terms of Government targets (e.g. the Heat and Buildings Strategy, not mentioned in the draft Plan), and rapidly developing guidance and best practice.
Support regular reviews to keep pace with developing technology, standards, Government targets (e.g. the Heat and Buildings Strategy, not mentioned in the draft Plan), and rapidly developing guidance and best practice. There are also serious quality control challenges in relation to whether aspirational aims are actually delivered. How will this be done? Outline planning permissions must be subject to the aspirations articulated in draft local plan. How will this be done?
Projects proposed to help achieve net zero need to be both delivered and SAFEGUARDED, throughout the Plan period, to ensure that the aims are delivered (e,g, need to ensure that biodiversity / natural capital / “doubling nature” (sic) and any other such schemes are protected from subsequent inappropriate changes of use or management)
Agree that development should be located so that low carbon transport links can be accessed. However, such locations should not be chosen based on proposed busways – the delivery of these is uncertain and their construction generates carbon emissions through the embodied carbon in the building materials, tree felling reducing carbon capture, maintenance and serving works, and lighting, contrary to the Council’s net zero carbon agenda.

CC/NZ: Net zero carbon new buildings
The definition of a Net Zero Carbon building set out in the Evidence Base does not include its embodied carbon: this is a very serious omission which undermines all claims made about the sustainability of new development, and raises questions about the claimed sustainability credentials of all the Growth options being proposed.

Support recognition of embodied carbon, also whole life carbon (see CC/CE). build for future re-use, including requiring use of lime mortar not cement to enable re-use of fired and quarried materials.

Where possible, existing buildings should be re-used (“The greenest building is the one that already exists”– Carl Elefante quoted in the Architect’s Journal Retrofirst campaign

Require whole-life assessments whenever demolition of an existing building is proposed. (e.g. false net zero claims made for new Kings College development on Barton Rd – no mention of the embodied carbon of the buildings demolished to make way; same applies to the Flying Pig replacement) .

CC/CE: Reducing waste and supporting the circular economy
Support recognition of embodied carbon, also whole life carbon (see CC/CE). build for future re-use, including requiring use of lime mortar not cement to enable re-use of fired and quarried materials.

Where possible, existing buildings should be re-used (“The greenest building is the one that already exists”– Carl Elefante quoted in the Architect’s Journal Retrofirst campaign

Require whole-life assessments whenever demolition of an existing building is proposed. (e.g. false net zero claims made for new Kings College development on Barton Rd – no mention of the embodied carbon of the buildings demolished to make way; same applies to the Flying Pig replacement) .

Incredibly, no mention of retrofit in the Climate Change topic paper! The Council’s apparent view that retrofit is not within the scope of the Plan is mistaken. The only place in which retrofit is mentioned, and far too narrowly, is in policy GP/CC in the Great Places paper. This is one of several instances where a holistic approach should require read-across between Policies in different sections (e.g. also between historic environment and natural environment).

Retrofit will be within the direct scope of the Plan (guiding planning decisions) whenever it involves works which could potentially require planning permission or listed building consent.
[Case in point is the new Institute for Sustainability Leadership building (conversion of former telephone exchange) on Regent St. Major impact on appearance of building which makes (or made) a positive contribution to the Conservation Area, not a heritage asset but requiring planning permission. The submitted justification included every possible assessment criterion apart from townscape / heritage impact (shockingly not even considered by the applicants!). What has been approved and is now being built involved losing the window detailing which was a key part of the building’s character. Since that scheme was approved, PAS 2038 (non-domestic retrofit guidance) has come into force: it would have required a more comprehensive approach by the applicants, and might have led to a different decision. ]

Retrofit is also within the scope of the Sustainable Design and Construction SPD, which needs to be updated to include embodied carbon, over the whole life cycle of construction (including retrofit and refurbishment), as set out in British Standard BS EN 15978:2011:
(slide by Alice Moncaster)

This Climate Change section should include specific policies covering retrofit, which will feature ever more strongly as Govt targets for Band C etc bite. These targets present serious challenges now, and will get ever more serious during the Plan period, with high risks of carbon (and money) being wasted on inappropriate works. Yet Net Zero Carbon for existing buildings is mentioned only cursorily, on a single page (35) of the Local Plan’s Net Zero Carbon Evidence Base.

There is no mention whatsoever of the need for a different approach to buildings of traditional solid wall construction. These form at least a quarter of the existing stock; this proportion should have been considered and assessed as part of the Evidence Base. It could even be as high as 35%, the proportion quoted in the BRE study “Solid wall heat losses and the potential for energy saving” published by DECC in 2015.

The specific challenges of traditional buildings , and the risks of unforeseen consequences (and of consequent waste, rather than saving, of carbon and money) are highlighted in PAS2035, the Government’s guidance on domestic retrofit, which is referenced in Policy GP/CC. However the reference to PAS 2035 in the Policy is futile in its draft form because the PAS (although Government guidance) is not freely available, but published by the British Standards Institute, costing £190, and so is inaccessible to home owners and others who need the guidance.

The Climate Change section of the Plan should quote key principles and guidance* from PAS 2035 and its non-domestic counterpart PAS 2038 (and reference other freely available advice including from the STBA and IHBC as well as the Government’s own guidance to Private Sector Landlords) in sufficient detail to ensure that people dealing with ALL traditional buildings (not only heritage assets) have access to the appropriate advice and skills to ensure that their buildings are put in good repair, and then suitable retrofit measures are applied as appropriate. See This is essential to achieve the aims of the PASs and to minimise unintended consequences.
*including (e.g.) section 0.1.1 of PAS 2035:

Biodiversity and green spaces
Biodiversity and green spaces - general comments
Serious environmental capacity issues (see above), particularly in relation to intensification of pressures on green spaces..

BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity
Projects proposed to help achieve net zero need to be both delivered and SAFEGUARDED, throughout the Plan period, to ensure that the aims are delivered (e,g, need to ensure that biodiversity / natural capital / “doubling nature” and any other such schemes are protected from subsequent inappropriate changes of use or management)

BG/GI: Green infrastructure
Flawed in that green infrastructure and historic environment re considered separately (see comments on Edge of Cambridge, River corridors, and Protecting open spaces). A holistic approach is essential – see NPPF definition of the historic environment..

BG/RC: River corridors
The River Cam Corridor initiative does not mention the historic environment, historic environment designations, or conservation area appraisals. High risks of more intensive use. no mention of environmental capacity issues or recognition that there may be capacity limits to growth or access by either/both local people and visitors (impacts of punt operators on Cam, etc). No mention of historic environment designations. No consideration of areas under particular threat. No consideration of historic / characteristic uses and land management. The whole river corridor from Byron’s Pool to Baits Bite, and its historic uses are vital parts of the historic and cultural as well as landscape character of Cambridge and should be safeguarded. Grantchester Meadows, one of the key river corridor historic and cultural spaces, is the only vital section of the corridor currently without Conservation Area designation; it is currently threatened by visitor pressures and by possible removal of the grazing cattle which play a vital part in traditional water meadow management.

BG/PO: Protecting open spaces
No mention that many open spaces are historic, and form part of the historic environment (see NPPF definition of the historic environment) need to consider their significance as a whole, not just in terms of green infrastructure. Historic environment and local identity are vital elements of the wellbeing identified here

BG/EO: Providing and enhancing open spaces
Open space is not just green space - what about the market square, Quayside etc etc? Need to manage existing pressures, and avoid harmful intensification of use, on all open spaces, and ensure that new development does not increase these pressures. The river corridor is particularly vulnerable.

Wellbeing and inclusion
Wellbeing and inclusion - general comments
There are no documents in the Document Library to support this theme. Why not?

The Topic Paper highlights the importance of place and space, but its text is focused on new developments, and does not mention the contribution made to wellbeing by the beauty and special character of existing places, including the city of Cambridge, the towns and villages, and valued countryside. The historic environment is a vital part of wellbeing.

Nor is Covid mentioned, even though the pandemic has highlighted the vital importance of access to local green space, and to local fresh food. Small local producers have continued to provide when the supermarkets supply chains fail. Cambridge market, and the local producers who sell from it, continues to provide a lifeline of health and wellbeing for many people, as well as providing vital opportunities for business start-ups including makers as well as food sellers.

There is no assessment of existing cultural activities, of current demands for space, or of demands for new space arising from either existing approved growth or that now proposed. Nor is there any assessment of related opportunities in terms of under-used retail space post-Covid. This is a totally inadequate baseline for a credible Plan.

The forthcoming Cultural Infrastructure Strategy for Greater Cambridge will need to recognise Cambridge’s international cultural significance in terms of both its historic environment (which meets UNESCO’s Outstanding Universal Value criteria for World Heritage sites), and its past and present cultural activities. The Local Plan should include policies to protect this significance, and specifically to support cultural activities, and to provide for, and safeguard, public and private spaces for arts and other activities.

Great places policies
Great places – general comments

The Great Places paper refers to Heritage Assets, but completely fails to recognise that the city of Cambridge is a heritage asset of worldwide significance which meets UNESCO’s Outstanding Universal Value criteria for World Heritage status. This significance derives from the combination of its built and natural heritage. The draft Plan fails to recognise the vital role which this special character plays in making Cambridge a great place to live in, work, study, and visit.

The draft Plan also fails to recognise the historic relationships between Cambridge as a market town, its market, and its productive hinterland.

The draft Plan’s approach involves a false separation between Landscape and Townscape (Objective 6) and Historic Environment (Objective 7), which for Cambridge has resulted in inadequate consideration and valuation of the historic city in its historic landscape setting, with historic landscape and open spaces considered as green infrastructure but not as historic environment.

Cambridge’s special character has been, and continues to be, under severe threats from the quantum of already approved growth (built developments and pressures on both streets and green spaces). There are severe environmental capacity issues in trying to accommodate the demands of a 21st century city within what remains the built fabric and spaces of a medieval market town. These fundamental conflicts between growth on the one hand and environmental capacity and special character on the other should have been recognised as a key challenge for the draft Local Plan. so why wasn’t the Historic Environment Baseline Study prioritised, and published as part of the Nov 2020 tranche?

But the draft Plan documents include no assessment of current pressures, let alone the impacts of the draft First Proposals.

Instead, para 3.2.4 of the Strategic Heritage Impact Assessment: baseline makes a totally unevidenced statement that:
“3.2.4 Future growth in Cambridge has the potential to strengthen and reinforce these characteristics, enabling the City to meet contemporary environmental, economic and social drivers without undermining its economic identity".

Overall, the Evidence base for Great Places is inadequate, and the proposals are premature pending a thorough review of the success or failure of existing policies.

GP/LC: Protection and enhancement of landscape character
Over-intensification of use is a major threat to landscape character.

GP/GB: Protection and enhancement of the Cambridge Green Belt
I strongly support protection of the Green Belt, but the Green Belt assessment is not fit for purpose, because it ignores historic environment designations and landscape character constraints.

The Council appears to have forgotten that the Green Belt was set up to protect the setting of the historic University city.

GP/QP: Establishing high quality landscape and public realm
Serious issues of street capacity.

GP/HA: Conservation and enhancement of heritage assets
A vital issue given totally inadequate consideration and priority. The historic environment (not just heritage assets) is a vital part of Cambridge, not just in terms of Great Places, but also for Wellbeing, and for the city’s prosperity.

The historic environment, and its capacity (or not) to withstand existing growth (let alone new growth proposed) should have been considered at the start of the Great Places chapter. Understand what you have, then consider its capacity for change
Fails to consider anything other than designated heritage assets. No consideration of heritage significance of Cambridge as a whole, or of the heritage significance of undesignated buildings, spaces, and intangible heritage –notably Cambridge’s market, which pre-dates the University, and Grantchester meadows.
The Heritage Impact Assessment is not fit for purpose, and clearly written by consultants who have limited knowledge of Cambridge, and of issues, policies, and initiatives relating to its historic environment. There is no mention of any Conservation Area appraisal apart from the Historic Core, and no cumulative assessment of significance and issues identified in these Appraisals.
The “Strategic Heritage Impact Assessment: baseline” is woefully inadequate in both its scope and its approach:
a) In its scope, because it confines itself to stages 1 (identify the historic assets” and 2 (“define and analyse the settings”) of Historic England’s ”Settings of Heritage Assets: Good Practice Guide”, without considering the dynamic of the city as a whole, what has been happening in its recent years, or the potential impacts of currently approved growth. It is almost as if the Council asked for an updated version of the 1971 publication “Cambridge Townscape”, whilst completely disregarding the award-winning conservation plan approach of the 2006 Historic Core Appraisal which sought to understand not just the physical character of Cambridge but its dynamic, and threats and opportunities, as part of shaping policies.

b) while the document references the Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal, it does not even mention other Conservation Area Appraisals (ignoring the complete Appraisal coverage of the City's Conservation Areas) or issues and opportunities identified therein. Nor does it mention the Suburbs and Approaches Studies. It is all too clear that the consultants have taken only a superficial look at the baseline information.

c) I would have expected consultants preparing this “high level” document to consider the historic environment, and the extent of designations, strategically (a great opportunity for this combined Plan) - but the document does not even consider the extent to which Cambridge’s historic and cultural landscape (including the river corridor from Byron’s pool to Baits Bite Lock) is or is not protected.

d) The study completely fails to assess the significance of Cambridge as a whole. Dennis Rodwell’s “Conservation and Sustainability in Historic Cities” puts Cambridge on a similar level of international significance to Venice.

e) For the options involving development in and adjacent to Cambridge, it seems to assume that most problems can be resolved by Design, completely ignoring environmental capacity issues. At a most immediate level, what if any detailed assessment has been made of the wider visual impacts of tall buildings on the North-East Cambridge site?

