6. Jobs, homes and services

Map  showing proposed broad locations and quantities of new homes, workplaces, retail and other uses in the Area Action Plan.

Figure 29: Map graphic showing broad locations and quantities of business space, homes and other land uses envisaged for North East Cambridge

North East Cambridge is a strategically important economic driver for Greater Cambridge and further afield and there is a huge demand for more business space and homes as a result. The Councils want to ensure that new growth is good growth – bringing genuinely affordable homes and workspace; space for a range of businesses and industries that create jobs for local people; and the public spaces, community services and cultural facilities that are needed.

This section sets out the amount and types of development that we propose, and how this will be distributed across the area. Mixed use development is at the core of this, and we have developed the Area Action Plan so that business, industry, homes and other uses can successfully exist alongside, above and below each other to make best use of land.

This section includes the following policies:

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