There are fundamental environmental capacity issues in terms of pressures on the character and spaces of the historic core and surrounding landscape, due to not only the additional volumes of development, people and traffic being generated by the proposed additional growth, but all of these arising from existing approved growth plus the transport links required to enable it.

There is no assessment whatever of the cumulative impacts on landscape, townscape and environmental capacity of all the GCP and other proposals including busways, City Access, Greenways, Active Travel schemes etc.

A third-party, holistic overview is essential to identify and try to resolve some of these key strategic issues and balances, and consider to what extent further growth is viable. In relation to heritage, growth is seriously threatening what makes Cambridge Special. I suggest that Historic England’s Historic Places Panel are invited to visit Cambridge and provide strategic recommendations which can inform the Local Plan.

The flaws in the current approach are exemplified by a claim in the Strategic Heritage Impact Assessment: baseline:
“3.2.4 Future growth in Cambridge has the potential to strengthen and reinforce these characteristics, enabling the City to meet contemporary environmental, economic and social drivers without undermining its economic identity"
This statement can only be described as unevidenced, shockingly ignorant and ludicrously complacent.
Moving from strategic issues to safeguarding individual heritage assets and their settings, there are serious questions in relation to the effectiveness of existing policies which are proposed to be carried forward.

A case in point is the former Mill Road Library a grade II listed building of high public significance, which was recognised to be “at risk” but ignored by both the City and County Councils during the development and approval of the City’s Depot site redevelopment. This was a massive opportunity which would not have been missed had the City complied with its own Local Plan policy regarding heritage assets. While the County has belatedly refurbished the former Library, it has not been integrated as a public building within the new development. It appears that the County may now be offering this public building, built for the public, for private sale!

GP/CC: Adapting heritage assets to climate change
This policy is basically very good -but should relate to all buildings of traditional construction, and needs some updating. Needs direct read-across to CC/NZ. See my comments on CC/NZ.
Supporting documents on which we are consulting
Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment)

The Sustainability Appraisal fails to tackle the key environmental capacity issues arising from existing growth, let alone that now proposed.

The whole definition of “Sustainable Development” is too narrow given that since 2010 the UN has included Culture as the 4th pillar of Sustainable Development - and Cambridge's historic environment is a cultural asset of worldwide significance.

Within the current UK sustainability assessment process (dating from 2004 and excluding culture), there is a separation between Landscape and Townscape (Objective 6) and Historic Environment (Objective 7), which for Cambridge has resulted in inadequate consideration and valuation of the historic city in its historic landscape setting, with historic landscape and open spaces considered as green infrastructure but not as historic environment.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60223

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Thakeham Homes Ltd

Representation Summary:

Thakeham is supportive of the policy direction of BG/BG and the Councils’ aspiration to require a minimum of 20%
biodiversity net gain, whilst also acknowledging the difficulties this may bring for smaller sites with a suggested contribution mechanism to allow these sites to meet the requirements of the proposed policy. However, the current policy direction seeks to limit off-site habitat measures to align with the Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network strategic initiatives.

Whilst it is acknowledged that this may represent a preferred approach, this may cause issues in deliverability due to availability of such land. Policy BG/BG should incorporate sufficient flexibility to allow sites to achieve the required biodiversity net gain requirements by measures which are most appropriate to that site, if this requires off-site habitat creation there should be sufficient flexibility to allow consideration of all suitable options to ensure such requirements do not stifle development.

Full text:


Thakeham Homes Ltd (Thakeham) is pleased to be participating in this consultation and has outlined its position below in response to the consultation on the Greater Cambridge Local Plan – The First Proposals (1st November to 13th December 2021).

About Thakeham

Thakeham prides itself in being an infrastructure-led sustainable placemaker and is committed to creating new, extraordinary places, where the highest attention to detail makes a positive difference.

Thakeham build for the future, for communities and individuals. Our approach sets us apart from our competitors. We deliver our schemes with a focus on sustainable development, looking ahead of current housing standards. From 2025, all Thakeham Homes will be carbon neutral in production and zero carbon in lifetime use.

Each development is different and tailored to its locality with careful consideration of the area’s character, as well as the environment. As a sustainable placemaker first and foremost, Thakeham’s commitment to improving existing communities means its schemes are design and infrastructure-led; engaging with education, highways, healthcare, utilities and other local community, cultural and environmental stakeholders from the start of each project. The delivery of homes facilitates the delivery of physical, social and green/blue infrastructure which benefits the wider surrounding area, as well as the new residents, and ensures that Thakeham create sustainable places to live and work.

As one of 12 members of the NHS Healthy New Towns network, Thakeham is a committed advocate of developing healthy places in line with the Healthy New Town principles. But over time, we have realised that these principles are just the starting blocks, and at Thakeham, as a founder member of the HBF Future Homes Task Force, we are committed to delivering sustainable, zero carbon communities. Out approach sets us apart from our competitors. We deliver our schemes with a focus on infrastructure-led sustainable development.


There is an evident theme in Greater Cambridge in respect of environmental impact and the importance of ensuring any development, whether that be residential or infrastructure, seeks to minimise its impact. Thakeham would like to take this opportunity to outline the measures implemented on its developments to minimise environmental impacts as a direct and indirect result of development:

• From 2025, all Thakeham homes will be net-zero carbon in lifetime use.
• From 2025, all Thakeham homes will be carbon neutral in production. Our off-site panellised system will make construction more efficient, faster, enhancing quality and reducing construction traffic.
• Thakeham is committed to offsetting the embodied impact from the production of new houses, as well as development houses that are zero carbon in lifetime operation.
• Thakeham support the Wildlife Trust’s guidance on Homes for People and Wildlife. Our commitment is to at least 20% biodiversity net gain (double the government’s target within the recent Environment Act 2021) on all our developments post-2025 with attractive and functional green and blue infrastructure.
• Through placemaking and the implementation of sustainable travel plans, Thakeham prioritises walking and cycling over car travel, helping people make more sustainable choices around walking, cycling and taking public transport, as well as highlighting innovative car-sharing online platforms such as LiftShare to reduce single-occupancy car use and facilitating use of autonomous vehicle/pods.
• Thakeham provides electric car charging points at all of their homes both market and affordable alike, reducing barriers to customers purchasing emission-free vehicles.
• Thakeham is keen to champion low carbon transport in the local area, encouraging local transport services such as buses to electrify their fleet.
• Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MHVR) is installed in our homes, which has a filter built-in to capture incoming pollution to provide fresh filtered air.
• Thakeham works with its supply chain with an aim that all mechanical plant on site is less than 18 months old, which means it is less polluting and more fuel efficient

Response to Options

Thakeham has reviewed the consultation documents and has chosen to comment on key questions and themes where relevant to our business to comment on.

Vision and development strategy
Section / Policy Your comments
Vision and aims Thakeham supports the Council’s vision for new development to come forward with sustainability and healthy place shaping at the forefront.

As we’ve touched on above, Thakeham support the focus on healthy place shaping, with a need to ensure that future development maximises opportunities for journeys to be made on foot or bicycle. This will necessitate ensuring new developments prioritise non- motorised transport and are easily accessible to full range of day-to- day services and facilities.

Thakeham has made a number of commitments in respect of its own carbon impact, ensuring that all its development will be net-zero carbon in lifetime use and carbon neutral in production by 2025.
Additionally, Thakeham has made a commitment to achieve 20% biodiversity net gain on all projects post-2025 which is double that set out in the Environment Act 2021.
How much development, and where – general comments Whilst Thakeham supports a weighted distribution of development towards the most sustainable locations and key employment hubs, we would emphasise the importance of a variety of growth locations and sizes to support housing growth. New settlements, strategic extensions and development in rural locations all form a key part in meeting varying housing needs and ensuring a consistent supply of housing delivery.
S/JH: New jobs and homes Thakeham is supportive of the Councils’ conclusions that adopting the suggested ‘standard method minimum homes and related jobs’ approach would not be appropriate for Greater Cambridge and would not support its economic growth aspirations.

It is acknowledged that the Councils’ have sought to accommodate an uplift to accommodate their economic growth aspirations, suggesting that the ‘medium level of homes’ approach is justified, resulting in a need for 44,400 homes over the plan period 2020-2041 amounting

the 2,111 homes per annum, alongside provision of 58,500 new jobs over the plan period.

Whilst the ‘maximum level of homes’ does not represent the Councils’ preferred approach; it is worth noting that this approach does acknowledge housing need arising out of fast job growth and therefore the Employment Land Review makes recommendations to provide more that the ‘medium’ scenario level of jobs to provide flexibility.

Thakeham is supportive of the Councils’ intention to accommodate their full objectively assessed needs for housing and jobs within the plan area. It is also acknowledged that a 10% buffer has also been added into their housing requirement to provide flexibility, amounting to a housing requirement of 48,840 over the plan period.

The Greater Cambridge Local Plan will need to ensure that it is planning for a sufficient number of new homes to support its economic growth aspirations. Whilst it is acknowledged that the medium option for new homes does incorporate an uplift for economic growth in the area, in addition to the application of a 10% buffer to reach the suggested housing requirement. Thakeham would suggest that the Councils undertake further work to ensure that the correct uplift has been applied to ensure that the Councils can meet their relevant aspirations in terms of job creation and growth, and as consequence provide the right level of housing to support this. This is important to ensure that existing employers in the area can continue to thrive and expand importantly retaining and attracting staff including graduates, in what is a global recruitment marketplace for many of the industries already located in Greater Cambridge. Further, in order to ensure Greater Cambridge continues to be a focus for inward investment into the UK, following on from the successes of the past, continued focus on supporting employment growth will be key and part of that will be providing housing to attract not just highly skilled staff but also for the variety of lower paid workers such as cleaners, delivery drivers and shop workers. These lower paid workers are necessary to support the wider community and economy such as in Greater Cambridge, where land and house prices are high. These people are either driven out, much has been the case in London and has been seen in parts of Greater Cambridge to more
affordable locations, but with the consequence of a longer commute,

or greater affordable housing provision is required to accommodate them.
Development strategy The first proposals consultation is suggesting a focus on existing commitments and expansion of existing sites to meet the suggested housing need. Where new sites are proposed these are focussed predominantly within and around the edge of Cambridge.

The background text to S/DS suggests that very limited development is proposed in rural areas due the Councils’ desire to focus growth to more readily sustainable locations. Whilst, as we have touched on above, Thakeham supports a weighted distribution of development towards the most sustainable locations and key employment hubs, we would emphasise the importance of a variety of growth locations and sizes to support housing growth. New settlements, strategic extensions and development in rural locations all form a key part in meeting varying housing needs and ensuring a consistent supply of housing delivery.
S/SH: Settlement hierarchy The settlement hierarchy seeks to group together similar settlements into categories that reflect their scale, characteristics and sustainability. It then seeks to limit development in any settlements which fall within the ‘Minor Rural Centre’ category and below.

Thakeham considers this view is overly prescriptive. The Settlement hierarchy identifies just 8 settlements which would have no limit on individual scheme size:

City: Cambridge
Town: Cambourne, Northstowe and Waterbeach New Town
Rural Centres: Bourn Airfield New Village, Histon & Impington, Great Shelford and Stapleford and Sawston

The Greater Cambridge Area covers a significant geographical area and this suggested policy approach limits development opportunities across the plan area. It is suggested that development at Minor Rural Centre’s should incorporate schemes of a maximum scheme size of 30 dwellings with lower tiers suggesting significantly less.

Policies should retain a flexible approach to ensure that promotion sites and applications can be assessed on a site by site basis on the
merits and positive contribution they could make to an existing and

future community. Development opportunities in these communities could have significant longer-term sustainability benefits by helping existing services remain, and where appropriate levels of growth are accommodated, new services could be provided as a result of development.

Climate change
Policy Your comments
Climate change - general comments Thakeham is supportive of the Councils’ objectives to enhance climate change resilience and transition Greater Cambridge to net zero carbon by 2050.

As a developer, Thakeham prides itself in the objectives it has set in respect of climate change and the impact development can have.
Thakeham has a key focus on sustainable practices both in construction and placemaking. Our approach sets us apart from our competitors. Thakeham’s schemes are delivered with a focus on sustainable development, looking ahead of current housing standards. From 2025, all Thakeham homes will be carbon neutral in production and zero carbon in lifetime use. Thakeham are a founding member of the HBF Future Homes Task Force, which examines
how the house building industry can work toward delivering net
zero carbon homes in order to support the Government’s target of the country delivering ne zero carbon emissions by 2050. Thakeham has a particular focus on first improving the fabric of buildings, constructed from sustainable timber sources, consideration of sustainable energy features and a sustainable procurement strategy which encourages the use of recycled materials. Thakeham intends to open a new MMC factory in the future, which will provide locally sourced MMC constructed homes further helping to reduce the environmental impact of construction.
CC/NZ: Net zero carbon new buildings Thakeham considers that the proposed policy direction is too prescriptive and does not provide sufficient flexibility for advances in technologies and Building Regulations. Policy wording should be less prescriptive on the measures used to achieve net zero carbon buildings, rather there should be sufficient flexibility to allow the methods for achieving such targets to be assessed on a site-by-site basis. This is critical as technology is advancing quickly and will
continue to do so during the lifetime of the emerging local plan and

consequently to set prescriptive policies will have the effect of the local plan being out of date before or at adoption.

As above, Thakeham prides itself in its own objectives for all its new homes to the zero-carbon in lifetime use and carbon neutral in production by 2025.

Biodiversity and green spaces
Policy Your comments
BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity Thakeham is supportive of the policy direction of BG/BG and the Councils’ aspiration to require a minimum of 20% biodiversity net gain, whilst also acknowledging the difficulties this may bring for smaller sites with a suggested contribution mechanism to allow these sites to meet the requirements of the proposed policy. However, the current policy direction seeks to limit off-site habitat measures to align with the Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network strategic initiatives.
Whilst it is acknowledged that this may represent a preferred approach, this may cause issues in deliverability due to availability of such land. Policy BG/BG should incorporate sufficient flexibility to allow sites to achieve the required biodiversity net gain requirements by measures which are most appropriate to that site, if this requires off-site habitat creation there should be sufficient flexibility to allow consideration of all suitable options to ensure such requirements do not stifle development.

Thakeham itself has already made a commitment to achieve at least 20% biodiversity net gain as a result of our projects post- 2025.

Wellbeing and inclusion
Policy Your comments
Policy WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments Thakeham supports the objective and policy direction of Policy WS/HD, requiring health principles to be applied to new development, drawing on the ten principles developed from the Healthy New Towns Initiative.

In our view, relevant policies in respect of wellbeing and inclusion could go further to set out requirements on not only creating healthy new developments, but other measures which maximise wellbeing

benefits that developments can offer those who build them, those who live in them and the communities around them now and into the future.

Thakeham itself is passionate about having a positive impact on people’s wellbeing, constantly striving to deliver against our four key- focus areas:

• Building local communities via excellent placemaking that creates interconnected communities that challenge issues of loneliness and promoting healthy living, and via our long-term charity partnerships.
• Building future generations via our school
engagement programmes, including our industry leading holistic ecology programme ‘Eddie and Ellie’s Wild Adventures’ for primary age pupils, and providing inspiring careers support to secondary age pupils through our Cornerstone Employer status with The Careers Enterprise Company.
• Building a stronger Industry with our support of small and medium size enterprises and upskilling for local workers, supporting apprenticeships, and actively contributing to the diversification and upskilling of the construction sector.
• Building Sustainable places by tackling issues of climate change, biodiversity loss and societal disconnects via our ambitious Sustainability Strategy.
WS/IO: Creating inclusive employment and business opportunities through new
developments Thakeham is supportive of the policy direction of Policy WS/IO and as touched on above, adopts its own approach to creating inclusive employment and business opportunities through our support of small and medium size enterprises and upskilling for local workers, supporting apprenticeships, and actively contributing to the diversification and upskilling of the construction sector.

Homes policies
Policy Your comments
H/AH: Affordable housing Thakeham support the Councils’ policy direction in respect of Affordable Housing and the importance that such homes are built with inclusion, health and wellbeing at the forefront. Thakeham continues to provide policy compliant affordable housing across all of our developments whilst adopting a truly tenure blind approach to affordable housing which creates cohesive communities.

H/SS: Residential space standards and accessible homes Whilst Thakeham supports the Councils’ aspiration to see good quality homes delivered across their district, such policy requirement which seeks all dwellings to meet NDSS needs to be supported by robust evidence that there is a specific need to introduce such standards.

Any policy requirements in respect of housing accessibility requirements should be based off identified need, with sufficient flexibility incorporated to ensure that provision is directed to the right places. In particular, blanket policy requirements for M4(2) in all new developments should not be adopted as these requirements should be based off identified need, whilst requirements in relation to M4(3) can be particularly onerous and should only be directed to developments where there is an identified end user.
H/CB: Self- and custom-build homes Whilst Thakeham is supportive of self and custom build home provision in Greater Cambridge, it is not considered that a blanket policy as suggested by H/CB on developments of 20 or more is appropriate or feasible. Self and custom-build products should be directed towards key strategic allocations to ensure such homes are deliverable. Self and custom build home provision should also be based off identified need.

We trust that these representations are useful and clear, and we would be grateful for confirmation of receipt of our submission. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries or require any further information.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60241

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Federation of Cambridge Residents' Associations

Representation Summary:

Conservation is essential to sustainable development and together with enhancement of biodiversity should be considered as a key element of good planning and design. 'Doubling nature', Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) are being used as bargaining chips by developers.

The concept of doubling nature is ill-defined - doubling what, exactly? The Draft Local Plan needs to define exactly how the concept will be understood and measured.

We request that the Cambridge Local Plan adopts the Dasgupta definition of sustainability, i.e. definitely not the NPPF's false definition of 'sustainability', with the caveats mentioned above, especially the false or under-valuation of natural capital. This would provide a better starting point, and the Plan should be reworked in this context.

Full text:

The Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations (FeCRA) is a grassroots civic voice for everyone in Cambridge and for its environment. Residents want a say in shaping Cambridge’s development to ensure that the city grows in a way that is sustainable and inclusive, achieves balanced communities and addresses the issues of climate change and health, social equality and quality of life. Residents know their areas well, and they want to be involved in evidence gathering and data collection.

Over the last years residents' associations have organised successful discussions on parking, local election hustings, Greater Cambridge transport schemes, neighbourhood planning, heritage and public realm and green spaces and the river and biodiversity.

FeCRA’s well attended AGM events are organised on the same basis, featuring presentations from prominent experts including leading landscape architect Kim Wilkie, George Ferguson, former Mayor of Bristol and the distinguished Oxford ecologist Professor David Rogers. More recently, the Supersize Cambridge event which attracted 230 people and involved community reps from all over Cambridge highlighted concerns about employment led growth and the global interests driving this. FeCRA’s strength is in its network of members in all city neighbourhoods and good channels of communication with villages across South Cambs, along with the five OxCam Arc counties and Norfolk, Suffolk, Hert and Essex. The Federation is entirely voluntary and self funded.

A sense of neighbourhood and wellbeing and belonging and mutual support is especially important in a city which has earned the unenviable title of the most unequal city in the UK.

Draft Local Plan
How much development and where
Many residents are shocked at the level of growth proposed in the new Draft Local Plan and what they see as the plan’s failure to consider the overall environmental capacity and climate change impact and the effect on the historic environment (built and natural) in a holistic way. There is no mention of Covid and opportunities for city centre residential and/or other uses resulting from potential radical changes in retail and office working.
There is no consideration or assessment of current growth in the pipeline or of the success or failure of current Local Plan policies, no assessment of the cumulative impact of current growth, especially in terms of delivering the claimed nature and quality of development.

There is a complete dearth of new cultural or provision for other ‘city-scale’ needs which will put the city centre under even greater pressure.

Where is the overall vision of what Cambridge will be like in the future? Who is the city for? This plan does not make clear.

The question of how much development and where is premature pending the January 2022 consultation on the Regional Water Plan and the investigation of sewage infrastructure and sewage dumping by Anglian Water.

Inadequate Water Supply

Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire already have an unsustainable supply of potable water. In August 2020, the Environment Agency, in response to a query on the viability of water supply to Northstowe Phase 3A wrote to Monica Hone of Friends of the Cam that 'current levels of abstraction are causing environmental damage. Any increase in use within existing licenced volumes will increase the pressure on a system that is already failing environmental targets', and 'many waterbodies did not have the flow to support the ecology.'
On the 1st July 2021, DEFRA announced that chalk streams would be given enhanced environmental protection, and published the Environment Agency document titled “Water stressed areas – final classification 2021” which included the fact that the supply areas of Cambridge Water and Anglian Water are areas of serious water stress, page 6.
According to Appendix 3, Cambridge Water needs to reduce abstraction by 22 megalitres per day from levels current at 1st July 2021, and Anglian Water needs to reduce abstraction by 189 megalitres per day from levels current at 1st July 202

Yet, one of Anglian Water’s proposed ‘solutions’ to this problem is to pump water from North Lincolnshire, which is also classified by the Environment Agency in the above report as a water stressed area.

The expectation that ‘green’ growth and River Cam Corridor nature tourism can fund a system of water management without addressing over- abstraction and sewage in the rivers

The local sewage system is currently inadequate. The inadequacy of the sewage system is evidenced by the number of sewage spills by smaller Anglian Water sewage works into the Cam Valley. Currently, there are no plans to improve failing combined sewer overflows (csos), just promises to monitor them more accurately. The Cam Valley upstream of Cambridge saw 622 hours of untreated wastewater enter the rivers in 2020, yet Anglian Water is proposing to move the one sewage works in the area which has been upgraded and has sufficient capacity until 2050, the main Cambridge works, into the Green Belt and to spend at least £227 million of public money to do so. This will be the subject of only a partial public inquiry because it has been submitted as a National Infrastructure project in order to minimise public scrutiny.

To date there have been no upgrades at any of the smaller works in the area while more and more taps are still being connected. The Environment Agency has already warned at least one Cambridgeshire local planning authority, East Cambs District Council, that they must stop looking at the sewage requirements of single planning applications and instead look at the cumulative effects.

How can anyone talk about ‘green’ growth and nature tourism when the water companies are over-abstracting and filling the Cam chalk streams with sewage.
New jobs and homes – the plan proposes 58,500 jobs and 44, 400 homes

The way in which this consultation is framed and the fact that it does not address how the region’s water crisis and wastewater and emission problems will be resolved ignores both environmental constraints and the failure of current policies to provide affordable housing. It does not give a true picture of the cost of such high employment growth for the UK’s driest city with a water crisis whose world famous river is drying up and dumped full of sewage.

It undermines the Government’s policy of ‘levelling up.
It completely ignores how the plan will ensure that new developments are for local people and not dormitories for London commuters or just opportunities for foreign investors.

New communities take time to emerge, if they do at all, but the issue is that many new developments are injected into places with existing communities that may suffer as a result, an issue this plan does not assess.

Professor Dieter Helm, Chair of the National Capital Committee has stressed the importance of long-term risk assessment in ensuring net environmental gain, in perpetuity, despite development. There is no evidence that this has been done.

There are massive environmental capacity issues which the Draft Local Plan does nothing to address, with inadequate space in city streets and public realm to cater for existing traffic, let alone approved growth already in the pipeline – even before considering these First Proposals. The capacity issues have to be tackled, with additional growth allowed only if they can be resolved.

Green Belt Assessment

The Green Belt assessment is not fit for purpose, because it ignores historic environment designations and landscape character constraints.

On the edge of Cambridge the serious landscape impacts of the Cambridge BioMedical Campus expansion southwards into the Green Belt open countryside towards the Gogs will severely damage this lovely setting of the city with its beautiful chalk downland views. The expansion and likely increase in footfall will hugely impact the small nature reserve of Ninewells, the reserve’s unique character and boskiness and farmland birds.
Building NE Cambridge will indirectly destroy the Green Belt by displacing the sewage works and using a lot of concrete which has a very high carbon footprint.
There is no operational need to move the treatment works as Anglian Water has confirmed. The relocation is taking place to enable development within Cambridge in which the water company is a beneficiary as co-developer. The current site is more than adequate for at least another 30 years and could be upgraded at far less cost. The existing treatment works at Milton is effective and has spare capacity. It was upgraded only recently, at a cost of £21 million in 2015, in order to support planned development in Cambridge and the surrounding area until 2050 and is being vacated only to enable redevelopment. We understand that the Milton Plant is currently only running at approximately 50% capacity. The CO2 cost embedded in the new structure and emitted in demolition and construction is sizable.

Many residents question why the works are being moved given the impact on the Green Belt, the loss of valuable farmland, and the harm to local communities, all of which are united in their opposition. They question how this complies with the guidance outlined in the HM Treasury’s Green Book Valuation of Wellbeing Guidance for Appraisal especially as the Stantec Report prepared as part of the review of the Local Plan and the letter from the Environment Agency make clear that any further development beyond that already planned is unsustainable as ‘current levels of abstraction are causing environmental damage. Any increase in use within existing licensed volumes will increase the pressure on a system that is already failing environmental targets’.

There is no mention in these plans of how relocation of the wastewater plant will address any of the concerns about all the sewage being dumped in the Cam or how Anglian Water proposes to make the River Cam clean and safe for all users. If you were going to spend £200m plus, or even a fraction of it, it should be spent on improving and updating the small local sewage works based around villages etc, which release sewage in the Cam via its tributaries, not on rebuilding something that is working well. In the case of these small poorly functioning sewage systems Anglian Water is almost solely responsible and that is what residents tell us this company should be focusing on, not this grandiose money-making scheme. The chair of Water Resources East, Dr Paul Leinster, is a member of the new Office for Environmental Protection. He is on public record as stating that what to do with the wastewater is one of the biggest problems for development in the region proposed by the government for the Oxford Cambridge Arc.
There are a number of SSSI’s close to the site which could be affected by its construction and operation: Brackland Rough, Cam Washes, Cherry Hinton Pit, Chippenham Fen and Snailawell Poors Fen (a RAMSAR site), Devils Dyke, Felan Dyke, Fulbourn Fen, Gog Magog Golf course, Great Wilbraham Common, Histon Road, Roman Road, Snailwell Meadows, Stow-cum-Quy Fen, Upware South Pit and Wicken Fen, which is another RAMSAR site.

Anglian Water recognises the likelihood that the surface water originating at the works at the Honey Hill site will drain towards Quy Waters protected waterbody and could contaminate it. Yet they have ignored the fact that contaminated groundwater in the chalk aquifer beneath the site could pollute these other receptors and protected rights (local well users) as well as other parts of the surface water drainage network.

The Honey Hill site is in the National Trust Wicken Fen Vision. This is a National Nature Reserve and a Nature Conservation Review site. It is a designated RAMSAR, SAC wetland site of international importance and part of the Fenland Special Area under the Habitats Directive. How does a scheme which robs East Cambridgeshire villages of their green belt and medieval river landscape setting and which impacts the Wicken Fen Vision correlate with protecting Green Belt land which is specifically designed to preserve the historic character of Cambridge and its green belt setting and the River Cam?
Democratic deficit in the process and evidence basis for the Draft Local Plan

Water Resources East have stated that their regional water plans which include plans for natural capital align with the Government's plans for growth. Sewage in rivers and chalk streams is a matter of national concern, yet Water Resources East say that sewage is not part of their remit. They have also said that there will not be public consultation on the regional water plan.

Meanwhile, the public consultation for the Draft Local Plan is taking place now, yet the consultation for the Regional Water Plan is not due until summer 2022. The public and councillors are forced to respond to Local Plan proposals with no idea whether, and if so, how, the water and sewage challenges can be resolved or what trade-offs have been proposed.

South Cambs. MP Anthony Browne has rightly expressed concerns about the Local Plan process and about water issues and transparency.

The Draft Local Plan has been prepared by the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, but it appears to be inordinately influenced by the unelected Greater Cambridge Partnership which has business interests represented on its board.

Much of the text of the Draft Local Plan appears to be consistent with announcements made by the self- appointed Arc Leaders Group promoting the so-called Ox-Cam Arc. This flawed concept has been criticised for lack of transparency or accountability right across the five affected counties and one county, Buckinghamshire, has withdrawn entirely from this completely undemocratic, self-selecting, body.

At a presentation of growth scenarios for Cambridge Futures3 given by the Vice Chair of Cambridge Ahead Matthew Bullock and Dr Ying Jin in June 16, 2018 the audience pointed out that all of the scenarios for Cambridge Future 3 led to Cambridge having a much higher level of growth.

They highlighted that the growth scenarios made no mention of environmental capacity issues, nothing on climate change, quality of life, affordable housing or why people chose to live in and around Cambridge for cultural and green spaces reasons etc. At the presentation it was made clear that Cambridge Ahead & Cambridge University planned to monetise the model they had come up with.

So the model was not in any sense charitable work, it was completely commercial.
Bullock stressed how complex the model was that Dr Ying Jin and his team had come up with and that they would need to come up with a price for running the model with different input parameters.

This meant that Cambridge Ahead and Cambridge University controlled access to the model, limiting detailed scrutiny and testing by independent third parties.
Those working on the growth scenarios included officers and consultants from SQW – the same consultancy employed along with the real estate consultants GL Hearn by the planners to assess the modelling for the Draft Local Plan as ‘they were not conflicted’.

The presenters Matthew Bullock and Dr Yin Jing said that changing elements of the model and programming scenarios was technically challenging and slow, making it difficult or impossible to test a large number of scenarios.

They also said that they intended to monetise the model, e.g. by charging planning authorities, ONS (the Office of National Statistics) and developers to use it.

The business group Cambridge Ahead had a strong commercial motive for this modelling and the modelling evidence for a much higher level of growth and lots more houses to be built, gives a strong lead on where development should take place. Attendees at the Case for Cambridge Future 3 meeting pointed out that the pre-set "no holds barred" scenarios defined by Cambridge Ahead and Cambridge University and officers and consultants working with them would thus become the only options, even though there were likely to be many other scenarios that would produce better outcomes.
Thus the modelling that has been used to inform the Cpier Strategy cited in the Greater Cambs Employment Land and Economic Development Study Draft Local Plan does not take account of social justice, regional landscape strategy or address environmental capacity issues including those of the river, the city centre and the city’s green spaces. Nor does it consider how people want to live, respecting what communities value, and the issues of climate change, the natural world, water shortage, sewage etc.

This Draft Local Plan reflects those pre-determined scenarios of building on the urban fringes and transport corridors to support the high employment growth defined by Cambridge Ahead and the interests funding the research.

At the Case for Cambridge Future 3 meeting attendees referred to "No holds barred scenarios" and a number of people noted the 'densification' scenario assumed that Trumpington Meadows would be developed alongside Cambridge South station as a location for high density development which would assume a planning approach of creating new development which you “mitigate” by reserving areas of green spaces as ‘wild belt’. They pointed out the approach was to sell housing on that basis and then take it back afterwards for infill and that this was already happening at Cambourne.
The same point about infill and wild belt was made by David Plank of the Trumpington Residents Association regarding the recent presentation by the planners of the Draft Local Plan and the BioMedical Campus Expansion plans round Ninewells to the South Area Committee.
In August 2019 the FeCRA Committee wrote to the Deputy Leader of Cambridge City Council to express concern that the Shelford Local Plan workshop for city residents, cited as the formal first stage of public engagement on the Draft Local Plan had been organised at very short notice and with very little opportunity for city residents to engage in the first formal stage of the Local Plan Process.

FeCRA filmed all f the Local Plan Presentation on the 2018 Local Plan. The film is available for everyone to see. There was very positive feedback from Residents Association members but the presentation also flagged up major concerns about the ‘growth agenda’ and the apparent lack of transparency and democratic input around it.

We were told at that meeting that there would be an opportunity for residents to contribute to early discussions about the next LP, yet this Local Plan workshop was arranged at such short notice and at a time and place that made it difficult for many city residents to attend. Consequently very few city residents attended.

Green Infrastructure Modelling Workshops
In June 2020 Deputy Director of Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, Paul Frainer, writing to the FeCRA Committee, said:
‘Ahead of and separate to the Local Plan process, the Local Nature Partnership (as a separate body albeit with some local authority input) has identified priority projects it would support if funding were to become available in the short term, but no decisions have been made through the Local Plan process about which green spaces to prioritise.

The Local Plan green space evidence base study will identify priority projects, and will advise which should be included in the Local Plan, and which should be delivered through land management as opposed to development processes. This priority list will in future also inform biodiversity net gain offsetting, and bids for funding from other sources’.

The minutes for the June 2020 Natural Cambridgeshire board meeting states that the board will:
• ‘Work with developers to enhance nature either on site or through offsets’ –Cameron Adams, the Environment Agency
• ‘Consider how best to engage with farmers and other landowners, and help them get better returns from their investments’ –Rob Wise NFU
• ‘Collaborate with Natural Capital East’ –Cameron Adams
• ‘Review progress of Doubling Nature at end 2020’ –Richard Astle - Athene Communications
On 26 July 2020 the FeCRA Committee wrote to MPs, copied to the planners and Lead Councillors to express concern about the Greater Cambridge Green Infrastructure Online Survey - 27 July which had been framed again in a way that excluded residents from having a say, particularly about the river and its historic environment. They asked why this survey was linked to funding bids, S106 development sites and future parks accelerator plans and why there had been no assessment of impacts and issues arising from current and already approved growth on green spaces at this stage?

“Why is there no engagement with strategic environmental capacity issues as a vital part of the evidence base for the new Plan?” The Committee pointed out that the government’s plan for sustaining high growth and building one million houses in the OxCamArc is underpinned by Natural Cambridgeshire’s vision for “doubling local nature”, with urban fringe parks in the green belt. Plans for ‘linear river parks’ feature in council and development plans but there had been no consultation with friends or river groups or local councillors.

The River Cam is the only river in the country that is not back to normal flows, yet exponential growth fuels huge pressure upon our natural water supplies. Concerns about the impact of over-abstraction on the River Cam have been expressed but large development keeps getting approved.

Stage 3 of this Local Plan Green infrastructure consultation featured technical workshops, themed around the benefits that green infrastructure provides, to discuss the issues and opportunities arising from the survey responses.

Community reps and residents who had not been able to engage with this survey or who didn’t have funding bids with developers and NGO’s were not able to get a say at the next stage.

This letter followed concerns expressed to Greater Cambs Planners and Cllrs Katie Thornburrow and Bridget Smith that many residents had not been able to access the on line Green Infrastructure consultation hub and the inaccuracy of the mapping and data, highlighted by experienced university conservationists.

Addressing the challenges of climate change and health, social equality and quality of life benefits from local knowledge and the involvement of residents who know about water, flooding, wildlife and nature and managing green spaces and local resources in their areas, working with their elected councillors. Residents say that decisions about land use and ecology have been made by business and interest groups without local knowledge or accountability

The inspirational town planner Jan Gehl advocates that to build communities that work well where people, not cars, occupy the pavement, the evidence needs to be shown and environmental capacity issues need to be addressed. One should count all the pedestrians, cyclists and strollers going by, just as highway planners have long tallied up road users in vehicles and the number of people using the river and its green spaces.
Where is the evidence that this has been done in the Draft Local Plan? It has not been demonstrated that there is sufficient water supply within Greater Cambridge to support future development and existing ground water abstraction is impacting water flows within chalk streams in the region anday need to be reduced, especially in the light of climate change.

The situation with groundwater around Cambridge is critical: the whole Cam river system is in crisis
Using water more efficiently is important, but efficiency will not increase the maximum volume of water that can be supplied on a sustainable basis without impacting the environment.

As such REFUSAL of developments is necessary where there is no available water to supply them and/or the environmental impacts caused from supplying that water outweigh benefits of the grant of that permission.
A similar point applies to discharge, especially where this is to groundwater. Where a European site is affected, alternative locations and OROPI ( Overriding Reasons of Public Interest ) may need to be considered prior to any planning decision.

NPPF para 7 makes this point: "The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. At a very high level, the objective of sustainable development can be summarised as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. "

The presumption in favour of sustainable development cannot be determined without sufficient information on the water demands of a development, how these will be met and the implications for the environment and future generations.

We strongly suggest that all planning applications should at application stage confirm their total required annual water usage and have accompanying documentation to confirm that such water can be supplied and discharged where applicable in a manner.

We suggest that all developments are subject to Habitat Regulations Assessment based on their cumulative and in-combination impacts on the available water supply.

Conservation is essential to sustainable development and together with enhancement of biodiversity should be considered as a key element of good planning and design. 'Doubling nature', Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) are being used as bargaining chips by developers. That broadly amounts to saying, 'No development means no funding for nature'. This is the antithesis of John Lawton's 2010 plea in 'Making Space for Nature' of significant funding for Nature conservation without any strings attached.
The concept of doubling nature is ill-defined - doubling what, exactly? The Draft Local Plan needs to define exactly how the concept will be understood and measured.

The global experience of Biodiversity Net Gain, reviewed by zu Ermgassen of DICE, University of Kent, is that it fails twice as often as it succeeds, even though it had the lower bar of No Net Loss, NNL rather than BNG.
The same group more recently showed that 95% of early-adopters of BNG practices in England are carrying out on site offsetting (something not covered at all in the new Environment Law), where the developer is the judge, jury and executioner of any offsetting plans. In any case, on site offsetting will not encourage many forms of wildlife and will be prone to the dog-fouling and trampling that harms many wildlife areas, even those remote from housing. Meanwhile, off-site off-setting is already damaging local communities in some rural areas.
Natural Capital Accounting is an untested concept. The monetary assessment of ecosystem services (the 'yields') is recognised as being inadequate at present, while assessing the monetary value of ecosystem stocks is more or less impossible (Ian Bateman, communicated to David Rogers). Yet the resulting monetary assessments may be used to trade away environmental for economic assets with a greater yield, for example a factory in a water meadow.

The natural environment is our vital life support system, and it is a dangerous delusion to imagine that it can be rendered easily into any economic framework, let alone the pre Dasgupta framework that gives GDP/GVA primacy over all other forms of stocks and yields.
Dasgupta defines wealth as the sum of natural, human and economic capitals and yields, and sustainability as the condition where this sum is either stable or increasing. Economic growth at the expense of natural capital and yields is therefore unsustainable.
We request that the Cambridge Local Plan adopts the Dasgupta definition of sustainability, i.e. definitely not the NPPF's false definition of 'sustainability', with the caveats mentioned above, especially the false or under-valuation of natural capital. This would provide a better starting point, and the Plan should be reworked in this context.

Sea level rise
Large areas of Cambridgeshire, including parts of the City of Cambridge, are subject to continuously increasing flood risk. Indeed, not only is sea level rising, the rate of sea level rise is increasing rapidly. For many years, since measurement began, sea level in the Wash was rising at a rate of 3mm per year. In 2019 it was measured by the Environment Agency in the Wash, and confirmed by IPCC figures globally, that the annual rate was now 3.3mm per year. In 2014, the IPCC report estimated a sea level rise of 1 metre by 2100. In 2019, the IPCC increased this estimate to 1.1 metres by 2100. In 2021, the IPCC has increased its estimate again, to a terrifying 2.4 metres by 2100. Meanwhile, the meteorological partnership Climate Central estimates a 4.7 metre sea level rise by 2100 if global temperatures rise by 2°C. Both the IPCC 2021 and the COP26 leadership have confirmed that the world is currently on track for a 2.4°C global temperature rise.

The other solution to Cambridgeshire’s water shortages being proposed by Water Resources East and Anglian Water is to build two reservoirs in the Fens, one in South Lincolnshire, the other in Cambridgeshire near the River Great Ouse. However, there is little point in building reservoirs in the Fens when it is clear that there is a high risk they will be flooded by saline water within decades.
As flood risk increases, the Fens will initially be subject to occasional and then annual flooding caused by water in its tidal rivers meeting increased volume of run-off from development. Eventually, the tidal inflow will prevail and flooding will become permanent as the sea level inexorably increases. However, even the first stage will have a significant negative effect on agriculture. The Treasury Green Book assumes loss of cropping for one year if sea water inundation occurs. In fact, as was found in the 1947 and 1953 floods, reduced crop yields last up to seven years due to the presence of a nematode in sea water.

Climate Change
We support regular reviews to keep pace with developing technology, standards, Government targets (e.g. the Heat and Buildings Strategy, not mentioned in the draft Plan) and rapidly developing guidance and best practice. There are also serious quality control challenges in relation to whether aspirational aims are actually delivered. Outline planning permissions must be subject to the aspirations articulated in the Draft Local Plan.

How will this be done?
The definition of a Net Zero Carbon building set out in the evidence Base does not include its embodied carbon: this is a very serious omission which undermines all claims made about the sustainability of new development, and raises questions about the claimed sustainability credentials of all the Growth options being proposed.

Projects proposed to help achieve net zero need to be both delivered and safeguarded throughout the Plan period, to ensure that the aims are delivered (e.g. need to ensure that biodiversity / natural capital / “doubling nature” ( sic) and any other such schemes are protected from subsequent inappropriate changes of use or management)

For all of these reasons we strongly object to the level of growth proposed in the new Draft Local Plan
Local government should not be planning more economic and population growth in this area or more housing than current government targets require, but prioritising social housing and new water infrastructure to reduce stress on our rivers and wildlife. It should be supporting the national ‘levelling up’ policy. It should be consistent with the government’s ‘brownfield first’ objective which will deliver badly needed homes faster. It should take into account the growing flood risk to large parts of the county and consequences for national food supply. It also needs to take into account the as yet, unknown, long-term effects on employment and travel behaviours of the COVID pandemic.

We request that this flawed Draft LP is rejected, re-written and re-submitted for full public consultation.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60314

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Gladman Developments

Representation Summary:

Gladman are supportive of the overarching aim of the policy to increase biodiversity in the Greater Cambridge area but consider the minimum requirement of 20% biodiversity net gain to be excessive and above national policy requirements. The Environment Act 2021bwill introduce a requirement for new development to deliver a 10% net gain in biodiversity. An additional 10% BNG on top of the forthcoming national requirement could stop smaller sites that would be capable of delivering much needed homes from coming forward and may also lead to schemes which do not take account of local site densities and characteristics of the surrounding area.
Any policy requirement should be fully tested and justified through a viability assessment.
It is also important that the long-term impacts are considered when reviewing proposals for BNG, accounting for the fact that many of the measures provided will need to mature beyond the build period.
Gladman support the recognition that more significant and long-lasting biodiversity benefits are often delivered off-site and the policy should be flexible enough to allow for this.

Full text:

Gladman are supportive of the overarching aim of the policy to increase biodiversity in the Greater Cambridge area but consider the minimum requirement of 20% biodiversity net gain to be excessive and above national policy requirements. The Environment Act 2021, when the legislation is enacted, will introduce a requirement for new development to deliver a 10% net gain in biodiversity.
An additional 10% BNG on top of the forthcoming national requirement could stop smaller sites that would be capable of delivering much needed homes from coming forward and may also lead to schemes which do not take account of local site densities and characteristics of the surrounding area. Any policy requirement should be fully tested and justified through a viability assessment.
It is also important that the long-term impacts are considered when reviewing proposals for BNG, accounting for the fact that many of the measures provided will need to mature beyond the build period.
Gladman support the recognition that more significant and long-lasting biodiversity benefits are often delivered off-site and the policy should be flexible enough to allow for this.
These considerations should be considered when drafting a policy with regards to achieving biodiversity net gain.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60328

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Daniels Bros (Shefford) Ltd

Agent: DLP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The proposed 20% Biodiversity Net Gain is not supported by robust evidence to justify the reasons to demonstrate that the higher level is appropriate or necessary in Greater Cambridge.

Full text:

NPPF paragraphs 174 - 188 outline how planning policy and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural environment where possible.
The Environment Act 2021 introduced new mandatory requirements for provision of biodiversity net gain and outlines the requirement for developments to provide a minimum of 10% net gain, it is expected that this will apply to all developments from 2023 pending secondary regulations coming into force.
This policy outlines the approach to be taken to biodiversity and geodiversity impacts from development. It is proposed the development will be required to achieve a minimum of 20% biodiversity net gain and notes that net gain calculations should be submitted using Defra Biodiversity Metric 3.0 or any successor. The policy notes that onsite provision of biodiversity net gain will be sought were possible but that off-site habitat measures will also be considered where appropriate and where consistent with strategic aims of the Plan as set out in Policy BG/GI.
While the objectives of biodiversity enhancement are supported in principle the Councils’ proposed approach in terms of the levels of net gain sought is unsound: not justified and not consistent with national policy. The proposed approach not supported by robust evidence to justify the reasons to demonstrate that the higher level is appropriate or necessary in Greater Cambridge, also having regard to the policy costs of such an approach, relative to the Government’s position of what will be required nationally in future.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60332

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: North Newnham Residents Association

Representation Summary:

On biodiversity, please give great prominence to green networks and allow for damage to designated sites from adjacent development
- please do not make the defra BNG calculations overriding - they are not very sensitive to some important biodiversity considerations

Full text:

On biodiversity and open space, please give great prominence to green networks and allow for damage to designated sites from adjacent development
- please do not make the defra BNG calculations overriding - they are not very sensitive to some important biodiversity considerations
- on open space please allow for the benefits of only visual accessibility


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60514

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

The policy wording suggests that there will be a requirement for development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain. It is understood that this aspiration has stemmed from the Oxford-Cambridge Arc Environmental Principles and exceeds that in the Environment Act 2021. Whilst Taylor Wimpey are supportive of this approach to provide significant biodiversity improvements through development, this is clearly a high aspiration and it will be important to consider site specific requirements and the overall viability implications of all the Plan requirements considered collectively.
A suggestion to the wording is that this could be phrased as ‘the policy will require development to aim to achieve a 20% biodiversity net gain with a minimum 10% to be achieved’. By amending the wording in this way the onus is clearly on the applicant to meet the 20% wherever possible, but should there be a slight shortcoming (that would still result in an overall high net gain) this would not prevent otherwise acceptable development.

Full text:

The policy wording suggests that there will be a requirement for development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain. It is understood that this aspiration has stemmed from the Oxford-Cambridge Arc Environmental Principles and exceeds that in the Environment Act 2021. Whilst Taylor Wimpey are supportive of this approach to provide significant biodiversity improvements through development, this is clearly a high aspiration and it will be important to consider site specific requirements and the overall viability implications of all the Plan requirements considered collectively.
A suggestion to the wording is that this could be phrased as ‘the policy will require development to aim to achieve a 20% biodiversity net gain with a minimum 10% to be achieved’. By amending the wording in this way the onus is clearly on the applicant to meet the 20% wherever possible, but should there be a slight shortcoming (that would still result in an overall high net gain) this would not prevent otherwise acceptable development.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60552

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Thakeham Homes Ltd

Representation Summary:

Thakeham is supportive of the policy direction of BG/BG and the Councils’ aspiration to require a minimum of 20% biodiversity net gain, whilst also acknowledging the difficulties this may bring for smaller sites with a suggested contribution mechanism to allow these sites to meet the requirements of the proposed policy. However, the current policy direction seeks to limit off-site habitat measures to align with the Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network strategic initiatives. Whilst it is acknowledged that this may represent a preferred approach, this may cause issues in deliverability due to availability of such land.

Policy BG/BG should incorporate sufficient flexibility to allow sites to achieve the required biodiversity net gain requirements by measures which are most appropriate to that site, if this requires off-site habitat creation there should be sufficient flexibility to allow consideration of all suitable options to ensure such requirements do not stifle development.

Full text:

Greater Cambridge Local Plan – The First Proposals Consultation
Land east of Long Road, Comberton

Thakeham Homes Ltd (Thakeham) is writing in respect of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan – The First Proposals Consultation (1st November to 13th December 2021), specifically in relation to Land east of Long Road, Comberton located to the east of Comberton (‘The Site’)

Introduction Thakeham is pleased to be participating in this consultation and has outlined its position below in response to the Greater Cambridge Local Plan (GCLP) – The First Proposals Consultation.

Thakeham is promoting a site: Land east of Long Road, Comberton which is located on the eastern edge of Comberton. This site is available, within single ownership and is achievable and deliverable to contribute towards the development needs of Greater Cambridge in the first five years of the plan period.

An Evolution Document accompanies these representations, which further sets out Thakeham’s vision for the site, incorporating 400 new homes (inclusive of policy compliant affordable housing provision) alongside key community benefits including a new flexible co-working space, a new Multi Use Games Area and community allotments alongside play space and open space provision.

About Thakeham
Thakeham prides itself in being an infrastructure-led sustainable placemaker and is committed to creating new, extraordinary places, where the highest attention to detail makes a positive difference.

Thakeham build for the future, for communities and individuals. Our approach sets us apart from our competitors. We deliver our schemes with a focus on sustainable development, looking ahead of current housing standards. From 2025, all Thakeham Homes will be carbon neutral in production and zero carbon in lifetime use.

Each development is different and tailored to its locality with careful consideration of the area’s character, as well as the environment. As a sustainable placemaker first and foremost, Thakeham’s commitment to improving existing communities means its schemes are design and infrastructure-led; engaging with education, highways, healthcare, utilities and other local community, cultural and environmental stakeholders from the start of each project. The delivery of homes facilitates the delivery of physical, social and green/blue infrastructure which benefits the wider surrounding area, as well as the new residents, and ensures that Thakeham create sustainable places to live and work.

As one of 12 members of the NHS Healthy New Towns network, Thakeham is a committed advocate of developing healthy places in line with the Healthy New Town principles. But over time, we have realised that these principles are just the starting blocks, and at Thakeham, as a founder member of the HBF Future Homes Task Force, we are committed to delivering sustainable, zero carbon communities. Out approach sets us apart from our competitors. We deliver our schemes with a focus on infrastructure-led sustainable development.

There is an evident theme in Greater Cambridge in respect of environmental impact and the importance of ensuring any development, whether that be residential or infrastructure, seeks to minimise its impact. Thakeham would like to take this opportunity to outline the measures implemented on its developments to minimise environmental impacts as a direct and indirect result of development: • From 2025, all Thakeham homes will be net-zero carbon in lifetime use. • From 2025, all Thakeham homes will be carbon neutral in production. Our off-site panellised system will make construction more efficient, faster, enhancing quality and reducing construction traffic. • Thakeham is committed to offsetting the embodied impact from the production of new houses, as well as development houses that are zero carbon in lifetime operation. • Thakeham support the Wildlife Trust’s guidance on Homes for People and Wildlife. Our commitment is to at least 20% biodiversity net gain (double the government’s target within the recent Environment Act 2021) on all our developments post-2025 with attractive and functional green and blue infrastructure. • Through placemaking and the implementation of sustainable travel plans, Thakeham prioritises walking and cycling over car travel, helping people make more sustainable choices around walking, cycling and taking public transport, as well as highlighting innovative car-sharing online platforms such as LiftShare to reduce single-occupancy car use and facilitating use of autonomous vehicle/pods. • Thakeham provides electric car charging points at all of their homes both market and affordable alike, reducing barriers to customers purchasing emission-free vehicles. • Thakeham is keen to champion low carbon transport in the local area, encouraging local transport services such as buses to electrify their fleet. • Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) is installed in our homes, which has a filter built-in to capture incoming pollution to provide fresh filtered air. • Thakeham works with its supply chain with an aim that all mechanical plant on site is less than 18 months old, which means it is less polluting and more fuel efficient.

Response to Options
Thakeham has reviewed the consultation documents and has chosen to comment on key questions and themes where relevant to our business to comment on.

Vision and development strategy
Vision and aims Thakeham supports the Council’s vision for new development to come forward with sustainability and healthy place shaping at the forefront. As we’ve touched on above, Thakeham supports the focus on healthy place shaping, with a need to ensure that future development maximises opportunities for journeys to be made on foot or bicycle. This will necessitate ensuring new developments prioritise non-motorised transport and easy access to full range of day-to-day services and facilities. Thakeham has made a number of commitments in respect of its own carbon impact, ensuring that all its development will be net zero carbon in lifetime use and carbon neutral in production by 2025. Additionally, Thakeham has made a commitment to achieve 20% biodiversity net gain on all projects post-2025 which is double that set out in the Environment Act 2021.

How much development, and where – general comments

Whilst Thakeham supports a weighted distribution of development towards the most sustainable locations and key employment hubs, we would emphasise the importance of a variety of growth locations and sizes to support housing growth. New settlements, strategic extensions and development in rural locations all form a key part in meeting varying housing needs and ensuring a consistent supply of housing delivery.

S/JH: New jobs and homes
Thakeham is supportive of the Councils’ conclusions that adopting the suggested ‘standard method minimum homes and related jobs’ approach would not be appropriate for Greater Cambridge and would not support its economic growth aspirations.

It is acknowledged that the Councils’ have sought to accommodate an uplift to accommodate their economic growth aspirations, suggesting that the ‘medium level of homes’ approach is justified, resulting in a need for 44,400 homes over the plan period 2020-2041 amounting the 2,111 homes per annum, alongside provision of 58,500 new jobs over the plan period.

Whilst the ‘maximum level of homes’ does not represent the Councils’ preferred approach; it is worth noting that this approach does acknowledge housing need arising out of fast job growth and therefore the Employment Land Review makes recommendations to provide more that the ‘medium’ scenario level of jobs to provide flexibility.

Thakeham is supportive of the Councils’ intention to accommodate their full objectively assessed needs for housing and jobs within the plan area. It is also acknowledged that a 10% buffer has also been added into their housing requirement to provide flexibility, amounting to a housing requirement of 48,840 over the plan period.

The Greater Cambridge Local Plan will need to ensure that it is planning for a sufficient number of new homes to support its economic growth aspirations. Whilst it is acknowledged that the medium option for new homes does incorporate an uplift for economic growth in the area, in addition to the application of a 10% buffer to reach the suggested housing requirement. Thakeham would suggest that the Councils undertake further work to ensure that the correct uplift has been applied to ensure that the Councils can meet their relevant aspirations in terms of job creation and growth, and as a result provide the right level of housing to support this. This is important to ensure that existing employers in the area can continue to thrive and expand retaining and attracting staff including graduates, in what is a global recruitment marketplace for many of the industries already located in Greater Cambridge. Further, in order to ensure Greater Cambridge continues to be a focus for inward investment into the UK, following on from the successes of the past, continued focus on supporting employment growth will be key and part of that will be providing housing to attract not just highly skilled staff but also for the variety of lower paid workers such as cleaners, delivery drivers and shop workers. These lower paid workers are necessary to support the wider community and economy such as in Greater Cambridge where land and house prices are high. These people are either driven out, much has been the case in London and has been seen in parts of Greater Cambridge to more affordable locations, but with the consequence of a longer commute, or greater affordable housing provision is required to accommodate them

S/DS: Development strategy

The first proposals consultation is suggesting a focus on existing commitments and expansion of existing sites to meet the suggested housing need. Where new sites are proposed these are focussed predominantly within and around the edge of Cambridge.

The background text to S/DS suggests that very limited development is proposed in rural areas due the Councils’ desire to focus growth to more readily sustainable locations. Whilst, as we have touched on above, Thakeham supports a weighted distribution of development towards the most sustainable locations and key employment hubs, we would emphasise the importance of a variety of growth locations and sizes to support housing growth. New settlements, strategic extensions and development in rural locations all form a key part in meeting varying housing needs and ensuring a consistent supply of housing delivery. In particular, growth in rural areas can contribute to improving and maintaining the vibrancy of these areas and is of great importance to ensuring these communities thrive. The important role that development in these rural areas can play should not be overlooked in the GCLP development strategy.

S/SH: Settlement hierarchy
The settlement hierarchy seeks to group together similar settlements into categories that reflect their scale, characteristics and sustainability. It then seeks to limit development in any settlements which fall within the ‘Minor Rural Centre’ category and below.

Thakeham considers this view is overly prescriptive. The Settlement hierarchy identifies just 8 settlements which would have no limit on individual scheme size:
City: Cambridge
Town: Cambourne, Northstowe and Waterbeach New Town
Rural Centres: Bourn Airfield New Village, Histon & Impington, Great Shelford and Stapleford and Sawston

The Greater Cambridge Area covers a significant geographical area and this suggested policy approach limits development opportunities across the plan area. It is suggested that development at Minor Rural Centre’s should incorporate schemes of a maximum scheme size of 30 dwellings with lower tiers suggesting significantly less.

Policies should retain a flexible approach to ensure that promotion sites and applications can be assessed on a site-by site basis on the merits and positive contribution they could make to an existing and future community. Development opportunities in these communities could have significant longer term sustainability benefits by helping existing services remain, and where appropriate levels of growth are accommodated, new services could be provided as a result of development.

Rest of the rural area
Rest of the rural area - general comments

As we have discussed above, Thakeham do not consider that the Greater Cambridge Local Plan goes far enough to support rural villages to allow them to thrive and grow in a sustainable way.

The supporting text and preferred options throughout this consultation suggest that growth has been directed away from rural areas to meet the plans climate objectives and encourage a modal transport shift from private car use. The importance of rural communities and ensuring they have the ability to grow appropriately to accommodate their needs and improve their services is paramount to ensuring these communities thrive alongside larger towns and cities. Importantly, appropriate growth at smaller settlements can help contribute to local services and facilities, including public transport provision and internalisation.

As discussed in these representations, Thakeham is promoting Land east of Long Road, Comberton as a sustainable extension to the village. Thakeham prides itself on being and infrastructure-led placemaker who seeks to ensure that social, physical, green and technological infrastructure is delivered as a result of its developments, in appropriate manner in relation to scale and siting of such sites. As part of its promotion at Land east of Long Road. Comberton Thakeham has sought to adopt a landscape a social infrastructure-led approach to its proposals. Alongside open space and play provision the proposals also include a co-working hub, community allotments and a Multi Use Games Area. Thakeham has proven track record for early infrastructure delivery, ensuring that existing and new communities’ benefit from the outset.

In addition, Thakeham has its own approach to sustainable movement starting with the principle of reducing the need for travel, which in part can be achieved by offering bespoke home offices for all of our houses. The focus is then on shifting the mode of travel by ensuring pedestrian and cycle movement is prioritised and links into the existing network where possible, encouraging private vehicles to be a tertiary mode of transport. Thakeham has also made a commitment to provide easily accessible cycle storage with charging for electric bikes and scooters and the provision of fast electric vehicle charging points for all houses.

Climate change
Climate change - general comments
Thakeham is supportive of the Councils’ objectives to enhance climate change resilience and transition Greater Cambridge to net zero carbon by 2050.

As a developer, Thakeham prides itself in the objectives it has set in respect of climate change and the impact development can have. Thakeham has a key focus on sustainable practices both in construction and placemaking. Our approach sets us apart from our competitors. Thakeham’s schemes are delivered with a focus on sustainable development, looking ahead of current housing standards. From 2025, all Thakeham homes will be carbon neutral in production and zero carbon in lifetime use. Thakeham are a founding member of the HBF Future Homes Task Force, which examines how the house building industry can work toward delivering net zero carbon homes in order to support the Government’s target of the country delivering ne zero carbon emissions by 2050. Thakeham has a particular focus on first improving the fabric of buildings, constructed from sustainable timber sources, consideration of sustainable energy features and a sustainable procurement strategy which encourages the use of recycled materials. Thakeham intends to open a new MMC factory in the future, which will provide locally sourced MMC constructed homes further helping to reduce the environmental impact of construction.

CC/NZ: Net zero carbon new buildings
Thakeham considers that the proposed policy direction is too prescriptive and does not provide sufficient flexibility for advances in technologies and Building Regulations. Policy wording should be less prescriptive on the measures used to achieve net zero carbon buildings, rather there should be sufficient flexibility to allow the methods for achieving such targets to be assessed on a site-by-site basis. This is critical as technology is advancing quickly and will continue to do so during the lifetime of the emerging local plan and consequently to set prescriptive policies will have the effect of the local plan being out of date before or at adoption.
As above, Thakeham prides itself in its own objectives for all its new homes to the zero-carbon in lifetime use and carbon neutral in production by 2025.

Biodiversity and green spaces
BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity
Thakeham is supportive of the policy direction of BG/BG and the Councils’ aspiration to require a minimum of 20% biodiversity net gain, whilst also acknowledging the difficulties this may bring for smaller sites with a suggested contribution mechanism to allow these sites to meet the requirements of the proposed policy. However, the current policy direction seeks to limit off-site habitat measures to align with the Greater Cambridge green infrastructure network strategic initiatives. Whilst it is acknowledged that this may represent a preferred approach, this may cause issues in deliverability due to availability of such land.

Policy BG/BG should incorporate sufficient flexibility to allow sites to achieve the required biodiversity net gain requirements by measures which are most appropriate to that site, if this requires off-site habitat creation there should be sufficient flexibility to allow consideration of all suitable options to ensure such requirements do not stifle development. Thakeham itself has already made a commitment to achieve at least 20% biodiversity net gain as a result of our projects post 2025.

Wellbeing and Inclusion
Policy WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments
Thakeham supports the objective and policy direction of Policy WS/HD, requiring health principles to be applied to new development, drawing on the ten principles developed from the Healthy New Towns Initiative.

In our view, relevant policies in respect of wellbeing and inclusion could go further to set out requirements on not only creating healthy new developments, but other measures which maximise wellbeing benefits that developments can offer those who build them, those who live in them and the communities around them now and into the future.

As one of 12 members of the NHS Healthy New Towns, Thakeham supports such policy initiatives and itself is a committed advocate of developing healthy places in line with the Healthy New Town principles. But over time, we have realised that these principles are just starting blocks, and at Thakeham, as a founder member of the HBF Future Homes Task Force, we are committed to delivering sustainable zero carbon communities. Our approach sets us apart from our competitors, Thakeham is passionate about having a positive impact on people’s wellbeing, constantly striving to deliver against our four key focus areas:
-Building local communities via excellent placemaking that creates interconnected communities that challenge issues of loneliness and promoting healthy living, and via our long-term charity partnerships.
-Building future generations via our school engagement programmes, including our industry leading holistic ecology programme ‘Eddie and Ellie’s Wild Adventures’ for primary age pupils, and providing inspiring careers support to secondary age pupils through our Cornerstone Employer status with The Careers Enterprise Company.
-Building a stronger Industry with our support of small and medium size enterprises and upskilling for local workers, supporting apprenticeships, and actively contributing to the diversification and upskilling of the construction sector.
-Building Sustainable places by tackling issues of climate change, biodiversity loss and societal disconnects via our ambitious Sustainability Strategy.

WS/IO: Creating inclusive employment and business opportunities through new developments
Thakeham is supportive of the policy direction of Policy WS/IO and as touched on above, adopts its own approach to creating inclusive employment and business opportunities through our support of small and medium size enterprises and upskilling for local workers, supporting apprenticeships, and actively contributing to the diversification and upskilling of the construction sector.

Homes policies Policy
H/AH: Affordable housing
Thakeham support the Councils’ policy direction in respect of Affordable Housing and the importance that such homes are built with inclusion, health and wellbeing at the forefront. Thakeham continues to provide policy compliant affordable housing across all of our developments whilst adopting a truly tenure blind approach to affordable housing which creates cohesive communities.

H/SS: Residential space standards and accessible homes
Whilst Thakeham supports the Councils’ aspiration to see good quality homes delivered across their districts, such policy requirement which seeks all dwellings to meet NDSS needs to be supported by robust evidence that there is a specific need to introduce such standards. Any policy requirements in respect of housing accessibility requirements should be based on identified need, with sufficient flexibility incorporated to ensure that provision is directed to the right places. In particular, blanket policy requirements for M4(2) in all new developments should not be adopted as these requirements should be based on identified need, whilst requirements in relation to M4(3) can be particularly onerous and should only be directed to developments where there is an identified end user.

H/CB: Self- and custom build homes
Whilst Thakeham is supportive of self and custom build home provision in Greater Cambridge, it is not considered that a blanket policy as suggested by H/CB on developments of 20 or more is appropriate or feasible. Self and custom-build products should be directed towards key strategic allocations to ensure such homes are deliverable. Self and custom build home provision should also be based on an identified need.

Land east of Long Road, Comberton

The accompanying Evolution Document outlines the constraints and opportunities associated with Land east of Long Road, Comberton and provides a high-level illustrative masterplan and delivery strategy. The site can accommodate circa 400 dwellings alongside significant community benefits on an edge of settlement location, with close proximity to existing facilities and services, with main vehicular access from Long Road.

The landscape and social infrastructure-led scheme is planned around the provision of open space incorporating a number of community benefits including: play space, a Multi Use Games Area, community allotments and a new flexible co-working space.

On the edge of Comberton, the site is situated in a sustainable location with opportunities to access existing local services and amenities within the village. There is also access to public transport provision within close proximity of the site.

The site is within single ownership, within the control of Thakeham and on that basis Thakeham confirms that the site is available and deliverable within the first five years of the plan period.

We trust that these representations are useful and clear, and we would be grateful for confirmation of receipt of our submission. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries or require any further information.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60571

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Countryside Properties - Fen Ditton site

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Whilst Countryside are supportive of this approach to provide significant biodiversity improvements and are committed to achieving a net biodiversity gain of at least 10%, this is clearly a high aspiration and it will be important to consider site specific requirements and the overall viability implications of all the Plan requirements.
Could be phrased as ‘the policy will require development to aim to achieve a 20% biodiversity net gain with a minimum 10% to be achieved’. The onus is clearly on the applicant to meet the 20% wherever possible, but should there be a slight shortcoming (that would still result in an overall high net gain) this would not prevent otherwise acceptable development.
The mandatory minimum limit should reflect the legislative target.
If it can be robustly demonstrated that on-site provision is not achievable, the opportunity to measurably improve the natural environment of other appropriate receptor sites through off-site provision should still have a significant value attached to it.

Full text:

The policy wording suggests that there will be a requirement for development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain. It is understood that this aspiration has stemmed from the Oxford-Cambridge Arc Environmental Principles and exceeds that in the Environment Act 2021. Whilst Countryside are supportive of this approach to provide significant biodiversity improvements through development and are committed to achieving a net biodiversity gain of at least 10% across all their developments by 2025, this is clearly a high aspiration and it will be important to consider site specific requirements and the overall viability implications of all the Plan requirements considered collectively.
A suggestion to the wording is that this could be phrased as ‘the policy will require development to aim to achieve a 20% biodiversity net gain with a minimum 10% to be achieved’. By amending the wording in this way the onus is clearly on the applicant to meet the 20% wherever possible, but should there be a slight shortcoming (that would still result in an overall high net gain) this would not prevent otherwise acceptable development.
The mandatory minimum limit should reflect the legislative target. However, policy could still actively encourage schemes to exceed the minimum, recognising that those that do will be considered as a planning ‘benefit’ of development in sustainability terms (the greater the increase, the greater the weight attached to the assessment of benefit in any planning balance).
Ultimately, the aim of BNG is to leave the natural environment in a measurably better condition than beforehand. Therefore, if it can be robustly demonstrated that on-site provision is not achievable, the opportunity to measurably improve the natural environment of other appropriate receptor sites through off-site provision should still have a significant value attached to it.
The Councils should also consider alternatives to on site provision where the necessary biodiversity net gain cannot be achieved on site. This could include a range of options including biodiversity net gain ‘credits’ being able to be purchased from other donor sites in order to achieve appropriate levels.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60583

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Martin Grant Homes

Agent: Barton Willmore

Representation Summary:

The 20% target will lead to impacts upon viability and deliverability. It is therefore considered appropriate to amend the proposed policy direction to a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain. A higher figure could be encouraged but not form part of the policy requirement.

Full text:

Policy BG/BG: Biodiversity and Geodiversity


7.1 The text supporting emerging policy BG/BG states the proposed policy will ‘require development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain’. This figure is considerably above the minimum 10% biodiversity net gain noted within the Environment Bill 2021.

7.2 Martin Grant Homes support the principle of biodiversity net gain and have successfully implemented them within modern development. However, the minimum proposed figure of 20% is not considered appropriate. To make 20% net gain achievable, there will be considerable pressure on sites financially and spatially to ensure this ambitious target is met.

7.3 The result of this will be sites will become unviable and as such, would likely sacrifice other aspects of development such as affordable housing. Spatially, an increased net gain requirement will likely drive-up densities given the likely land take need for biodiversity purposes. Topic Paper 3 suggests an alternative to the policy. It references a mandatory 10% net gain, but does not consider this appropriate. However, the Topic Paper does not include any assessment of financial or spatial impacts.

7.4 It is therefore considered appropriate to amend the proposed policy direction to a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain. A higher figure could be encouraged but not form part of the policy requirement.



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60757

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Parties

Representation Summary:

We support the proposal for 20% Biodiversity Net Gain and support policy that development should be required to achieve BNG.
● The outputs must be ‘sense-checked’ by qualified ecologists.
● Concerns of the policy allowing off-setting off-site.
● New habitats created as part of the BNG need explicit protection from development in future rounds of planning and should be protected in perpetuity.
● As a minimum, a strong policy statement that all existing designated sites (with either national or local designation) remain protected and undeveloped.

Full text:

We support the proposal for 20% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG, twice the national requirement of 10%), which recognises the poor starting point for biodiversity in the region, and support the policy that development should be required to achieve BNG. However:
● The outputs of the BNG calculation must always be ‘sense-checked’ by suitably qualified ecologists. Otherwise, we are concerned that over-reliance on the metric could lead to undesirable results. The metric has a number of flaws, a key one being that it favours habitats that are quick and easy to create, not necessarily those that have the greatest wildlife or climate benefit. Furthermore, it does not account for indirect impacts of development on habitats and species.
● The policy allows off-setting to take place off-site. Given that (as stated in the Council’s webinar) net gain is unlikely to be achievable “on-site” in most cases, the target itself starts to look meaningless. For example, quick gains in the Biodiversity Metric can be achieved by improving the measured condition of existing large biodiversity sites. While a desirable outcome in itself, this must not be used to compensate for the loss of a biodiversity site to development. It is important that the net result of this policy is not to ‘concentrate’ biodiversity in fewer sites. An increase in the total area of green space, with appropriate biodiversity, is necessary for improving ecological connectivity and climate resilience, and for balancing the objectives of nature recovery and improving people’s access to green space.
● New habitats created as part of the net gain approach need to be explicitly protected from development in future rounds of planning. In the government’s proposed implementation of BNG, new sites are only required to be protected for 30 years, but this time limit is inappropriate. It can take more than 30 years for a range of habitats to develop on a newly created site. For example, Trumpington’s two country parks, now almost 14 years old, are still developing to their full potential and already under threat from the Cambridge South station development. International guidance is that areas recognised as needing protection for their biodiversity should be accorded this “in perpetuity”.
● We are very concerned by the statement that “development proposals adversely affecting sites of
biodiversity or geological importance will not normally be permitted”. This policy should be much more strongly worded – it will be very difficult to assess/measure with
any certainty situations where “public benefits significantly outweigh any adverse impacts” – and we think that the proposed wording will provide a major loophole for developers to damage biodiversity. The flaws in the cost/benefit approach have been amply illustrated elsewhere in the country – for example by proposals to build a theme park on top of the Swanscombe Marshes SSSI, or to drain and build over an area of Portsmouth Harbour despite it holding every level of statutory wildlife protection. To address concern, we call for, at minimum, a strong policy statement that all existing designated sites
(with either national or local designation) remain protected and undeveloped. The development of such sites must not be considered under a cost/benefit analysis approach: it is not possible to weigh factors such as job creation against the irreversible loss of these special places. The consultation document itself makes it clear that, “National planning policy requires us to protect and enhance sites of biodiversity and geodiversity importance”, and this should be a fundamental policy within the Local Plan. The topic paper for biodiversity states “…we consider that additional clarity is required to set out how the principles [i.e. the requirement that sites of biodiversity importance are protected] set out in national policy should be applied at a local level” and this point needs to be addressed in the Local Plan.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60764

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: U+I Group PLC

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Whilst U+I recognise the importance in providing significant biodiversity improvements through development, it is considered that the mandatory minimum limit should reflect the legislative target. However, policy could still actively encourage schemes to exceed the minimum, recognising that those that do will be considered as a planning ‘benefit’ of development in sustainability terms (the greater the increase, the greater the weight attached to the assessment of benefit in any planning balance).

GCSP must also consider alternatives to on-site provision where the necessary biodiversity net gain cannot be achieved on site. This could include a range of options including biodiversity net gain ‘credits’ being able to be purchased from other sites.

Full text:


0.1 This document sets out written representations on behalf of U+I to a formal consultation by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Services (‘GCSP’) on the Greater Cambridge Local Plan ‘First Proposals’ (Preferred Options, Regulation 18, 2021) (‘First Proposals’).

0.2 This response concerns a site of 1.86 hectares, identified as Land South of Cambridge Road, Milton, whose red-line boundary is provided in Appendix A (“the Site”). The Site lies to the north of the A14 and adjoins the village of Milton. The Site has recently been used by Balfour Beatty as an offices and storage compound for the A14 Improvement Works since 2018, and photos of the Site (from Google Streetview), are provided in Appendix B. Balfour Beatty has now completed the relevant works on the A14 and has vacated the Site.

0.3 In terms of the broader context, U+I have been selected by Anglian Water and Cambridge City Council (as landowners) to act as Master Developer for the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Waste Water Treatment Works (‘WWTW’), council depot and golf driving range (referred collectively as ‘the Core Site’), for the delivery of approximately 5,500 homes, 23,500m2 of new business space, 13,600m2 of new shops, community, leisure and recreation space (as currently set out in the North East Cambridge Area Action Plan (‘NEC AAP’) Proposed Submission Regulation 19 document).

0.4 In order to deliver the comprehensive redevelopment envisaged in the NEC AAP, a number of existing industrial /non-conforming uses (to residential) will need to either be re-accommodated within a mixed use, higher density, development superblock within NEC AAP or, more likely, be relocated from areas such as Cowley Road Industrial Estate to another location close to the north-eastern edge of Cambridge.

0.5 A Commercial Advice and Relocation Strategy has been commissioned by GCSP to consider this matter in greater detail, and its findings are expected imminently. It is unfortunate that this has not been made available to comment upon during this consultation process.

0.6 Notwithstanding this, it is considered that the Site has significant potential to accommodate the existing, important, businesses in the NEC AAP that will be displaced as a consequence of the major residential-led mixed use development that will be brought forward, following the decommissioning and relocation of the Waste Water Treatment Works.

0.7 Pre-Application Advice was sought from GCSP in respect of a series of development scenarios for the Site, as provided in Appendix C. The purpose of this was to explain the flexibility of the Site, and the attitude towards development of U+I to support those businesses that play a vital role in the wider economy and have a demonstrable need to be on the North-Eastern edge of Cambridge on a site that has excellent connectivity to the strategic highways network and pedestrian/cycle connectivity into Cambridge via the Jane Costen bridge.

0.8 A series of preliminary technical documents were also provided to support the pre-application request and can also be found in Appendix C.

0.9 The Site is currently located within the Green Belt, and this representation requests that it is released and allocated to accommodate commercial/employment uses for those business displaced from the NEC AAP


Policy S/JH: Level of Jobs and Housing OBJECT

1.1 The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Devolution Deal committed to delivering substantial economic growth and to double economic output during the next 25 years. The Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority and the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership acknowledge and support the economic growth potential of the Greater Cambridge area and consider that there is a need to substantially increase housing delivery in order to support economic growth (that is needed to meet the objective of doubling GVA by 2040) and address the significant housing affordability issues that exist (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Economic Review). At present there is an imbalance between rates of economic growth and housing delivery in Greater Cambridge.

1.2 These factors support a significantly higher number of homes than are proposed in the preferred ‘medium plus’ growth option of Policy S/JH. It is considered that the ‘medium plus’ growth option makes insufficient upward adjustments to the housing requirement (from Section Id.2a of the Planning Practice Guidance) to take into account growth strategies, strategic infrastructure improvements and housing affordability in Greater Cambridge.

1.3 It is essential that any increase to housing is supported by a commensurate increase in the level of jobs (and vice versa), in order to maintain to maintain an appropriate balance of locating homes close to opportunities to work, within or on the edge of Cambridge, where it is accessible to public transport and/or good pedestrian / cycle / micro-mobility connections. 1.4 It is suggested that the emerging GCLP should have selected the higher growth level option to support economic growth, address housing affordability, and reduce in-commuting. A higher growth level option would be consistent with the Government’s aspirations for the Oxford to Cambridge Arc.

1.5 It is essential that housing and jobs requirements in Policy S/JH are based on delivering the higher growth level option.

Policy S/DS: Development Strategy OBJECT

1.6 Whilst we broadly, partially, support this approach, given that it identifies North-East Cambridge for the creation of new compact city district on brownfield land (noting that it has already been identified for homes and jobs growth) we object on the basis that it does not identify the Site as a suitable ‘receptor’ site for displaced commercial uses from NEC AAP.

1.7 Paragraph 140 of the NPPF allows Green Belt boundaries to be altered through the plan-making process provided exceptional circumstances exist, and those exceptional circumstances should be based on evidence and justified. It is considered that exceptional circumstances exist to release the Site, which is related to the specific need to provide land for existing businesses that will displaced by the NEC AAP.

1.8 Paragraph 141 requires plan-making authorities to examine all other reasonable options to meet identified development needs before considering whether exceptional circumstances exist to justify changes to Green Belt boundaries i.e. make as much use of previously developed land, increase the density of development, and consider whether development needs could be accommodated in neighbouring areas. In the case of Cambridge increasing densities and reusing previously developed land is not straightforward and may be inappropriate because of heritage assets and the difficulty of finding alternative sites for existing uses. The adopted Local Plans for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire already identified previously developed land opportunities, and the emerging GCLP seeks to do them same. As such, previously developed land opportunities that are deliverable have already been identified within and on the edge of Cambridge.

1.9 Paragraph 142 requires any review of Green Belt boundaries to consider the need to promote sustainable patterns of development, and that where the release of land from the Green Belt is necessary that priority is given to previously developed land or sites that are well-served by public transport. It is acknowledged in emerging GCLP and the associated Sustainability Appraisal that the edge of Cambridge is a sustainable location because of its close proximity to employment and the opportunity to travel by non-car modes of transport.

1.10 The Site is ideally located to NEC AAP, being on the fringe of it, well connected to the strategic highway network and will be extremely well connected to NEC AAP via existing pedestrian and cycle routes across the Jane Costen bridge, that will lead directly into St John’s Innovation Park and the wider NEC area beyond it. Therefore, the release of the Site from the Green Belt would be consistent with the approach in national policy to give priority to those Green Belt sites that will support active travel.

Section 2.6: Rest of Rural Area / Policy S/RRA: Allocations in Rest of the Rural Area OBJECT

1.11 The successful delivery of the redevelopment of NEC is a key part of the development strategy for emerging GCLP. However, the redevelopment of NEC is reliant in part on the timely relocation of existing business from land to be redeveloped by other uses. It is considered that the relocation process would be made easier if additional land was identified in emerging GCLP for relocated businesses from NEC, whether temporary or permanent.

1.12 It is requested that the Site should be allocated in emerging GCLP as a suitable relocation site for some businesses that will be displaced from the NEC AAP. This outcome would represent the exceptional circumstances to justify the release of land from the Green Belt.

1.13 It is considered that, taking into account the current Green Belt status of the Site, land could be suitable for a range of potential industrial uses (or other uses that would be deemed ‘non-conforming’ to the residential uses within the NEC AAP). The Site is ideal for this type of end-use – there are no existing residential receptors within close proximity (the nearest residential property in Milton is 125m away, but this would separated by the intervening existing Industrial Park and Tesco), and the nearest new residential receptor in NEC AAP will be over 100m away and separated by the A14 (and therefore any residential edge of NEC AAP will be protected by new acoustic barriers on the southern edge of the A14).

Policy S/NEC: North-East Cambridge SUPPORT

1.14 We support this approach but would request that GCLP policy for S/NEC is entirely consistent with NEC AAP. A simple policy that specifies reference to NEC AAP will enable GCLP policy to remain up to date, as and when changes are made through the examination and adoption process. 1.15 We would note that Policy 1 of the NEC AAP Proposed Submission states ‘approximately 8,350 new homes, 15,000 new jobs’, as opposed to ‘up to’ as set out in S/NEC. 1.16 S/NEC policy should therefore be amended to refer to ‘approximately’ and provide a clearer link to NEC AAP. Policy BG/BG: Biodiversity and Geodiversity OBJECT 1.17 The policy wording suggests that there will be a requirement for development to achieve a minimum 20% biodiversity net gain, which has been based on the South Cambridgeshire District Council Doubling Nature Strategy (2021), the draft Cambridge City Council Biodiversity Strategy 2021 – 2030, and the Oxford-Cambridge Arc Environment Principles (2021).

1.18 The Environment Act 2021, however, states that a minimum of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain should be achieved, and specifies the three forms for doing so: • Post-development biodiversity value of the onsite habitat; • the biodiversity value, in relation to the development, of any registered offsite biodiversity gain allocated to the development; • the biodiversity value of any biodiversity credits purchased for the development;

1.19 Whilst U+I recognise the importance in providing significant biodiversity improvements through development, it is considered that the mandatory minimum limit should reflect the legislative target. However, policy could still actively encourage schemes to exceed the minimum, recognising that those that do will be considered as a planning ‘benefit’ of development in sustainability terms (the greater the increase, the greater the weight attached to the assessment of benefit in any planning balance).

1.20 GCSP must also consider alternatives to on-site provision where the necessary biodiversity net gain cannot be achieved on site. This could include a range of options including biodiversity net gain ‘credits’ being able to be purchased from other sites.

1.21 Ultimately, the aim of BNG is to leave the natural environment in a measurably better condition than beforehand. Therefore, if it can be robustly demonstrated that on-site provision is not achievable, the opportunity to measurably improve the natural environment of other appropriate receptor sites through off-site provision should still have a significant value attached to it.

Policy WS/MU: Meanwhile Uses During Long Term redevelopments

1.22 We support the inclusion of a Meanwhile Use policy and agree that it can play an important role on strategic development sites. Phases of development can occur over a significant period of time, and therefore utilisation of vacant/redundant land/buildings for social and/or economic purposes can help activate an area and provide short/medium term benefits that might not otherwise be realised.

Policy J/NE: New Employment Development Proposals

1.23 We broadly support the intent of the policy but consider that GCSP should be taking a more ambitious approach in seeking to capture and accommodate the substantial demand in office, R&D, lab and associated manufacturing space in the Greater Cambridge area.

1.24 The Greater Cambridge Local Plan Strategic Spatial Options Assessment (Housing and Employment Relationships Nov 2021), upon which the homes and jobs growth of the First Proposals has been based (‘Central Growth’), considered a Higher Growth option of 78,742 jobs in the Plan Period. It noted that ‘this is a plausible but more aspirational growth outcome’. We believe that the Higher Growth option should be pursued to reflect the Combined Authority’s commitment to doubling GVA by 2040 and capitalise on the significant appetite for research/knowledge-based, commercial development in the City.

Policy J/AW: Affordable Workspace and Creative Industries

HELAA Site Assessment – Land South of Milton, North of the A14 (Site Ref. 47943)

1.25 U&I’s comments and suggested amendments to the site assessment are as follows: – Proposed Development – refers to Residential, Market and affordable housing, Specialist/other forms of housing, Office, Research and Development. We would request this be amended to B2/B8/sui generis uses applicable to other uses currently in NEC AAP i.e. those that might be considered non-conforming to residential; – Flood Risk – it is considered that this should be categorised as ‘green’.
The Site lies within Flood Zone 1, and any planning application would need to be accompanied by a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment, demonstrating how any localised flood risk arising from the proposed development could be adequately mitigated. Furthermore, the proposed use would be considered less vulnerable in flood risk terms.

– Landscape and Townscape: the Site lies between the existing urban edge of Milton (with Tesco to the north, the industrial park to the east, and separated from NEC AAP by the A14. The northern edge of NEC AAP (opposite the Site) has been considered acceptable (in Landscape / Townscape assessment) for new development of 3-6 storeys. It therefore seems perverse that the Site can be assessed as ‘Red’ in Landscape and Townscape terms and would request this be
changed to Green. The intended uses for the Site would be industrial / storage / sui generis uses, that are likely to be typically 1-2 storeys in height. The Site also benefits from landscaping on its boundaries, to help soften the impact of any new development.

– Site Access – we would request that this is changed to ‘Green’, given that the assessment notes that the proposed site is acceptable in principle subject to detailed design. There are potential access constraints, but these could be overcome through development.

- Noise, Vibration, Odour and Light Pollution – we would request that this is changed to ‘Green’, given that the assessment notes that ‘the proposed site will be affected by road traffic noise from nearby main roads but is acceptable in principle subject to appropriate detailed design considerations and mitigation. The proposed site will be affected by noise from nearby industrial/commercial activities but is acceptable in principle subject to appropriate detailed design considerations and mitigation. The site is capable of being developed to provide healthy internal and external environments in regard to noise / vibration/ odour/ Light Pollution after careful site layout, design and mitigation. Furthermore, the proposed use for industrial / storage / sui generis would be less sensitive (than for a residential use, for instance).

– Strategic Highways Impact: The good accessibility of the Site by sustainable modes of transport and future improvements to public transport, walking and cycling, would provide employees with an alternative to the car for journeys to work and reduce traffic impacts from the promoted development. If the Site is to be used as a ‘receptor’ site for existing industrial uses in NEC AAP, such uses will already be making a contribution to the strategic network (in terms of existing trips) and therefore the proposed use of this Site will have a negligible impact.

– Green Belt: The Site is currently located within the Green Belt. The Site has been assessed as having ‘moderate high’ Green Belt value. In comparative terms, this performs well in the context of other Green Belt sites in the north of Cambridge. Notwithstanding this, in terms of the five spatial ‘Purposes’ of Green Belt, namely: (a) to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas; (b) to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another; (c) to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment; (d) to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and (e) to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

1.26 It is considered that only (b) and (e) would potentially be relevant here. In terms of (b) the Site lies in between the urban edge of Milton, and the northern edge of Cambridge. Theoretical coalescence between Milton and Cambridge has already, in effect, taken place by the presence of the industrial park, and its relationship to the north of Cambridge. However, this is physically separated by the permanent presence of the A14. The same would be true if the Site is developed. In terms of (e), it is considered applicable, albeit in the opposite manner of how (e) is intended. The release of land from the Green Belt here will assist in urban regeneration, by providing a receptor site that aids relocation of existing sites and facilitates NEC’s delivery.

1.27 It is considered that the Site provides lower value in Green Belt terms than has been assessed and its release would provide significant benefits insofar as providing a receptor site for important commercial/employment uses that would be displaced by the wider regeneration taking place at NEC.
